Maximize Email Strategy with CRM Email Marketing Software

Choosing the right CRM email marketing software can be a daunting task for businesses looking to develop effective email campaigns. In this article, Viindoo introduces the key concepts and features to consider when selecting a software solution, along with a list of the top 8 email marketing software options to help you make an informed decision and boost your email marketing strategy.

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What is a CRM email marketing?

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) email marketing strategy involves using email campaigns to build and maintain relationships with customers and prospects. CRM email marketing allows businesses to personalize and automate email messages to improve engagement and customer satisfaction.

With a CRM software , businesses can collect and store data on customer behavior and preferences, which can be used to segment email lists and send targeted messages. For example, a business might send a special offer to customers who have purchased a particular product in the past or send a personalized birthday message to a loyal customer.

What is a CRM email marketing software

What is a CRM email marketing?

Besides, businesses can also implement CRM email marketing strategies through automated emails such as sending customer thank you letters, welcome letters, notifications when shopping carts are abandoned and follow-up after shopping. These automated emails will be sent based on specific actions customers take, such as signing up for news or making a purchase.

Overall, a CRM email marketing strategy can help businesses build stronger relationships with customers, improve customer retention, and increase sales.

  See more: Best CRM software for Small Business: 8 Most Reputable Platforms

Why do businesses need to use CRM email marketing software?

The benefits of using CRM-enabled email marketing software include having a central data hub about leads and customers, delivering personalized content, and the ability to easily track customer engagement.

  • Personalization: CRM email marketing software allows businesses to send personalized emails based on customer data, such as past purchases, preferences, and behaviors. This personalization can help improve engagement and build stronger relationships with customers.
  • Segmentation: email marketing CRM software allows businesses to segment their email lists based on various criteria, such as demographics, location, or purchase history. This segmentation helps businesses send targeted messages to specific groups of customers, improving the relevance and effectiveness of their email campaigns.

Benefits of CRM email marketing software

Benefits of CRM email marketing software

  • Automation: CRM and email marketing software allows businesses to automate their email campaigns, such as welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups. This automation saves time and effort, while also ensuring that customers receive timely and relevant messages.
  • Analytics: CRM email marketing software provides businesses with detailed analytics and reporting on their email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. This data allows businesses to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve their results.
  • Easy to create appealing, responsive emails: A CRM-enabled email marketing tool provides easily customizable email templates that are responsive across every device, whether the customer is using a mobile phone.

It can be said that CRM email marketing software helps businesses build stronger relationships with their customers, improve engagement and conversion rates, and save time and effort by automating their email campaigns.

How does a CRM system work with email marketing?

CRM software is a powerful tool that businesses can use to manage their customer data and interactions. In email marketing, this data can be used to create personalized, targeted campaigns that are more likely to engage recipients and drive revenue.

Email marketing platforms often include or integrate with customer relationship management tools, which enables businesses to manage customer data and interactions. The CRM software and email marketing can work together to improve customer engagement and communication.

  • Syncing lead and customer information with other systems
  • Sending automated alerts for things like scheduled calls or follow-up emails
  • Tracking a customer's history and position in the sales funnel
  • Identifying potential customers in the sales funnel
  • Providing detailed information that enables businesses to create personalized email campaigns.

Using a CRM system in tandem with email marketing can improve customer engagement, boost sales, and streamline communication. 

List of the best CRM email marketing software

Viindoo Email Marketing

Viindoo Email Marketing is a powerful software that helps businesses manage their email marketing campaigns and customer relationships in one only system. With Viindoo CRM, customer data from all touchpoints is stored in a single location, making it easy to categorize groups of recipients and send marketing emails tailored to the needs of each group.

CRM Email Marketing Software Viindoo

Customers can be classified by interest level, geographic location, and more, Allowed for personalized experiences. The software also allows for automated filling in of customer information like names and addresses. The ability to schedule and automatically send emails quickly and accurately is another key feature of Viindoo.

Viindoo Email Marketing provides natural statistics that are accurate over time on each email, such as open rate, bounce rate, and email click-through rate. Link tracking integration is also available to help measure the effectiveness of each email campaign. Viindoo's detailed reporting system businesses integrated với Viindoo CRM allows to measure conversion rates, calculate revenue and potential customers brought in by each campaign.


ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation platform that includes CRM and email marketing features. The platform is designed to help businesses automate their marketing campaigns, manage their customer relationships, and drive growth by providing a range of features for tracking customer interactions, segmenting audiences, and analyzing data. 


Mailchimp is a popular email marketing platform that also includes CRM functionality. The platform is designed to help businesses build and manage their customer lists, segment their audiences, and execute personalized email campaigns.

CRM Email Marketing Software mailchimp

Mailchimp is a popular email marketing platform


HubSpot is a comprehensive marketing, sales, and customer service platform that includes a powerful CRM system and email marketing tools. The platform is designed to help businesses attract, engage, and delight customers by providing a range of tools for managing customer relationships and executing targeted marketing campaigns 


Salesforce is a leading CRM platform that also offers powerful email marketing tools as part of its Marketing Cloud. The platform is designed to help businesses of all sizes manage their customer relationships and drive growth by providing a range of features for automating marketing campaigns, tracking customer interactions, and analyzing data.

Salesforce CRM Email Marketing Software

Salesforce is a leading CRM platform

Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is a cloud-based CRM software that includes email marketing capabilities. The platform is designed to help businesses manage their customer relationships, automate their sales processes, and execute targeted email campaigns.


Pipedrive is a sales-focused CRM software that includes email marketing functionality. The platform is designed to help businesses manage their sales pipelines, track their deals, and execute targeted email campaigns.


Drip is an email marketing platform that includes CRM features. The platform is designed to help businesses build and manage their customer lists, segment their audiences, and execute personalized email campaigns using a range of automation and personalization features.

The above article Viindoo has compiled information related to CRM email marketing software and the top popular email marketing CRM software trusted by marketers. Hopefully, the article will help you find a suitable and effective email marketing software for your business  

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Maximize Email Strategy with CRM Email Marketing Software
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Yen Nguyen April 12, 2023