11 enterprises with successful ERP implementation in Vietnam

ERP applications bring many benefits to businesses from operations, reporting business results to reaching many customers... Thereby, improving operational efficiency and increasing competitiveness for businesses. . Next, let's review with Viindoo the lessons of success when applying ERP in businesses in Vietnam!


Before using ERP

Before using ERP management system successfully today, Vinamilk used to have great difficulty using Excel to perform production management activities, business strategy management or sales management. chemistry.

The use of Excel software made it difficult for a large enterprise like Vinamilk to control the input and output of goods. The management process, therefore, lacks synchronization between stages, and data is difficult to share and transmit.

Vinamilk’s breakthroughs thanks to ERP implementation

Vinamilk started applying ERP in 2007. After only 2 years of applying, Vinamilk has obtained positive benefits with the business management process. Thanks to ERP, Vinamilk's data platform becomes unified and synchronized in all departments, supporting information transmission and storage throughout, and business operations are also more efficient.

Besides, thanks to the ERP implementation at Vinamilk, the entire head office, warehouses, factories, and sales systems nationwide are clearly linked. From there, Vinamilk can manage and capture the database more easily. 

Since implementing ERP, Vinamilk has gradually stabilized and developed more and more, and its market competitive advantage has also been optimized and enhanced. Vinamilk also excelled in the top companies with the best revenue in Asia - Pacific with a top 200 achievement.

ERP implementation at VinamilkVinamilk is one of the companies using ERP software successfully.


Before using ERP

Petrolimex is one of the largest petroleum corporations in Vietnam. Before achieving its current success, Petrolimex used to face many difficulties in managing the Group's business activities. 

The petroleum market fluctuates complexly and continuously every day, so the traditional management software used by Petrolimex was quickly outdated. In addition, the Government strictly required transparent and complete information reporting. All traditional management software cannot meet this requirement, causing Petrolimex's data to be scattered and fragmented.

ERP software brought many benefits to PetrolimexERP software brought many benefits to Petrolimex.

Petrolimex’s breakthroughs thanks to ERP implementation

ERP was the "innovation" for Petrolimex at that time. The ERP implementation at Petrolimex guaranteed the need to actively, fully, timely, and accurately exploit and analyze information from the centralized data system at the parent company.

With modernity and optimization, ERP helps Petrolimex control accounting and product data closely. From there, ERP proactively detects errors to fix and ensure compliance with the process of individuals participating in the system.

In addition, when using ERP, data such as revenue, inventory, product costs, etc. are accurate and confidential, ensuring high reliability for business operations. ERP also helps businesses grow more and more with quick and comprehensive information updates.


Before using ERP

Before using ERP solution, large corporations like Vingroup also use traditional software to manage their business activities. However, with the continuous development of technology, the management by such software gradually becomes obsolete and fails to meet the higher administrative needs.

Vingroup is a large corporation that successfully applies ERP in Vietnam
Vingroup is a large corporation that successfully applies ERP in Vietnam.

Vingroup’s breakthroughs thanks to ERP implementation

As one of the successful ERP implementation enterprises in Vietnam, Vingroup has gradually changed and grown significantly. By choosing to deploy ERP solution applications at 10 units operating in Real Estate, Trade Centers, Construction, etc., Vingroup has gradually gained control over the implementation process.

Besides, the use of ERP also helps the corporation track budgets, costs, and profits for each job effectively. ERP also helps Vingroup to make statistics transparent, specific, and clear periodic accounting, making the group's data more accurate.

Trung Nguyen Legend

Before using ERP

Trung Nguyen Legend has many member companies and business segments also use different management platforms, so management is difficult and fragmented. After that, Trung Nguyen approached ERP and implemented it from 2003 to 2006 but continuously failed. Trung Nguyen Legend decided to continue applying ERP for the third time.

Trung Nguyen Legend’s breakthroughs thanks to ERP software

Thanks to ERP, Trung Nguyen Legend started to control losses and increase revenue, and profit and achieve success like today. 

Besides, Trung Nguyen Legend appears in over 80 countries. These partners choose Trung Nguyen based on many factors, including the transparency of information brought by the ERP system.

Novaland is also a successful ERP application enterprise in Vietnam.Trung Nguyen Legend has developed more when successfully applied ERP.


Before using ERP

VietinBank was also a brand that faced many difficulties when managing data systems with traditional management software. For example, with financial accounting, the information and data are many and complex. The use of old software increases the risk of data duplication.

In addition, this type of software did not fully meet the needs of human resource management, especially with a large number of employees. Since then, the working performance was ineffective, and the staff spends a lot of time analyzing and collecting reports.

ERP helps VietinBank grow and become more professionalERP helps VietinBank grow and become more professional.

Vietinbank’s breakthroughs thanks to ERP software

Thanks to ERP, VietinBank can successfully manage internal finance, human resource, payroll, construction, budget, etc. The work of retrieving reports becomes easier, limiting duplicate data. VietinBank has used ERP to perform internal accounting management, thereby concretizing business processes.

Saigon Paper

Before using ERP

Saigon Paper found that data management by the old information technology system was no longer effective according to the daily development of technology. The traditional information management software is homogeneous between the departments, making the control of the enterprise difficult.

In addition, this lack of control delays the investment process and expands the production system for enterprises. The challenge for Saigon Paper at this time is urgent, laying pressure on the production and the personnel.

Novaland is also a successful ERP application enterprise in Vietnam.Saigon Paper is also a successful ERP application enterprise in Vietnam.

Saigon Paper’s breakthroughs thanks to ERP software

Paper Saigon Paper is also one of the successful ERP implementation enterprises in Vietnam. Since having ERP, Saigon Paper's data has been updated to ensure consistency and transparency between the entire system. 

