Building staffing plan is a way to help businesses orient in detail their development steps in the future. A specific human resource development plan will greatly contribute to the success of the business. Together Viindoo Immediately refer to the steps of planning for human resource development in the article below!
1. What is an HR plan? Why do you need to build a human resource plan?
A staffing plan is a strategic table for businesses to accurately assess their staffing needs. A clear, detailed plan will help businesses understand the number and type of employees they need to achieve the goals set by the unit.
Building the table staffing plan will help businesses:
- Save labor costs, increase work productivity
- Closing the skill gap
- Connecting the relationship of the employees
- Help employee retention, increase revenue
- Increase employee experience and also customers
- Increase the revenue

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2. Steps to build an effective HR plan
Usually, the table staffing plan will be created based on three steps:
- Determine the current number of employees
- Anticipate future staffing needs
- Assess the gap between businesses and personnel
After assessing its staffing needs, businesses can develop proposals to address them. This proposal may include: Recruiting new personnel, promoting existing personnel, and internal training,... Based on forecasts and proposals, the staffing plan of the business will be developed overall and effectively.
2.1 Defining business goals
Before developing a personnel plan, businesses need to determine the goals that their unit is aiming for. Usually, these goals will be defined in the business strategy of the enterprise.
Determining business goals will help businesses clarify the direction of the unit and adjust the personnel plan accordingly.
The policies that businesses apply to employees will affect the business results of the unit. Therefore, businesses need to ensure staffing plans are suitable for their employment situation if they want to achieve high revenue.
Example: A business wants to open a new location, so it needs to hire more employees or rotate existing employees to fill the position. At that time, the business plan will have the role of informing all employees about the upcoming personnel change.

2.2 Analysis of the current personnel situation
The next step in the construction process staffing plan What businesses need to do is analyze the current employment situation. Enterprises can collect employee databases with many different information from one most accurate source. In addition, businesses can also work with managers to get the most accurate and complete data on employees.
At this step, the enterprise needs to analyze and the quality and quantity of personnel:
Quality of personnel: The quality of personnel is evaluated based on work productivity and potential for future promotion. To do this, businesses need to anticipate the opportunities and challenges of the future HR situation and conduct retraining of their employees. After analyzing opportunities and challenges, employees will be divided according to the talent management matrix so that businesses can easily optimize the quality of human resources. For example:
- Organize knowledge and professional training for potential employees
- Professionals are often unable to develop additional competencies. Therefore, enterprises should not promote these employees. Instead, businesses can increase salaries, and bonuses and keep their roles and influence levels.
- Businesses should consider firing weak employees because keeping them only reduces work efficiency and consumes the resources of the unit.
A number of personnel: The number of personnel will be evaluated based on the personnel flow matrix table. The information in the matrix table will help businesses easily control the number of employees to recruit, fire, and promote. The matrix table will have the role of forecasting the personnel situation, helping managers to predict and distribute employees appropriately with the business plan in the future. In addition, the matrix table can also help businesses be aware of the risks in terms of personnel in the process of operation.

Analysis of the current personnel situation
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2.3 Forecasting human resource needs according to goals
After assessing the target and the current human resource situation, the enterprise needs to analyze the supply and demand of human resources and make the appropriate allocation. Doing this will help businesses promptly adapt to opportunities and challenges in the business process. Specifically, the process of forecasting human resource needs according to objectives includes 3 parts:
1. Analysis of existing resources: The analysis of existing resources is done based on 2 basic principles:
- Determine the number of employees who are performing certain tasks and activities
- Determine the number of employees working, transferring, or leaving in each department.
Analyzing these two data will help businesses control the actual human resources of the unit and anticipate future staffing needs.
2. Analysis of resources according to needs: Currently, on the market, there are many professions that require highly qualified and specialized employees. Therefore, enterprises need to identify all external factors that are likely to affect the demand for human resources or the appearance and disappearance of some jobs. Through this, businesses will easily see the redundant or missing positions in their units to come up with appropriate solutions.
3. Comparison of available resources and resources on demand: This comparison process includes both assessing the quantity and quality of internal human resources compared to the external market. At this stage, the enterprise needs to determine the residual amount of the following six types of personnel differences:
- Excess human resources in jobs/industries
- Lack of human resources in jobs/industries
- Jobs/industries that require highly qualified human resources
- Jobs/industries that require qualified employees are not available at the moment
- New jobs/industries appear
- Some current jobs/industries have been lost

2.4 Planning
A staffing plan will be created according to the following steps:
- Restructuring the personnel situation: Allocating and adjusting employees of each department based on each person's experience, expertise, and capacity
- Change personnel positions: Recommend or change personnel positions between departments based on specific criteria
- Recruitment of personnel: Determine the number, form, and time ... recruit new personnel so that the process goes according to plan, avoiding wasting resources of the enterprise.

2.5 Review and edit
After doing all the steps above Enterprises should conduct an assessment of the results they have done and the shortcomings they have made. From there, businesses can come up with solutions to improve staffing plans.

3. Latest HR plan template
Some form staffing plan The latest that you can refer to as:
Download Link: Here

The article has helped businesses understand the construction steps of staffing plan detailed and effectively. Hopefully, the knowledge in the article of Viindoo will help businesses easily develop and build their human resources.