Repairing at an internal location

To have a better understanding of this feature, let’s take a look at the examples below.

Situation 1: Repairs at an internal company location

When a repair order is created and confirmed, the product that needs to be repaired is moved from the company’s warehouse location (WH/Stock) to the repair service location (RP/Stock). Once the repair is done, the product is transferred back to the company’s warehouse location. You need to perform the followings:

Create a repair order

Create a repair order at the repair service location (RP/Stock). For more details on how to do it, check out the Create repair orders article.

Create an internal repair order

Read more on Difference between Warehouses and Locations.

Confirm the repair order

Do the following steps:

Step 1: Confirm the repair order

Select Confirm Repair > Select Current Location > Confirm.


Current Location: The location contains the product needs to be repaired.

Select the current location for the product to repair
  • The repair order status is changed to Confirmed.

Confirmed repair order
  • Transfer slips are created automatically. Press on Product Moves to see more details.

Automatically created transfer slips
  • Product to be repaired is moved from the company’s stock warehouse to the repair service location for the repairing process. You can see this transfer in the Done status on the Stock Moves interface.

Location transfers of the product to repair

Step 2: Outgoing accessories and supplies as requested on repair orders

On the repair order view, select Transfers > Validate.

Confirm components and supplies order

Read more on Manage inter-warehouses transfers.

Start the repair

Press on Start Repair to change the repair order status to Under Repair.

Start repair

Request supplies

During the repairing process, in case any consume part or supply is missing, you can press Request Supply to restock.

Press request supply

On the request supply view, you need to Add a line to insert a product supply then press Request. The corresponding transfer order is created automatically.

Request for product supplies

Similar to step 2, validate to complete this transfer order.

Consume components (supplies, accessories)

In this step, you need to confirm the consume parts order. On the repair order, press Consume Parts > Consume to have the Consumed Quantity updated accordingly.

Consume parts

Finishing the repair

Once the repair is done, press End Repair. The repair order status is now changed to Repaired.

Press end repair

Select Product Moves on the repair order to see the current status of all the transfer orders.

Transfer orders status when repair is finished

From the repair order, go to the Extra Info tab, the Repaired field is now enabled.

Repair order status changed to repaired

Confirm delivery

Press Delivery Confirm, the repair order status is changed to Delivered.

Delivery confirm

Once the delivery is confirmed, a transfer order is created to record the product delivery back to the original stock location. Press Product Moves to view this transfer order.

Delivery order

Situation 2: Repair customer’s product at a company internal location

In this situation, your customer sends you a broken product to be repaired. Similar to the previous situation, you need to do the following steps:

Create a repair order

Create a repair order for a customer

Navigate to the Operations tab, add all the information related to the repair services fee.

Repair service fee

Start the repairing process

After receiving customer’s replies, add information to the Select Current Location field.

Select partner location


Choose the partner locations for when customers bring products in for repair.

Transfer orders between locations are created when the Confirm button is pressed. From here, follow step 1, 2 and 3 similar to the situation 1. You can see details of the product moves in the transfer orders of the product that needs to be repaired.

Transfer broken product from partner location to repair location

Finish repair and create an invoice

When the repair is done, press Create Invoice for this repair order.

Create an invoice after the repair

Select Invoices to see details of the invoice sent to the customer.

View invoice and return product to customer


With the Before Repair invoice method, you will see the Create Invoice button right after pressing Confirm Repair.

Confirm product return

Press Delivery Confirm, the repair order status is changed to Delivered. A transfer order is automatically created, recording the product returned back to the customer.

Transfer order recording the return product to customers