Good control of information helps the Board of Directors to make decisions quickly and accurately. Since then, the efficiency in management has been improved, and the control of the company's general activities has also been improved and developed.

EVN Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 3 (EVNPECC3)

Before using ERP

EVNPECC3 is a large company with more than 468 employees and more than 42 years of experience in renewable energy, thermal power, hydroelectric, etc. With a wealth of experience and quality staff, EVNPECC3 has implemented more than 5,000 projects across the country.

However, when entering the digital transformation era, EVNPECC3 faced many difficulties in managing a large amount of information and records about customers and personnel in the company. Jobs such as sales, accounting, finance, revenue, and debt management are also inefficient because there was no appropriate management system.

Aware of that, EVNPECC3 has decided to apply Viindoo's ERP system to production management to solve the above difficulties and create new development breakthroughs.

After using ERP

After a period of effort and cooperation between EVNPECC3 and Viindoo, the two sides have successfully implemented ERP and received good results. The ERP system helps EVNPECC3 effectively manage a large amount of information for nearly 500 employees and hundreds of thousands of partners and customers. The activities of buying, selling, inventory management, accounting, and finance are also effectively linked together.

Best of all, thanks to the application of ERP business management software provided by Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, information and processes are consistent and seamless, thereby improving collaboration between departments and divisions. . Thanks to that, management and leadership levels have a system to operate and control the entire company anytime, anywhere, in real time..

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Viet Steel

Before using ERP

Before using ERP, although Viet Steel is a large enterprise, it also faced many difficulties in data management and information control. This has caused many difficulties and challenges for the development of enterprises.

Viet Steel’s breakthroughs thanks to ERP software

ERP help Viet Steel ensure 3 main goals in building strategies to compete and develop: Management, production, and human resources. ERP allows businesses to control financial systems, management accounting, production, sales, distribution, purchasing, inventory, leadership reporting systems, equipment maintenance, consolidated reports, etc.

Viet Steel saves a lot of costs during production and development. ERP also brings transparency and accuracy to each piece of information, improving business management efficiency. Since then, the management of Viet Steel has become more accessible and stricter. 

In addition, ERP also helps the corporation build a quality system of KPIs, support analysis activities, and evaluate business performance. From there, the group's leaders also easily manage the entire system, extremely efficient and convenient.

Novaland is also a successful ERP application enterprise in Vietnam.Viet Steel increases its competency thanks to successful ERP implementation.

Nissan Vietnam

Before implementing ERP

Nissan Vietnam has years of experience in supplying Nissan cars and auto parts, providing warranty service, maintenance, etc. 

Before implementing ERP, Nissan Vietnam faced difficulties in managing the system of distributors and dealers throughout Vietnam. Because the number of partners and suppliers is too large, information, data, or trading activities, contacts between distributors and dealers of Nissan Vietnam are not unified, transparent, and inaccurate.

After implementing ERP

Nissan Vietnam signed a contract and implemented the ERP system with Viindoo. After a period of application, the company has made positive changes in the management and operation of business activities, standardizing the sales system for Distributors and Agents.

As a result, Nissan Vietnam has succeeded in effectively managing all sales, invoices, and payment activities of a large network of distributors & dealers. Information about the purchasing activities, invoices, and payments of the distributor & agent network is also updated accurately and continuously, facilitating senior management and decision-making.

BDO Vietnam

Before implementing ERP

BDO Vietnam is a member of BDO International - the fifth-largest network of auditing, consulting, and tax services in the world. With more than 700 professional staff in Vietnam and thousands of partner customers, BDO's operation management process faces many difficulties in project management and operating a large amount of work efficiently. 

Other difficulties include projects that have not been managed according to the auditing industry standards. In addition, the accounting and auditing industry often has many overlapping projects with many employees involved, calculating costs based on specific consulting time. This makes it difficult for BDO Vietnam to track progress, and calculate revenue, costs, and profit for each work item. 

After implementing ERP

BDO Vietnam cooperated to implement and apply ERP with Viindoo. Thanks to that, the above difficulties were solved and achieved much success. First of all, Viindoo's ERP system has helped BDO Vietnam succeed in project management and operating work according to auditing industry standards.

The software also helps BDO Vietnam solve the problem of tracking progress, calculating revenue, cost, and profit for each work item, and managing and accurately calculating productivity, work efficiency, and project. Along with that, the ERP system is also integrated with management software according to international auditing standards.


Before using ERP

Before knowing ERP, a large enterprise like Novaland used to use traditional software to manage data but it was not effective. The enterprise data is fragmented and often erroneous, causing difficulties and problems when departments work together.

The breakthroughs ERP software brings to Novaland

Since implementing and using ERP, Novaland has been able to automate its business processes. With the ability to integrate information, ERP helps Novaland control the operation of the whole group, including information from many different departments. 

ERP is an important step to help Novaland's control become more and more strict and scientific. From there, the leadership can also timely recognize and resolve instability issues, helping Novaland develop more and more.

Novaland is also a successful ERP application enterprise in Vietnam.Novaland is also a successful ERP application enterprise in Vietnam.

ERP is an extremely effective software to support businesses in business administration today. The above are businesses with successful ERP implementation in Vietnam. If you still have questions, please contact Viindoo for more specific answers!

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  • Address: 6th Floor, Taiyo Building, No. 97 Bach Dang, Ha Ly Ward, Hong Bang District, Hai Phong, Vietnam
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  • Hotline: 0225 730 9838
  • Website: https://viindoo.com
11 enterprises with successful ERP implementation in Vietnam
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Van Anh Nguyen March 17, 2024