TOP 10 simple, professional online human resource management software

The 10 best HR software today are: Viindoo HRM, BambooHR, Zoho People, Misa Amis HRM, Base HRM+, Tanca, 1Office HRM, Fast HRM Online, Perfect HRM, DigiiHR

Human resource management software is one of the optimal solutions for human resource management. It not only helps businesses automate manual tasks but also enables workforce planning, financial forecasting for better decision making. However, there are many different HR software on the market, making the choice complicated and requiring careful consideration. Therefore, in this article, Viindoo will suggest you the TOP 10 smart and effective human resource management software. These are the best solutions that we have reviewed and compiled through reviews from Vietnamese users.

Compare our selection of the best HR software​

Note: The list of TOP HR software is arranged in random order when reviewing, which does not mean evaluating the position between the software because each type will have its own advantages and disadvantages.

Viindoo HRM Human Resources Management Software

HRM software developed by Viindoo is trusted and used by many Vietnamese businesses because it fully supports the features and operations that the HR department needs. The outstanding strength of Viindoo HRM software is the ability to intelligently integrate modules in the system such as Recruitment Management, Training Management, Employee Profile Management, Performance Management, Time Attendance - Calculation. salary... to create a comprehensive management ecosystem for businesses. In addition, Viindoo HRM has a simple interface, can be installed and used on multiple platforms (tablet, PC, desktop, phone).

Human resources software

Outstanding advantages of Viindoo HRM software:

  • Can create, classify, store and manage scientific personnel records
  • Streamline the recruitment process, optimize the effectiveness of candidate attraction, selection and evaluation activities.
  • Manage working time, overtime, standardize time-in/out processes, track employee leave
  • Salary calculation and automatic salary management, advance management
  • Manage training and online learning systems
  • Track human resource and management performance according to Objectives and Key Results
  • Build a human resources skills framework
  • Manage personnel expenses, manage meals for employees...
  • Report human resource status visually in real time

One App

  •  01 application only

     Unlimited users

198.000 VND/user/month

  •  Unlimited applications

     03 hours of free training

     Install Viindoo Marketplace

252.000 VND/user/month

  •  Unlimited applications

     03 hours of free training

     Install Viindoo Marketplace

     Customization with Customizer

     Multiple companies

     Upload of Custom applications

BambooHR Online Human Resources Software

With BambooHR, businesses can easily monitor and manage employee performance and control human resources effectively. One of the best features of BambooHR human resources software is employee job posting. The software will help companies manage plans and deploy recruitment appropriately. In addition, BambooHR also integrates many functions in one. However, one thing to note is that you cannot create and retrieve payroll and employee benefits directly from BambooHR, but instead you have to spend an additional $75 for 10 employees to deploy this feature.

HR management software

Advantages of BambooHR software:

  • Provides employee performance management features
  • Support tracking time attendance, managing leave and overtime of employees closely.
  • Manage recruitment plans and optimize the recruitment implementation process
  • Manage details of official employee information records and candidate application documents.
  • Integrate tools to support employee training and integration
  • Allows access to reports, statistics and visual analysis of the enterprise's human resources situation.

BambooHR software price:

  • Start using the software: $99/month for 12 employees
  • Add $75 per month for 10 employees if you want to run the payroll feature
  • Performance management features $4.25/employee/month
  • Work time tracking feature $3/employee/month

Zoho People Human Resource Management Software

Zoho People is a product that is highly appreciated for its interface design, allowing managers to perform streamlined and quick operations. The software specializes in supporting the storage of personnel records and management of personnel administrative information on the cloud platform. Administrators can easily exploit and use human resources more effectively thanks to a fully and scientifically stored database. The system also supports setting up a professional Onboarding process; Control timekeeping, leave and shift division.

Human resources software

Advantages of Zoho People HR software:

  • Store employee records on a virtual cloud server, allowing multiple departments to easily connect data
  • Allow business employees to freely access the portal to check payroll and leave dates.
  • Features to set up recruitment process and automate professional onboarding process tracking
  • Automatically detect gaps related to work performance and conduct analysis and assessment of human resource status
  • Can be used on both computer and mobile platforms

Zoho People software price:

  • PROFESSIONAL package: $2.5/user/month
  • PREMIUM package: $3.5/user/month
  • ENTERPRISE package: $5/user/month
  • PEOPLE PLUS package: $10/user/month

Misa Amis HRM Human Resources Software

Misa Amis HRM is a remote employee management software that fully integrates features such as Recruitment, Evaluation, Human Resources Information, Timekeeping, Salaries, Personal Income Tax... The strength of this software is its tight connection. tightly between modules, creating a smart data system and providing a 360° view of Human Resources to support accurate decision making. In addition, Misa Amis HRM software will work effectively for businesses with >100 employees.

