Maximizing Efficiency in Online Recruitment with Viindoo ERP

In today's, Online Recruitment has become the go-to method for finding and hiring top talent. With the rise of social media and job search websites, companies are now able to reach a wider pool of candidates and streamline their recruitment process. However, managing this process can be overwhelming and time-consuming without the right tools in place. This is where an online recruitment management system comes in. 

An online recruitment management system is a software solution that helps companies manage their entire recruitment process from sourcing candidates to onboarding. It automates and streamlines various tasks such as job posting, resume screening, candidate tracking, and communication. One of the leading online recruitment management systems in the market is Viindoo ERP. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using an online recruitment management system and why Viindoo ERP is the best choice for your company.

What is Online Recruiting?

Online recruiting, also known as e-recruiting or internet recruiting, is the process of using online platforms and tools to attract, source, and hire candidates. This includes job search websites, social media platforms, and online recruitment management systems. The goal of online recruiting is to reach a larger audience and find the best candidates for a job opening.

With the rise of technology, online recruiting has become the preferred method for many companies. According to a survey by Jobvite, 94% of recruiters use or plan to use social media for recruiting, and 73% have successfully hired a candidate through social media. Additionally, 89% of recruiters have hired someone through LinkedIn, making it the most popular platform for online recruiting.

Maximizing Efficiency in Online Recruitment with Viindoo ERP

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Recruitment

Like any other recruitment method, online recruiting has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look at some of them:

Advantages of Online Recruitment

  • Wider Reach: One of the biggest advantages of online recruitment is the ability to reach a larger audience. With traditional methods, companies are limited to a specific geographic location or industry. However, with online recruiting, companies can reach candidates from all over the world and from various industries.
  • Cost-Effective: Online recruiting is a cost-effective method compared to traditional methods such as print ads and job fairs. Most job search websites offer affordable packages for posting job openings, and social media platforms are free to use. This makes it an ideal option for small businesses and startups with limited budgets.
  • Time-Saving: With an online recruitment management system, companies can automate and streamline various tasks, saving time and resources. For example, resume screening can be done automatically, and communication with candidates can be managed through the system. This frees up recruiters' time, allowing them to focus on other important tasks.

Disadvantages of Online Recruitment

  • Limited Personal Interaction: One of the drawbacks of online recruitment is the lack of personal interaction with candidates. This can make it challenging to assess a candidate's personality and cultural fit for the company. However, this can be overcome by conducting video interviews or in-person meetings during the later stages of the recruitment process.
  • High Competition: With the ease of access to job postings, online recruiting has become a highly competitive space. Companies need to stand out from the crowd to attract top talent. This can be achieved by creating attractive job postings, showcasing company culture, and utilizing social media effectively.
  • Technical Difficulties: Online recruiting relies heavily on technology, and technical difficulties can arise, causing delays and disruptions in the recruitment process. This can be frustrating for both recruiters and candidates. However, having a reliable online recruitment management system in place can help minimize these issues.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Recruitment

Maximizing Efficiency with an Online Recruitment Management System

As mentioned earlier, an online recruitment management system can help companies automate and streamline their recruitment process. This not only saves time and resources but also improves efficiency and accuracy. Here are some ways an online recruitment management system can maximize efficiency:

Centralized Database

An online recruitment management system allows companies to store all candidate information in one centralized database. This makes it easier to track and manage applicants, reducing the chances of losing potential candidates' information. Additionally, recruiters can access this database from anywhere, making it convenient for remote hiring.

Automated Screening

Resume screening is a time-consuming task that can be automated with an online recruitment management system. The system can be configured to screen resumes based on specific keywords, qualifications, and experience, saving recruiters hours of manual work.

Communication Management

Communication with candidates is crucial during the recruitment process. An online recruitment management system allows companies to send automated emails and notifications to candidates, keeping them updated on their application status. This not only saves time but also improves the candidate experience.

Reporting and Analytics

An online recruitment management system provides real-time reporting and analytics, giving companies insights into their recruitment process's performance. This includes metrics such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and source of hire. These insights can help companies make data-driven decisions and improve their recruitment strategies.

