Increasing Sales Velocity Strategies and Tactics

Sales velocity is a crucial metric for business owners and marketers alike, as it serves as a key indicator of revenue generation rate. The quest to increase sales is a fundamental objective, but it often presents a complex challenge when it comes to identifying the most effective strategies. In recent times, the concept of sales velocity has garnered significant attention, and in this article, Viindoo will delve into what sales velocity entails, why it holds substantial importance and strategies for enhancing it to bolster your business's profitability.

What is Sales Velocity?

Sales velocity is a metric that measures the speed at which your company generates revenue. It takes into account each step of the sales process, from initial contact with a prospect to closing the deal. The formula for calculating sales velocity is:

Sales Velocity = (Number of Opportunities) x (Average Deal Value) x (Win Rate) / (Sales Cycle Length)

  1. Number of Opportunities: This is the total number of potential sales opportunities or leads in your sales pipeline. These are prospects that your sales team is actively pursuing.
  2. Average Deal Value: This is the average monetary value of a closed deal or sale. It represents the typical amount of revenue generated from a single sale.
  3. Win Rate: The win rate is the percentage of opportunities or leads that your sales team successfully converts into paying customers. It reflects the effectiveness of your sales efforts.
  4. Sales Cycle Length: This is the average amount of time it takes from the initial contact with a lead to closing the deal and generating revenue.

This formula shows how many Applying the above sales conversion rate formula, let's follow this step-by-step guide as follows:

deals your team can close in a given period, based on the number of opportunities available, the average value of each deal, the likelihood of winning those deals, and the time it takes to close them. When your sales velocity increases, it means your team is closing more deals, faster, and at a higher value.

Why Does Sales Velocity Matter?

Sales velocity offers a holistic view of your sales performance over time, providing valuable insights into where you need to make improvements. By tracking your sales velocity, you can identify bottlenecks in your sales process, such as long sales cycles or low win rates, and take steps to address them. Improved sales velocity can lead to increased revenue, enhanced cash flow, and bigger profits.

Another benefit of measuring sales velocity is that it provides a clear picture of your sales team’s effectiveness, allowing you to identify top performers and areas where additional training may be necessary. Additionally, by understanding your sales velocity, you can set more realistic revenue targets and forecast sales more accurately.

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How to Use Sales Velocity to Improve Your Business

Now that we understand what sales velocity is and why it matters, let's explore how to use it to boost your business's profitability. Here are some proven strategies:

Optimize Your Sales Funnel

Your sales funnel represents each stage of the buyer journey from initial awareness to final purchase. By understanding your funnel, you can identify which stages result in the most lost opportunities and where you need to focus your efforts. Some common tactics for optimizing your sales funnel include:

  • Creating targeted content for each stage of the funnel
  • Improving lead generation tactics
  • Personalizing outreach to prospects

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Reduce Sales Cycle Length

Shortening your sales cycle allows you to close more deals in less time, increasing your sales velocity. Consider tactics such as:

  • Streamlining your sales process
  • Providing better sales training
  • Reducing the number of decision-makers involved in the buying process

Increase Average Deal Value

Increasing the value of each deal closed can have a significant impact on your bottom line. Strategies for boosting average deal value include:

  • Offering product bundles or upsells
  • Encouraging customers to sign up for subscriptions or long-term contracts
  • Upgrading customers to higher-priced tiers

Improve Win Rates

Finally, improving your win rates - the percentage of closed deals - directly impacts your sales velocity. To boost win rates, consider:

  • Providing better sales training and support
  • Offering customized solutions to meet each prospect's unique needs
  • Investing in tools that help your team work more efficiently, such as CRM software

Examples of Sales Velocity in Action

To better understand how sales velocity works, let's look at some real-world examples. Imagine you run a software company with an average deal value of $10,000, a win rate of 20%, and a sales cycle length of three months. Your sales velocity would be:

Sales Velocity = (Number of Opportunities) x (Average Deal Value) x (Win Rate) / (Sales Cycle Length)

If you have 100 opportunities in your pipeline, your sales velocity would be:

Sales Velocity = 100 x $10,000 x 0.2 / 3 = $66,667

This means that your team can expect to generate $66,667 in revenue in any given month.

Now, imagine you implement the strategies outlined above and improve your win rate to 30%, reduce your sales cycle length to two months, and increase your average deal value to $15,000. Your new sales velocity would be:

Sales Velocity = 100 x $15000 x 0.3 / 2 = $225,000

By making these improvements, you have more than tripled your sales velocity, resulting in a significant increase in revenue.

Another example could be a retail store looking to improve its sales velocity by reducing the time it takes customers to purchase. They may implement strategies like improving store layout for better flow, offering faster checkout options like self-checkouts or mobile payment options, and training employees to provide fast and efficient customer service. By doing so, they can reduce the time it takes for customers to make purchases and increase the number of transactions per hour, ultimately boosting their sales velocity.

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Comparing Sales Velocity to Other Metrics

While sales velocity is an important metric for understanding how quickly you are generating revenue, it is not the only metric you should consider. Here are a few other metrics that are helpful for monitoring your business's health

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): This metric measures the cost of acquiring a new customer. Knowing your CAC allows you to determine whether your marketing efforts are effective and sustainable.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): CLV is the total amount of money a customer is expected to spend with your business over their lifetime. This metric helps you understand the long-term value of each customer and informs decisions about how much to invest in retaining them.
  • Gross Margin: Gross margin measures the percentage of revenue that remains after accounting for the cost of goods sold. This metric gives you an idea of how profitable your products or services are and helps you make pricing and inventory decisions.

While these metrics are different from sales velocity, they all work together to give you a complete picture of your business's performance. By tracking and analyzing multiple metrics, you can make informed, data-driven decisions about where to focus your efforts.


There are many factors that can extend the length of a sales cycle, including:

  • Lack of urgency on the part of the customer
  • Too many decision-makers involved in the buying process
  • Poor communication or follow-up from the sales team
  • Price objections or other concerns that are not fully addressed

Sales velocity benchmarks vary by industry and company size, so it's essential to compare your performance to similar businesses. You can also track your sales velocity over time to see if you are making improvements.

While both metrics are essential, sales velocity provides a more comprehensive view of your business's health because it takes into account how quickly you are generating revenue. However, it's important to keep an eye on revenue as well, since sales velocity alone does not guarantee profitability.

Improving sales velocity is usually a long-term effort that requires strategic planning and consistent execution. However, some tactics, such as reducing sales cycle length or increasing win rates, can have a more immediate impact.

Technology can be a valuable tool for improving sales velocity by automating tedious tasks, providing data insights, and streamlining processes. Some technologies that may be helpful include CRM software, marketing automation tools, and sales enablement platforms.


Sales velocity is a powerful metric that can help businesses of all sizes improve their profitability. By understanding and optimizing each step of the sales process, businesses can increase their sales velocity, close more deals, and generate more revenue. While it can take time and effort to make these improvements, the rewards are well worth it. By continually tracking and analyzing sales velocity, businesses can stay on top of their performance and stay ahead of the competition.

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Increasing Sales Velocity Strategies and Tactics
Jun Nguyen September 26, 2023

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