Human resource management software

Advantages of Misa Amis HRM software:

  • Automate all human resources operations related to recruitment. 
  • Provides 35+ professional recruitment website templates for businesses
  • Centralize HR data management and search with advanced filters
  • Synchronize timekeeping data - calculate salary, automatically calculate salary deductions according to regulations
  • Automatically declare social insurance and personal income tax
  • Comprehensive 360º personnel assessment

Price of Misa Amis HRM software:

  • Starter package: 1,050,000 VND/month, maximum 30 users
  • Standard package: 1,950,000 VND/month, maximum 60 users
  • Professional package: 3,000,000 VND/month, maximum 100 users
  • Enterprise package: 4,125,000 VND/month, maximum 150 users
  • Enterprise Plus package: 5,166,667 VND/month, maximum 200 users

Base HRM+ Human Resources Management Software

Base HRM+ is considered a professional human resource management software integrating more than 20 superior features in the same system. Base's suite of human resource management solutions is built based on modern management theories. Therefore, the software has high practical applicability. Base HRM+ will help you build a complete human resources development strategy, from recruitment, integration, training, evaluation to human resource development. Businesses can comprehensively manage the HR lifecycle and bring better HR experiences.

HRM software

Advantages of Base HRM+ software:

  • Manage & systematize all human resource data
  • Manage goals according to KPIs and OKRs for each individual and department
  • Set up a complete employee career path and measure and evaluate effectiveness
  • Automatically connect to timekeeping, KPI & sales data to calculate & create payroll
  • Support in building and professionalizing the recruitment process - Onboarding
  • Support reporting on human resources situation and fluctuations in salary costs over each period

Base HRM+ software price:

  • Starter package: 450,000 VND/app/month (Maximum 30 accounts, minimum payment 12 months)
  • Growth package: 900,000 VND/application/month (Maximum 60 accounts, minimum payment 12 months)
  • Business package: 900,000 VND/application/month + 15,000 VND/1 account (From account 61, minimum payment 12 months)
  • Enterprise package: Contact

Tanca Employee Management Software

Tanca human resources management application is highly appreciated by many businesses for its timekeeping and payroll solutions with real-time data. In addition, the software also supports managing the entire employee development lifecycle from the talent search stage to talent management and employee benefits. In addition, Tanca is also an effective tool to help plan the human resources of businesses in the future.

HR management software

Advantages of Tanca human resource management software:

  • Allows CV screening using AI technology
  • Simplify the onboarding process for new employees
  • Comprehensive timekeeping & payroll automation system
  • Support the development, training and management of talent
  • Use KPI and OKR reviews to drive employee performance

Tanca software price:

  • Basic Package: $0.99/user/month, maximum 50 employees
  • Standard Package: $1.99/user/month, maximum 50 employees
  • Professional Plan: $3.99/user/month, up to 50 employees
  • Business Plan: $5.99/user/month, up to 50 employees

1Office HRM Human Resource Management Software

1Office HRM is also one of the cheap human resource management software trusted by Vietnamese businesses. The software has a simple, intuitive user interface that helps administrators easily grasp the company's human resources situation. In particular, the functions of this human resource management software support include Recruitment, Personnel profile management, Timekeeping, Payroll calculation, Employee capacity assessment, KPI & OKR measurement and evaluation.

HR software

Advantages of 1Office HRM software:

  • Standardize recruitment and candidate evaluation processes
  • Store and digitize all personnel records on software for easy lookup and analysis
  • Automate timekeeping and payroll, saving up to 90% of time
  • Manage and evaluate employee capacity in a fair and transparent manner
  • Support building, measuring and evaluating KPI & OKR

Price of 1Office HRM software:

  • Standard package: 40,000 VND/user/month (minimum payment for one year)
  • Pro package: 60,000 VND/user/month (minimum payment for one year)
  • Package 1Office: 150,000 VND/user/month (minimum payment for one year)

Fast HRM Online human resource management software

FAST HRM ONLINE is online human resource management software, with a simple, easy-to-use interface and many functions to support human resource management such as timekeeping, salary calculation, human resource information management, tax calculation. ... The software well supports the storage and synthesis of human resource information on the same system, helping managers easily search and evaluate employees. However, Fast HRM Online is limited in terms of training and employee capacity development features as well as in-depth human resource management support features.

Human resources software

Advantages of FAST HRM ONLINE software:

  • Supports quick lookup of personnel information according to business structure stratification
  • Support activities related to human resource management such as recruitment, timekeeping, salary calculation, social insurance, health insurance, personal income tax, etc. 
  • Can connect and read data from other timekeeping devices
  • Visual HR reporting and data analysis system
  • Log in to online software from multiple devices

Price of FAST HRM ONLINE software:

  • $9,000 when purchasing software license
  • Additional $200/user when adding users

Perfect HRM human resources software

Perfect HRM is a smart human resources management solution, suitable for small and medium businesses. The software provides features such as human resource management, salary management, social insurance, search support, dynamic queries, statistical reporting... In addition, the software also supports data entry from Excel and vice versa. The biggest limitation of the software is its complex interface, which causes confusion for users.

