Call for Tender - Managing with Viindoo Purchase Software

Call for Tender is a popular mechanism in procurement and contracting, where companies invite bids from potential suppliers or service providers to fulfill their requirements and it seemed very complex and time-consuming with the participation of many resources over a long time. However, managing this process manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. That's where software solutions come in.

In this blog post, we will explore what call for tender is and how it is managed in Viindoo Software and also discuss the benefits of using software solutions for calling tender. So let's dive in!

Choose the right vendor/supplier after process of Call for Tender
Choose the right vendor/supplier in the process of Call for Tender

Understanding Call for Tender?

What is Call for Tender?

"Call for Tender" is the process of selecting contractors to sign and execute contracts for the provision of consulting services, non-consulting services, procurement of goods, construction; selecting investors to sign and execute investment project contracts in the form of public-private partnerships, investment projects utilizing land based on ensuring competitiveness, fairness, transparency, and economic efficiency.

>>>> Read more: Guidelines on the Procurement Approval Process.

The essence of tendering is a civilized form of competition in a developing market economy, whereby through this activity, contractors that meet the economic, technical, and cost requirements of the investor will be selected. Therefore, bidding is born and exists with the goal of ensuring competitiveness, fairness, and transparency.

From this, it can be seen that tendering activities play a role in ensuring four main aspects: Efficiency - Competition - Fairness - Transparency. Efficiency can be in terms of financial aspects, time, or any other criteria depending on the project's objectives. To ensure efficiency for the project, conditions must be created for contractors to compete openly on the widest possible scale to create fairness and ensure benefits for all parties involved. For projects with large total investments, economic or social value, tendering is an indispensable and important stage.

The Process of Call for Tender

The call for tender process typically involves the following steps: 

  1. Preparation: This is where the company identifies its needs and creates a detailed document outlining the project or service requirements. This document is known as the Request for Proposal (RFP) or Invitation to Tender (ITT).
  2. Publication: Once the RFP or ITT is ready, it is published on various platforms such as the company's website, trade publications, etc. This allows interested suppliers to access the document and submit their bids.
  3. Evaluation: After the submission deadline, the company evaluates the bids based on predetermined criteria such as price, quality, and delivery time. The evaluation process may involve multiple rounds of negotiations with the bidders.
  4. Selection: Finally, the company selects the winning bid and enters into a contract with the chosen supplier.

Common Mistakes in Call for Tender

Making a smart bid plays a crucial role in ensuring steady growth of business. For bidding to be effective, it requires the participation and efforts of many personnel in different departments, from planning the bid package to approval, to ensure everyone uunderstands all the information related. Therefore, there will be always be some common mistakes during implementation that affect the quality of the tendering process, including:

    • Specifications or requirements are not exact or clear: Vague or incomplete project requirements can lead to inaccurate bids and delays in the evaluation process.
    • Lack of transparency: Failing to provide transparent information about the tender process, evaluation criteria, or decision-making process can raise doubts about fairness and may undermine the integrity of the tender process and result in allegations of corruption or unfair practices.
    • Unrealistic timelines: Setting unrealistic deadlines for submitting bids or completing the tender process can discourage qualified bidders from participating and may result in rushed decision-making.
    • Insufficient documentation: Not keeping accurate records of the tender process, including correspondence with bidders, evaluation criteria, and decisions made, can make it difficult to defend against legal challenges or audits.

Managing Call for Tender with Viindoo Software

Benefits of Using Software Solutions for Call for Tender

Using Software Solutions for Call for Tender can keep you away from the mentioned-above mistake as well as mundane activities and help you focus on the important ones.

  1. Time-saving: One of the biggest advantages of using software solutions for call for tender is the time saved. Companies can create and publish RFPs quickly, receive bids in a centralized portal, and evaluate them efficiently. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the overall time spent on the process.
  2. Increased efficiency: By automating the call for tender process, companies can eliminate manual errors and streamline the entire process. This leads to increased efficiency and better results.
  3. Cost-effective: Using software solutions for call for tender can also help companies save money. By reducing the time and resources spent on the process, companies can cut down on costs and improve their bottom line.
  4. Better collaboration: With all the information and communication centralized in one platform, software solutions, it helps to promote better collaboration between the companies and its suppliers. This leads to smoother negotiations and improved relationships with suppliers.

