Guideline to basic features of Viindoo Project¶
New project¶
Create new project¶
Go to the Project app. On this view, you can see an overview of the active projects, hit Create, enter Project name and then hit Create.

Project basic configuration¶
Information settings¶
After creating a new project, you can fill in some basic information on it. Select the Kebap icon (three vertical dots icon) on the selected project and hit Edit.

You need to define the label used on all the tasks in this project by entering the desired value on the Name of the Tasks field. By default, the name is Tasks, but it is editable.
In the tab Description, briefly describe the content and purposes of the project.
In the tab Settings, fill in the following information:
Project Manager: The employee who is mainly responsible for this project. By default, the project creator is also the project manager and you can change this information.
Grant Full Access Rights: If checked, you grant full access rights to the project manager even when his/her does not have the Project/Administrator access right.
Customer: The partner related to this project.
Invited internal users: All employees added to the Allowed Internal Users field can view the project and tasks that they are following.
All internal users: All internal users can view the project and its all tasks.
Invited portal users and all internal users:
All internal users can view the project and its all tasks
Portal users added to the Allowed Portal Users field can view the project and tasks that are followed by them.

Project stages configuration¶
To set up project stages you need to Activating Developer Mode (debug mode).
Navigate to Project ‣ Configuration ‣ Stages, hit the Create button and enter the following information:
Stage Name: The name of the stage will be displayed in the Kanban view.
Email Template: If configured, an email will be sent to the customer upon reaching this stage.
Color In Kanban: The color of the task will be changed upon reaching this stage.
Folded in Kanban: This stage will always be folded by default in Kanban view.
Closing Stage: All tasks will be considered closed in this stage.
Projects: Projects using this stage.
Stage Description and Tooltips: Use colors to indicate the status of the tasks in the stage. The status are determined by using the colors: gray, red and green. As the example below, a task will have three tooltip labels:
Gray: Progressing. All tasks will be initiated with this color.
Red: Blocked. Tasks are blocked due to any technical or functional reason.
Green: Ready for next stage. Tasks are finished and can be moved to another stage.
Add a description: briefly describe the main content and purposes of this stage.

Once the stages are created, return to the view of the project’s overview. Select the project that you want to configure the stages for, hit the Kebap icon (three vertical dots icon), and then Edit.

On the Stages tab, hit Add a line. The system will show the stages created in the above step, select the stages you want to set up for the project and hit Select, then hit Save. If you want to create more stages, hit Create and follow the above steps to create a new stage.

New tasks¶
Create new task¶
In a project, it is necessary to create tasks to divide the work and easily control the progress.
Go to the Project app, select the project to add the task and hit Create. Fill in Task Title and hit Add to complete the task creation or hit Edit to add more details for the task.

On the detailed view of a task, you can fill in the following information:
Assigned to: The user who is responsible for this task. By default, it is the creator of the task and can be changed.
Deadline: Deadline of this task for the assigned person.
Tags: Use tags to categorize tasks and make it easier to search tasks.
Customer: Task-related partner.
Description: Details about the task.

Other settings¶
On the Kanban view, it is possible to switch the stage of a task by doing drag & drop it to the desired stage, for example, drag the System test task from the New stage to the Testing stage.

You can hit the gear icon to see the other settings of the task.

On the other hand, to change the status of a task at a certain stage, hit the big dot on the task.

Above is an introduction of the basic features of the Project app to help you get familiar with the initial steps of organizing and controlling projects.