Human resource management software

Advantages of Perfect HRM software:

  • Allows editing data, setting salary calculation formula, managing regulations and employee working time.
  • Supports timekeeping with automatic, accurate fingerprint or magnetic card timekeeping
  • Allows easy import and export of data from Excel, sending monthly payroll via email.
  • Manage human resource data, information about social insurance, personal income tax,...
  • Manage employee compensation, holidays, etc

Perfect HRM software price: Free

DigiiHR Human Resources Management Software

digiiHR software is simple human resource management software developed by OOC unit. The software can support businesses in systematically and effectively handing over work and monitoring employees. This is also a tool that will help you easily exchange work, grasp progress and problems, and perform timely processing through data stored online on the cloud platform. However, the limitation is that the software is limited in expansion and customization features, so it is not suitable if the business grows in scale in the future.

HR software

Advantages of digiiHR human resources software:

  • Manage KPIs effectively and flexibly using many methods such as KPI, OKR,...
  • Connect with devices such as timekeeping machines, production machinery... to effectively manage and work efficiency of personnel
  • Calculate salary easily, meet all forms of salary
  • Many built-in HR reporting templates allow customization to meet the needs of senior management.

Perfect HRM software price: Contact​

How to choose the right HR software?

The benefits that management software brings to businesses are huge. However, there are many different software providers on the market. So how to evaluate and choose a suitable human resources management software?

Here are some important criteria that your business can consider to evaluate and choose:

  • Business scale: For small-scale businesses, human resource management software only needs to meet basic operational needs. However, for large-scale businesses with a large number of employees, human resource management solutions need to have many highly specialized features and comprehensive integration.
  • Usage needs: Businesses need to clearly determine their usage needs before choosing. If your business often has high levels of personnel turnover, focus on software that optimizes the recruitment and training process. 
  • Cost of use: Businesses need to consider their budget when choosing. However, don't make the wrong decision because of cheap prices. Ideally, you should consider choosing HR software with a cost that suits your budget and usage needs. Additionally, the software should have a free trial to experience. Thereby, you can also easily evaluate specific features.
  • Reputable suppliers: Consider choosing reliable suppliers that will ensure a support team and regular maintenance services. Furthermore, reputable suppliers are also able to advise on professional human resource management processes suitable for businesses.

Currently, Viindoo has a PERMANENT FREE policy when registering to use any application. Or if businesses want to fully experience the features of Viindoo human resources management software, they can register for a 15-day free trial.


Frequently asked questions

HR software or human resource management software is an effective support tool for businesses in human resource management and is an indispensable part of a comprehensive set of business software solutions. The main function of the software is to optimize daily employee management tasks and the overall human resource goals of the organization (Recruitment, training, evaluation, timekeeping - salary calculation, performance, personal information…). Thanks to that, businesses can save time, effort and improve human resource management processes.

From employees to HR departments and company leaders, everyone needs to use human resources software. The software will support the automation of manual, repetitive administrative tasks, thereby saving time to allocate resources to key tasks, with a stronger impact on business performance and profits. profit for the company.

HR software is a complete system used to manage employees. HRIS is simply a database system or collection of databases that tracks employee data.

There are three main types of HR software solutions: HRIS, HRMS and HCM:

  • Human resource information system (HRIS): Main function is to store and organize employee records; Manage the recruitment process; Training and development management; Employee evaluation and reward management; Manage timekeeping, vacations, and sick leave; Insurance and salary management
  • Human Resources Management System (HRMS): This system contains all the data management structures of HRIS and combines more comprehensive and complex human resource management functions, helping businesses manage and automate Streamline core HR processes.
  • Human resource management system (HCM): Includes HRIS, HRMS and methods to manage a business's workforce. The HCM human resource management solution suite provides a series of functions such as: Strategy and creativity in core human resources; Timekeeping and payroll; Talent management; Manage employee experience from recruitment to retirement

The 10 best HRMs in the Vietnamese market are Viindoo HRM, BambooHR, Zoho People, Misa Amis HRM, Base HRM+, Tanca, 1Office HRM, Fast HRM Online, Perfect HRM, digiiHR.

Currently, only Perfect HRM is permanently free HR software. The remaining software is mostly paid if you want to use full features and unlimited users. As for Viindoo software, the company has a Forever Free policy when you register to use any software in the system and supports 15-day free use to experience all features and modules. of Viindoo HRM solution.


Information about TOP human resource management software and criteria for evaluating the best software will help you have more accurate directions when choosing. In particular, according to the conclusion from the above lesson, administrators need to remember: Choosing human resource management software must prioritize suitability. Because each business has different needs and goals. Considering and comparing software based on the set criteria is to choose the software that best suits the organization.

​Viindoo HRM solution suite is a comprehensive human resource management software system suitable for all types of businesses. In particular, Viindoo HRM software has won the 2022 Sao Khue Award. Therefore, our software is trusted by many large enterprises such as BDO Vietnam Auditing Company Limited, Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN), Agriculture and International Trade Joint Stock Company, Calista Jewelry Company Limited...

HR management application

Hopefully Viindoo 's sharing will help you choose the right human resource management software. Don't forget to contact us directly via hotline 02257309838 or make an appointment if you need consulting support.

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TOP 10 simple, professional online human resource management software
Jun Nguyen July 22, 2024