Top 5 Quality and Most Effective Cold Storage Management Software

Cold storage management software provides businesses with numerous advantages for controlling and capturing the number of goods. This article will introduce you to the five most effective and high-quality software programs. Let's learn together.

The benefits of using cold storage management software

Detailed and simple inventory management

Managers can easily make detailed product statistics on goods-related characteristics such as import and export time, quantity of goods, types of goods, etc. through the inventory management software . As a result, managers can easily control and comprehend the fluctuations of inventory stock, thereby minimizing the impact of damage and loss on business operations.

VietFul Software

Software brings many benefits to businesses

Minimize errors

Manual data entry is prone to error. Nonetheless, cold storage management software will reduce these errors by storing information consistently and accurately. With the aid of software, managers will promptly identify errors for swift resolutions, thereby enhancing work efficiency and ensuring business operations run smoothly.

High level of data protection

This software's decentralized function allows managers to restrict employee access and editing privileges. Thus, even though it is utilized by every employee in the organization, the working process guarantees consistency, seamlessness, and data security.

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Outstanding features of cold storage management software

Supplier and partner management

This feature allows users to manage the addresses, names, tax codes, and notes about suppliers and partners associated with goods in the store. This feature makes it simple to manage and classify incoming goods, and determine the number of goods from each supplier.

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Goods information management

This feature enables users to manage detailed and comprehensive information regarding goods in stock, including the name, item code, the value of goods, origin, type, date of import and export of goods, expiration date, and other invoices. In addition, goods can be categorized to facilitate control and preservation. When you conduct a search on the software, the precise and comprehensive product information will be displayed.

VietFul Software

Software to help manage goods efficiently

Goods inventory management and adjustment

This function allows users to manage the quantity and location of inventory. Concurrently, you can check for discrepancies and errors by comparing the actual quantity of goods with the quantity listed on paper through the features of stock management software. From there, personnel save time checking the quantity of goods, and managers can easily adjust the number of goods to meet actual demands.

Import and export management

The software system stores all information and data related to the import and export, of goods, and products in this import-export management software. So that a reasonable arrangement and adjustment can be made, the management or accounting department can monitor the quantity of goods entering and leaving the facility. This feature also simplifies and improves the periodic reporting process.

VietFul Software

Software to help manage import and export in real-time

Top 5 cold storage software available

Viindoo software

Viindoo's cold storage management software is the software of choice for many companies today. The software optimizes costs and resources, improves the efficiency of store supply, and helps businesses become more competitive by providing advantages that no other software on the market can match. These include:

  • Tracking goods and inventory in real-time once import, export, and movement of goods are confirmed.
  • Sufficient supply, no surplus, no deficiency, enabling management to identify items for sale, and items to be replenished on time and in sufficient quantity.
  • Improving the efficiency of capital use by balancing the ratio of goods turnover, which contributes to flexible capital turnover.
VietFul Software

Viindoo is cold storage management software with many features

In addition, the following features of the Viindoo cold storage management software can help businesses optimize their cold storage management processes:

  • Information about goods is linked from detailed parameters, actual inventory numbers, import and export forecasts, suggested locations, and rules regarding the arrangement of goods.
  • Sorting products by product code, serial number, size, or expiration date using customizable filters or groups.
  • Controlling the product's shelf life and providing delivery readiness alerts.
  • Administration of multiple units and conversion of units on demand.
  • A real-time and multi-dimensional reporting system that includes store performance, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation, etc.
  • Unlimited integration with other applications within the Viindoo Business Administration Software, such as Supply Chain Management Software, F&B restaurant warehouse management software,... allowing for comprehensive business management on a unified platform.

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The NHS COLD STORAGE software includes management modules for each unique procedure. The software's updated data are synchronized with high precision and practical application. Using technology and professional expertise, this software assists businesses in managing cold storage comprehensively and precisely.

  • Monitoring the status of goods in the warehouse, including export, import, and inventory management.
  • Imposing fees for warehouse services.
  • Managing recycled product imports
  • Monitoring inventory turnover
VietFul Software

NHS COLD STORAGE software has good technology and expertise

TTV Software

The TTV cold storage management software provides sales and storage management solutions. These features enable store managers to pinpoint the precise location of products. Thereafter, stock control will become more straightforward, time-saving, cost-effective, and effective.

The following are fundamental TTV features:

  • Handling inventory in the warehouse.
  • Updating import and export invoices.
  • Displaying warehouse structure diagram.
  • Providing a report on import, export, and stock.
VietFul Software

This software is for businesses in a variety of industries


DMS COLD STORAGE software is designed for businesses in a variety of industries and fields. This software increases operational efficiency, allowing businesses to save time and money.

Basic DMS COLD STORAGE features include:

  • Information storage and user authorization.
  • Updating and storing all operational issues that arise.
  • Managing inventory in stock based on various criteria.
  • Exporting straightforward, quick, and accurate reports.
VietFul Software

This software is for businesses in a variety of industries

VietFul software

The VietFul software assists customers in controlling the majority of storage operations. This software's flexible storage management system with numerous utilities and features allows for cost savings and the elimination of errors caused by human error.

VietFul's fundamental capabilities include:

  • Ability to calculate details down to the smallest units.
  • Enabling managers to monitor employees’ performance progress.
  • Managing customer, partner, and distributor information.
  • There are two versions of the software: free and paid.
VietFul Software

VietFul Software

The features of cold storage management software manufactured by various entities will vary. If you are looking for a provider that offers the best software quality and highly qualified support staff that has been successfully implemented by many businesses, please contact us at Viindoo for assistance with your inquiry.

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Top 5 Quality and Most Effective Cold Storage Management Software
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Van Anh Nguyen March 7, 2024