Pharmacy inventory management software - Viindoo Inventory

Software to support tight inventory monitoring helps pharmacy manage their inventory effectively. What are the advantages and outstanding features of inventory software? Find out the answer in the following article by Viindoo.

The consequence of ineffective pharmacy inventory management

Medicines are complicated products. Therefore, ineffective pharmacy inventory management may lead to many problems and challenges such as:

  • Failure to capture the number of inventory: The pharmacy will be unable to take the lead in inputting and selling products. Additionally, staffs may not remember the exact location of the medicine which leads to difficulty in finding information and consulting customers;
  • Medicines with unknown expiry date: Pharmacies usually manage medicines by batch. Without strictly-controlled inventory, employees cannot remember all the medicine batches. Since then, selling expired medicines to customers can bring significant consequences to businesses and users;
  • Increased storage costs: Pharmaceutical items often come in a large volume. If medicines are inputted frequently, the warehouses may not have enough space for storage. It leads to increased storage costs, slower capital turnover, and reduced business profits;
  • Loss of goods: Research experts have shown that the average retail medicine store loses about 12% of the amount of medicine each month. If the inventory is well checked, it will be difficult for the pharmacy owner to take action.

Software to help businesses track medicine locations in warehouses

Ineffective pharmacy inventory management will bring challenges to businesses

Benefits of pharmacy inventory management software

Software to support tight inventory monitoring brings businesses many outstanding benefits such as:

  • Pharmacy inventory management software helps pharmacies to control inventory accurately;
  • The software allows for saving a large amount of employees;
  • Pharmacy inventory management software supports strict inventory control;
  • Inventory management software ensures information security;
  • The pharmaceutical products' information is automatically and continuously updated, thereby solving unexpected out-of-stock situations;
  • The software supports businesses in reducing inventory and storage costs.

Software to support tight inventory monitoring

Pharmacy inventory management software has many benefits

>>>> Read More: ERP Inventory Management

Viindoo Inventory - Effective pharmacy inventory management solution

Viindoo Inventory is the top-rated pharmacy inventory management software today. This solution supports businesses to improve their inventory and supply chain management capabilities and increase their competitiveness in the market.

Software to help businesses track medicine locations in warehouses

Viindoo Inventory - Inventory & Supply Chain Management

Viindoo Inventory enables businesses to closely manage the inventory, and easily trace the products. The sales warehouse management software also optimizes operations in the warehouse such as inputting, outputting, arranging products, and rotating within the business. The software makes inventory accounting and reports easier.

Ready to experience the excellence?

Viindoo Inventory - Multi-warehouse management system, covering internal transfer, timely supply, real-time inventory eports. 

Automating supply chain operations, control in-out, inventory adjustment, stock accounting,... Avoiding supply errors, capital stagnation, and waste of corporate assets.

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Features of Viindoo Inventory - pharmacy inventory management software

Real-time inventory management

  • Logistics warehouse management software support multi-warehouses management;
  • Ensure accurate number of medical products in the inventory;
  • Collect information on the inputting and outputting transfers by criteria, such as quantity, unit price, expiry date, and lot number, etc;
  • Automatically plan the output-input of medicines periodically, or by quantity and product code. 

Manage medicine stock

  • Monitor stock status of medicines based on stock counting date, quantity, product code, category, etc;
  • Present inventory reports in varied criteria;
  • Manage medicines by category to plan for distribution, and dispose when expired.

Software to support tight inventory monitoring

Software to support tight inventory monitoring

Remind the medicine expirations

The software will automatically update the stock age report for the inventory manager to know which medicines are about to expire to make prompt decisions.

Software to help businesses track medicine locations in warehouses

Software to help businesses track medicine locations in warehouses


The software automatically creates replenishment orders for corresponding product codes to meet the minimum and maximum inventory levels.

Pharmacy inventory management software is an effective solution for pharmacies in inventory control. If you want to learn more about Viindoo's pharmacy management solution, call us at hotline 02257309838 or leave a comment below this article.

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Pharmacy inventory management software - Viindoo Inventory
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Danny Ha March 7, 2024