Maximizing Efficiency the Call for Tender Process with Viindoo Software

For the Call for Tender to work, let activate the Purchase Agreement feature on Viindoo Purchase Management to simplify your bidding process.

Star using the Call for Tender feature on Viindoo Purchase ManagementStar using the Call for Tender feature on Viindoo Purchase Management

With the advantages of a comprehensive solution, Viindoo offers several features that make it an ideal solution for managing call for tender. These include:

1. Centralized portal

Viindoo provides a centralized portal for publishing RFPs and receiving bids. This makes it easier for suppliers to access the document and submit their bids, and for companies to manage the entire process from one place.

2. Automated evaluation

Viindoo Purchase Management allows companies to set up evaluation criteria for each RFP, making it easier to compare bids and select the most suitable supplier. This eliminates the need for manual calculations and reduces the chances of errors.

Star using the Call for Tender feature on Viindoo Purchase Management​Comparision Report between vendors/suppliers on Viindoo Purchase Management

3. Real-time tracking

Users can track the progress of each RFP in real-time that allowing for better monitoring and control over the process.

4. The affordability of intergration

Users can choose various modules such as Project, Inventory Management, ... according to the demand helps retrieve relevant bidding data and re-use it in the future.

5. Document management

All documents related to the call for tender process, such as RFPs, bids, and contracts, can be stored and managed in Viindoo. This ensures that all parties have access to the latest version of the documents and reduces the risk of miscommunication.

6. Other additional features

  • Tags to categorize RFPs: Make it easier to search for specific products/services.
  • Alerts setting: User can set up alerts for important dates such as submission deadlines and contract expiration dates to stay on top of your call for tender process.

How to create an effective Call for Tender on Viindoo Software

Creating an effective call for tender is crucial for getting the best results. Here are some tips for creating an RFP that will attract the right suppliers and lead to successful bids:

  1. Be specific: Clearly define your requirements and specifications in the RFP. This will help suppliers understand what you are looking for and submit accurate bids.
  2. Include evaluation criteria: Make sure to include the evaluation criteria in the RFP. This will give suppliers a better understanding of how their bids will be evaluated and allow them to tailor their proposals accordingly.
  3. Set a realistic timeline: Give suppliers enough time to prepare and submit their bids. Setting a realistic timeline will ensure that you receive quality bids and have enough time to evaluate them properly.
  4. Communicate clearly: Communication is key in the call for tender process. Make sure to communicate any changes or updates to the RFP to all interested parties in a timely manner.

Create a RFQ to start the process of Call for Tender

Create a RFQ to start the process of Call for Tender

>>>> Reading " Purchase Agreement - Call for Tender " to better understand.

However, software solutions will only be maximally effective when users proactively implement and control some of the following small issues:

  1. Usage training: This will ensure that every participants in the tendering process is on the same page and can make the most out of Viindoo Software's features.
  2. Regularly update data: Keep your data up-to-date to ensure accurate evaluations and efficient communication with suppliers.

Discover Viindoo Purchase Software

Viindoo Purchase Software - The versatile platform offers a range of features that can support the entire process of Call for Tender effectively.

Learn more

Call for Tender with Viindoo Purchase


Viindoo Software offers a range of features such as a centralized portal for publishing RFPs and receiving bids, automated evaluation criteria setup, real-time tracking of RFP progress, document management capabilities, and additional features like tags for categorizing RFPs and setting alerts for important dates.

Users can ensure optimal utilization of Viindoo Software by providing usage training to participants and regularly updating data to ensure accurate evaluations and efficient communication with suppliers.

What are some best practices for creating an effective call for tender on Viindoo Purchase Management?

Best practices include being specific in outlining requirements, including evaluation criteria, setting realistic timelines, and maintaining clear communication.


Managing call for tender can be a daunting task, but with the right software solutions, it can be streamlined and made more efficient. In conclusion, automation in the bid process bring along many advantages for the business in the long run. From cutting down complexities to ensuring transparency across suppliers is an out and out solution for the entire RFP to approval process.

Viindoo offers a comprehensive solution for managing the entire process, from creating RFPs to selecting the winning bid. By following best practices and avoiding common mistakes, organizations can maximize efficiency and get the best results from their call for tender process. So why wait? Start using Viindoo today and see the difference it can make in managing your call for tender process.

Call for Tender - Managing with Viindoo Purchase Software
Công ty Cổ phần Công nghệ Viindoo, Bùi Bích Phương March 1, 2024