The trend of using software to support human resource management is becoming more and more popular. Managers need to understand the roles and functions of human resource management software to make a successful selection and application. The following article will show administrators a clear overview of the roles and 5 functions of HR software
Besides, the software eliminates many cumbersome and unnecessary processes and creates opportunities for administrators to focus on core strategies and talent development. Therefore, this is one of the business management software needed to increase competitive advantage, create a premise for sustainable development in parallel with the overall orientation of the organization

Organizational structure
- Building and managing the company's organizational structure according to each department/department
- Create job descriptions for each position in the structure
- Manage employees according to professional ranks and qualifications.
- Establish, manage, skill description, training and experience of each level in the business structure.
- Compare and contrast the business structure and the enterprise structure.
Recruitment Management
Most human resource management software has the function of building a quick and intelligent recruitment process. All operations are automated and candidate data is stored on recruitment software. Thereby, businesses can increase the efficiency of finding the right person for the unit.
- Generating jobs on demand.
- Application for candidate profile management, screening, and matching.
- Combining multiple recruitment platforms.
- Sending candidates automated email notifications of results, admission, interview invitation, declination, etc., based on a sample email library.
- Measuring recruitment efficiency with a reporting system that indicates the number of candidates, expected salary, proposed salary, response delay, etc.
- Converting the candidate's profile into the enterprise's official full-time employee profile.
Profile Management

The software allows businesses to store employee data on the system. Moreover, all information and personnel records are confidential and easy to search. As a result, the HR department will save a lot of time in paperwork.
- Create and manage personnel profiles of each employee automatically from recruitment records.
- Query and display personnel information according to advanced search criteria.
- Store employee records in pdf, scanner without cumbersome papers.
- Create an employment contract directly from the recruitment file or when updating the personnel file. In particular, the contract can be printed directly according to the state labor contract form.
- Management system, reminding important dates, holidays, employees' birthdays, or due date of contract/trial expiration.
- Allows searching, setting employee's working position and rank in personal profile.
- Thereby, the income structure is also automatically updated and displayed in detail.
You can refer to Viindoo Employee personnel file management software belonging to the Viindoo HRM solution suite to make employee information management easier.
Timesheet, attendance management
HRMs software allows integration with common timekeepers to support enterprises to take attendance, monitor, and retrieve employee's time to and from work. In particular, this will be an extremely important function for companies with an increasingly large scale of personnel, and the operating mechanism has more shifts and crews.
- Receiving data from the timekeeper and automatically standardizing it according to the business's rules.
- Customizing shifts with specific policies, such as time in and out, early and late check-out, break time, etc.
- Constructing shifts according to each department.
- Automatically compiling timekeeping data for employee review.

Time attendance management function
You can learn more about attendance software - Viindoo Attendance is part of Viindoo's suite of HRMs solutions.
Payroll Management
The HRMs software system also supports automatically calculating employee salaries accurately and quickly.
- Permitting the setting of varied salary formulas. The software can calculate pay in a variety of ways, including by timesheet, by off day, by actual working hours, etc.
- Easily calculating penalties and bonuses in accordance with company policy.
- Helping businesses calculate taxes and insurance premiums.
- Monitoring the employees' salary advance period.
- Automatically aggregating payroll and salary deductions and sending them to each employee.

Payroll function
Let's learn more about payroll management software and try Viindoo Payroll app now to experience the details.
In addition, HRM software includes additional features such as:
- Managing working hours or development plans.
- Managing employee leaves and leave reasons based on the different types of leave.
- Controlling both working hours and timekeeping in actuality.
- Efforts of employees are tracked throughout the process for promotion purposes.
Personnel evaluation
- Manage personnel evaluation data (including criteria, methods, evaluation ladders)
- Create evaluation forms easily by important criteria
- Manage the status of personnel evaluation forms such as monthly, quarterly, yearly or final evaluation results.
- Reward & Discipline
- Monitor and manage reward/discipline records, reward/discipline deadlines, employee rewards/disciplines
- Calculating commissions in different forms for sales and marketing staff
- Set up and update financial rewards/disciplines for employees in the payroll module to calculate income increases/decreases.
Training Management
Training is also one of the very important HR software functions. HRM software can help businesses build a standard internal training process as well as monitor and control training sessions to improve the quality of knowledge.
- Manage all training programs, document libraries, attendee lists…
- Follow up throughout the training process, get quality feedback on training days
- Post-training test design
- Look up information of training students quickly
Viindoo also has developed its own internal online training software model for businesses (if necessary). You can find more software at Viindoo E-learning!
In addition, HRM software includes additional features such as:
- Managing working hours or development plans.
- Managing employee leaves and leave reasons based on the different types of leave.
- Controlling both working hours and timekeeping in actuality.
- Efforts of employees are tracked throughout the process for promotion purposes.
- Create a library file to store personnel reports, updated according to current regulations
- The reporting system has illustrative graphs to analyze the personnel situation visually.
Therefore, every business should choose for themselves a suitable human resource management software. Don't hesitate to try our multi-function Viindoo HRM solution for free.
The preceding section contains detailed and helpful information regarding the main functions of human resource management for businesses. We at Viindoo hope that you will have a comprehensive perspective and select the best human resources management software for your business.