How to create a Recruitment request¶
Recruitment demands may come from two sides: the Board of Directors (when there are plans to scale up, found new departments and etc.) or from the heads of departments (when there are job vacancies, resigned employees, and etc.). Viindoo supports you to records all the recruitment demands and manage the whole recruitment process: request, approval, publish, receive applicants’CVs, interview and offer the jobs.
Install the Recruitment Requests/ Approvals module¶
To apply recruitment request feature, you have to install the module Recruitment Requests/Approvals (viin_hr_recruitment_approval). Access to Viindoo Apps, remove the Apps filter, search the keyword “recruitment request” then click on the button Install.

Recruitment Approval¶
First, you need to configure the approval request type. You need to have the Administrator access right of the Approval app in order to create Approval types. Refer to Approval Overview to learn details about the Approval access right.
Go to Approval > Configuration > Approval Request Types. The system will recommend some types as shown in the below image. Click on Recruitment Approval and Edit (if need be).

Here are the information to configure the recruitment approval:

Name: The name should be short, for example: Recruitment Approval.
Type: The system shows you some options to choose, select “Recruitment”. This action is to add Recruitment approval onto the menu bar of Recruitment app. In this example, the option “Recruitment” is already selected.
Approval Process:
Employee’s Manager Required: This is to define whether the request need approving by the direct manager or not.
- None: There is no need to be approved by the direct manager.
Optional: The direct manager is in approver list below, however, if the request has got the minimum quantity of approvals, it can be done without that manager’s approval.
Required: The direct manager is required to approve the request before it goes to the other approver listed below. In this case, the field “Minimum approvals” equals the number of listed approvers plus one (the manager)
The manager need to have the right of approval in his/her access rights. To edit the access rights, go to Settings > Manage Users, select the user, click on Edit, then select the option of “Team approver” in the field Approvals.
Type Approvers:
Approver: The users listed here will automatically have the right to approve the request.
Add a line in this column to add a approver.
After a recruitment request is confirmed, the system will automatically generate a scheduled activity for the approver.
Required: By checking the box in this column, the approver is forced to approve the request in order for it to be done. Otherwise, the request can be done without his/her approval if it has got the minimum quantity of approvals.
Sequential Approvals: Check this box if you want the sequence of approvals follow the approver list. This will make the approval process clearer and easier to be tracked.
Days to Approve: This is the number of days for the request to be approved. The system will base on it to compute the deadline on the recruitment request.
Minimum Approvals: The number of approvals needed for the request to be moved in to the stage Approved. The system will compute this number by counting the required approvers.
After filling in this form, click the button Save.
Create a Recruitment request¶
When recruitment demand arises from a department or a team, you need to make a recruitment request. Navigate to Recruitment > Recruitment Approvals > Approval Request > Create Request.

To access Recruitment app, you need to have the access right. Read more at Introduction of Recruitment in Viindoo
Now you need to fill in the form of the recruitment request.

- Title: The name of the recruitment request, for example: Recruit Sales manager.
Approval Type: Select the recruitment approval type.
Employee: The employee who makes request. The system will auto-select the employee creating the request, however, you can change it.
Department: The department that the employee belongs to. The system will auto-fill in this field basing on the information in the employee’s profile.
Request Date: The system will auto-fill in the current date.
Deadline: The final date for the request to be approved. The approvers will base on this date to take the action of approval.
Minimum Approvals: The system will pick the data from the Approval type as mentioned above.
Approval Progress: This field is in percentage (%) and caculated by the number of approvers who did approve the request out of the minimum approval number. For example: A request has two approvers (the direct manager and the approval officer), when the manager approve it, the progress will be 50%; then the approval officer aprrove it, the progress is 100% and ready to be Done.
Last Approver: The person who approved this request most recently, which is updated automatically by the system.
Next Approver: When you confirm the request and when one approver click on the button Approve, the system will define the next approver as the information of the Approval type. For example: A recruitment request has two appovers (the direct manager and the approval officer), after you confirm the request, the next approver will be the mananger; after the manager approve it, the next one will be the approval officer.
Forcing Approver: The user mentioned here will have the right to click on the button Force Approval to move the request to the stage Approved without waiting for other approvers.
Description: You can type in more information about the request here, like: the reason, the purpose of recruitment and etc.
Recruitment Details:
Demand Department: The system will auto-select the employee’s department, however, you can change it.
Requested Position: The system will show you all the current job positions to choose. If it is a new position, you can create it.
See also
Number of Employees: The system will auto compute this number, when an applicant is recruited and changed into an employee, this number will be updated.
Recruited Employees Rate: This percentage is caculated by the Number of Employees out of the Expected Employees.
Expected Employees: The number of employees for this job position.
Date Expected: The date when the Number of Employees reach the Expected Employees.
Information tab: This is to describe the job and its requirements.
Applicants tab: The system will auto-list all the applicants here.
Recruited Emloyees tab: When an applicant is recruited, the system will list that applicant here and auto update the number and the rate of recruited employees.
Approvers: This shows the approver list setting in the approval type before and update their latest approval date.
After fulfilling all the necessary information, you click on the button Save, now the stage of the request is Draft. If you are sure about the request information, click on the button Confirm to move stage to To Approve. In the meantime, the system will automatically set the scheduled action Approval to the approvers.
See also