Viindoo HRM Software - Comprehensive Human Resource Management Solution

Fully apply the "People-centric" core value of Viindoo, creating a solid, competitive advantage and adding value to businesses. All-in-one integration: OKRs, Employees, Recruitment, Skills Framework, eLearning, Payroll,... only on a single platform.

​Talent Acquisition 

Employee Management

Compensations & Benefits

Performance Management

Training & Development

Manage all your HR processes

Streamline your HR processes from recruitment and onboarding to performance tracking with Viindoo.


Recruitment & Onboarding


Employee Information, Contracts, Assets

Compensations &

Salary, Attendance, Leave, Overtime, Meals


OKR, Gamification

Training &

Internal Training, Skills Framework

List of Viindoo HRM application suites

Applications are integrated with the comprehensive suite of human resource management solutions Viindoo HRM

Viindoo Recruitment 

Viindoo Recruitment

Recruitment Management

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 Viindoo Employees

Viindoo Employees

Information management system, personnel records

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 Viindoo Payroll

Viindoo Payroll

Automatic salary calculation and management

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Viindoo Attendance 

Viindoo Attendance

Standardize the Time Attendance process in/out

Learn more

 Viindoo Time Off

Viindoo Time Off

Work Time Management

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 Viindoo Overtime

Viindoo Overtime

Overtime Management

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Viindoo Expense 

Viindoo Expense

Expense Management

​Learn more

Viindoo Employee Advance 

Viindoo Employee Advance

Advance Management

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 Viindoo E-learning

Viindoo E-learning

Training management, online learning​

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 Viindoo OKR

Viindoo OKR

Governance by Objectives and Key Results

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 Viindoo HR Skills

Viindoo HR Skills

HR Skills Framework

Learn more

 Viindoo HR Meal

Viindoo HR Meal

Manage Staff Meals

Learn more

More than a Human Resource Management Solution

Viindoo HRM is an indispensable component in Viindoo All-in-one Enterprise Management Solutions, meeting all management and operation needs, and powering all business growth.

Optimize management

Digitize all HR data, standardize and automate HR management processes.
chi phi phu hop

Reasonable cost

One-size-fits-all solution for different company sizes, company budgets.

mo rong thong minh

Smart integration

Integrate applications for HR management on a single system.

da thiet bi


Use anytime, anywhere, on any device with internet connection.

Quản trị nhân sự toàn diện với Giải pháp phần mềm Viindoo HRM

Phần mềm Quản trị Nhân sự Toàn diện Viindoo HRM nhận Giải thưởng Sao Khuê cho Sản phẩm xuất sắc của ngành phần mềm, CNTT Việt Nam.

phần mềm Viindoo HRM

​Viindoo HRM Software That Grows With You

Get in touch, we'll provide the price that fits your budget, you can do it all with Viindoo.

Learn more Viindoo Pricing

* All applications for Standard and Luxury Plans
Viindoo Sales
Viindoo POS
Viindoo Purchase
Viindoo Inventory
Viindoo Accounting
Viindoo MRP
Viindoo Website
Viindoo Ecommerce
Viindoo CRM
Viindoo Social Marketing
Social MKT
Viindoo Employee
Viindoo Project

Used and trusted by many companies

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Viindoo HRM software scalable for businesses of different sizes?

Viindoo HRM software is designed to be scalable and can accommodate businesses of different sizes. Its modular and flexible nature allows you to add or remove functionalities as your organization expands or evolves, ensuring that it remains a suitable and efficient HR management solution for your business at any stage of growth.

Viindoo HRM is a part of the Viindoo Business Management Software, easily integrated with Accounting, Sales, Project Management, Manufacturing applications, and more to form a comprehensive ecosystem managing all business operations seamlessly.

Viindoo software is cloud-based, allowing easy access through web browsers on any device. Additionally, Viindoo provides applications for Android and iOS devices, enabling all employees and managers to access and work remotely on their mobile devices.

Works keep moving - and now you can, too!

Start with Viindoo to increase the competitiveness of the Enterprise