Viindoo partners with Hanoi University in the lesson of ERP and Digital Transformation

At the invitation of Hanoi University, Viindoo’s senior consultant, Ms. Jennie Pham, Consulting and Customer Support Manager, delivered an insightful lecture on ERP systems and digital transformation to Business Administration students. Despite being an online class, over 70 students actively participated in lively discussions, showcasing their enthusiasm and engagement. 

The session provided a foundational understanding of ERP and its crucial role in modernizing businesses, setting the stage for students' future learning and careers in digital transformation. Conducted entirely in English, it allowed students to practice their language skills while engaging with advanced business concepts.

ERP from a DX consultant's point of view

Bringing years of experience in ERP consulting and implementing for businesses, Ms. Jennie shared valuable insights with practical knowledge and real-world examples that brought the concepts of ERP and digital transformation (DX) to life for the students.

The lecture began with an introduction to ERP systems, detailing their evolution and the critical steps involved in their development. Students learned how ERP has transformed from simple data management tools into comprehensive solutions that integrate all aspects of business operations. 

This historical context set the stage for understanding the strategic significance of ERP in today’s fast-paced business environment.

The discussion then focused on the pivotal role of ERP in digital transformation. Students explored how these systems are essential for facilitating DX initiatives, enabling organizations to streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and drive innovation. The consultant outlined the various stages of digital transformation, illustrating how businesses progress from initial awareness to full integration of digital technologies.

However, the journey to digital transformation is fraught with challenges, especially for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The lecture addressed common barriers SMEs face, including limited resources, resistance to change, and a lack of technical expertise. By highlighting these obstacles, students were encouraged to think critically about the solutions that could help organizations overcome these hurdles.

Equipping Students for a Digital Future

Throughout the session, students were encouraged to apply their learning to real-world scenarios. The hands-on approach allowed them to see how ERP systems integrate with emerging technologies like AI, IoT, and cloud computing, enabling smarter, more agile operations.

By focusing on real-world applications, the students gained a clear understanding of how these technologies can drive innovation and efficiency in various business sectors. Also, specific challenges SMEs in Vietnam face when adopting digital solutions were introduced to help students were able to explore ways to overcome such challenges and develop strategies that could be applied to real business scenarios in their future careers.

Armed with a greater understanding of how ERP systems and digital transformation are shaping the future of industries, they are now better equipped to become the next generation of business leaders. Viindoo’s partnership with the university has helped bridge the gap between theory and practice, ensuring students are ready to navigate the complexities of the digital economy with confidence.

Hanoi University is innovative in teaching methods and commitment to delivering impactful knowledge to its students. It is hoped that this lesson serves as a stepping stone, igniting a passion for research and exploration among students. By equipping them with the necessary skills and insights, Viindoo aspire to inspire the next generation of leaders who will navigate the digital future with confidence and expertise. Together, we look forward to witnessing these young minds blossom into pioneers of the digital age.

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three people sitting in front of table laughing together
Viindoo partners with Hanoi University in the lesson of ERP and Digital Transformation
Jun Nguyen September 20, 2024