Optimizing Online Recruitment Strategies with Viindoo Recruitment Dashboards

Optimizing Online Recruitment Strategies with Viindoo Recruitment Dashboards

Viindoo ERP: The Best Choice for Online Recruitment Management Systems

With the increasing demand for online recruitment management systems, there are many options available in the market. However, Viindoo ERP stands out as the best choice for several reasons:

All-in-One Solution

Viindoo ERP is an all-in-one business management software that offers a wide range of applications, including an online recruitment management system. This means companies can manage all their business processes from one platform, eliminating the need for multiple software solutions.

Customizable and Scalable

Viindoo ERP is highly customizable and scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries. Companies can choose the applications they need and customize them according to their specific requirements. Additionally, as the company grows, more applications can be added to the system.

User-Friendly Interface

One of the key features of Viindoo ERP is its user-friendly interface. The system is easy to navigate, and the applications have a similar layout, making it easy for users to switch between them. This reduces the learning curve and makes it easier for employees to adapt to the system.

Affordable Pricing

Viindoo ERP offers affordable pricing plans , making it accessible to small and medium-sized businesses. Companies can choose the applications they need and pay only for those, making it a cost-effective option for online recruitment management.

Viindoo ERP: The Best Choice for Online Recruitment Management Systems

How to Create an Online Recruitment System with Viindoo Recruitment

Creating an online recruitment system with Viindoo Recruitment is a simple and straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Install Viindoo ERP

The first step is to install Viindoo ERP on your system. You can choose to install it on-premise or use the cloud version. If you are new to Viindoo, it is recommended to start with the cloud version as it requires minimal setup.

Begin by evaluating your company's requirements such as the number of users, desired modules (CRM, Sales, Accounting, etc.), and expected growth in the near future. After that's select a pricing plan that aligns with your business objectives and budget.

Step 2: Activate the Recruitment App & Configure Settings

Once Viindoo ERP is installed, activate the Recruitment app from the Apps menu. This will add the recruitment module to your dashboard.

Go to the Configuration tab in the Recruitment module and configure the settings according to your company's needs. This includes setting up job positions, departments, and stages of the recruitment process.

Step 3: Create & Post Job Openings

Next, go to the Jobs tab and create job openings by filling in the necessary information such as job title, description, and requirements. You can also add screening questions and assessments to the job posting.

Once the job openings are created, you can post them on various job search websites and social media platforms directly from the system. This saves time and ensures consistency across all job postings.

Viindoo Online Recruitment System - Create & Post Job Openings

Step 4: Manage & Evaluate Applications

As applications start coming in, you can manage them through the system. The system allows you to view resumes, schedule interviews, and communicate with candidates.

Viindoo Recruitment offers various tools for evaluating candidates, such as online assessments and interview evaluations. These tools help in identifying the best candidates for the job.

Step 5: Hire and Onboard

Once the ideal candidate is selected, you can hire and onboard them through the system. This includes sending offer letters, managing contracts, and conducting background checks.

Discover Viindoo Recruitment Software

Automates the recruitment plan & process, attracts talent, saves up to 80% of time and cost of recruiting personnel for Enterprises.

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Discover Viindoo Recruitment Software


What is the difference between an online recruitment management system and an applicant tracking system?

An online recruitment management system is a comprehensive software solution that manages the entire recruitment process, from sourcing candidates to onboarding. An applicant tracking system, on the other hand, focuses solely on managing applications and resumes.

Yes, Viindoo Recruitment is highly customizable, and you can add or remove features according to your company's requirements.

Yes, Viindoo ERP offers affordable pricing plans, making it accessible to small and medium-sized businesses.


Online recruitment has become an essential part of the hiring process for companies of all sizes and industries. With the right strategies and tools in place, companies can reach a wider pool of candidates and streamline their recruitment process. An online recruitment management system, such as Viindoo ERP, can help maximize efficiency and improve the overall recruitment experience for both recruiters and candidates. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, companies can create an effective online recruitment system with Viindoo Recruitment and stay ahead in the competitive job market.

Maximizing Efficiency in Online Recruitment with Viindoo ERP
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Athan Hoang March 16, 2024

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