Top 7 basic tools of quality for the bussiness

Do you know 7 basic tools of quality ? It will be a big mistake if you have not applied these 7 tools to improve the performance of your business. Check out the following article of Viindoo to learn about 7 basic tools of quality as well as their benefits.

Statistical tools have an important role in managing the main activities of the business to improve quality. However, in today's many different statistical tools, how do we determine the most suitable and effective tool for the organization? The following set of 7 statistical and basic tools of quality by Japanese engineers can help businesses identify and solve quality problems that are most commonly encountered.

The 7 Basic Quality Tools are:

  • Control Chart;
  • Cause and Effect Diagram;
  • Pareto Chart;
  • Histogram;
  • Scatter Diagram;
  • Flowchart;
  • Checksheet.

Scatter chart

Learn about 7 quality management tools

Check sheets

The first tool is the Control Sheet, a simple means of storage that businesses can use to collect data and determine the priority of events. Check sheets can also track past activities and allow businesses to see trends or patterns objectively.

Check Sheets Tool

Check Sheets Tool

Purpose: The quality control sheet is used to check the distribution of data, control the work confirmation, identify the causes of product malfunctions, then check the malfunction types and locations. These checks will be collected to track events by time or place. These slips will then serve as input to the Pareto Chart.


A chart is a graphical representation of the relationship between data or quantities. Charts usually come in many forms such as line charts, column charts, pie charts, bar charts, Gantt charts, or spider web charts.

Scatter chart


Purpose: Charts will help visualize data for businesses to easily grasp the situation.

Cause and Effect Diagram

The next tool in the 7 QC tools in quality management is the  Cause and Effect Chart. We can also call it a fishbone diagram because it is in the shape of a fish, including a list of causes leading to a final result. This cause and effect diagram was created by Professor Kaoru Ishikawa in 1953, hence the other name is the Ishikawa diagram.

Cause-and-effect diagram

Cause-and-effect diagram

Purpose: A fishbone diagram is used to find the cause of the problem quickly. In particular, this chart also helps businesses know the underlying causes, which leads to poor quality activities. As a result, managers will promptly provide solutions to prevent and fix errors, ensuring the best quality. Therefore, the Cause-and-effect Diagram becomes a useful tool for businesses in checking causes and malfunction in the production process.

Pareto chart

The pareto chart is one of the effective tools to help managers organize and categorize causes by importance of the product. Therefore, businesses know which causes have a great influence on product outputs and need handling first.

Scatter chart

Pareto chart

Purpose: Administrators using Pareto Charts can understand the leading causes of poor quality problems. Besides, the use of this chart assists businesses to evaluate the effectiveness of improvements.

 View Details: What is a Pareto Chart? Meaning and how to draw Pareto chart


The distribution density histogram is a simple columnar statistical tool. Through the graph, we can see the frequency of the event thanks to the collected data points

Density distribution plot

Density distribution plot

Purpose: Density distribution plots are used in monitoring the distribution of product or process parameters. Thereby, the administrator can assess the ability to meet the requirements of the process.

Scatter Diagram

Another chart that businesses can also use for statistics is the Scatter Chart. This chart represents the data as a graph. In which, the observed values ​​of each variable will be represented as separate dots without being concatenated. Therefore, the scatter plot will show the correlation between the two factors.

Scatter chart

Scatter chart

Purpose: By seeing the relationship between two factors through the use of Scatter Diagram, we can see the dependence level of one factor on the other factors.

Control Chart

The last of the 7 basic tools of quality management is the Control Chart. This is a line chart with the limit lines calculated by statistical methods. This chart helps businesses monitor fluctuations in quality characteristics, process changes to catch anomalies that occur when lines increase or decrease significantly.

Control chart

Control chart

Purpose: The use of Control Chart will help managers detect unusual situations occurring in the manufacturing process of the enterprise.

Enterprises could use Viindoo Quality standardizes your enterprise's quality management process, prevents errors, and optimizes costs. Improve planning efficiency—and quality improvement. 

Above are 7 basic tools quality that you can refer to. Through this article, Viindoo would like to help you better understand each tool and the benefits that these tools bring to your business. Hope the above information will be useful for you in the quality management of your business.

>>>> See also: 

Top 7 basic tools of quality for the bussiness
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Monica Nguyen December 3, 2022