6 detailed sales, daily, and monthly sales report templates Excel

Sales report is an important and very necessary activity for each business, helping managers to monitor and evaluate the company's business situation. Currently, the revenue statement is prepared in many different forms depending on the regulations and characteristics of the company. Let's find out the 6 most popular report templates right here in the article below with Viindoo.

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1. Popular revenue report templates

Currently, there are many models sales report serve many different purposes.Here are themonthly sales report template, everyday popular.

1.1 Sales revenue report

Sales revenue report below includes information about goods name, commodity code, selling price, number of items sold in each specific month. The information is presented in detail, so that managers can capture specific information about the product.

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Tired of manually update revenue reports? Automate it now!

  • Real-time update when sales order confirmed, payment completed, etc. without any delays
  • Automate data entry, processing, visualization in charts
  • Fully tracking of sales trends, forecast revenues, growth opportunities 

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The revenue report needs to have enough content so that the readers of the report can easily follow itSales revenue summary report template

>>>> See More: Tutorial How to create a sales management file ? in simple excel

1.2 Sample monthly sales report

Samplemonthly revenue report It will help management to easily track the business situation in the month. This form includes information about the business's purchasing units, the contract value, as well as the payment status of each specific unit.

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Monthly revenue report templateMonthly revenue report template

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1.3 Sample monthly revenue and expense report excel

Monthly revenue and expense report template excel Designed in detail with full sheets of data catalogs, sales reports and sales forecasts. When looking at the report, management can grasp the company's sales situation, revenue in each quarter. At the same time, based on that managecan give forecast sales in the coming time and adjust the business plan accordingly.

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Monthly revenue and expense report template in excel
Monthly revenue and expense report template in excel

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Tired of manually update revenue reports? Automate it now!

  • Real-time update when sales order confirmed, payment completed, etc. without any delays
  • Automate data entry, processing, visualization in charts
  • Fully tracking of sales trends, forecast revenues, growth opportunities 

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1.4 Hotel revenue report template

Hotel revenue report template Details include specific information about each area, hotel revenue per day in those areasand aggregated weekly. On the report form, there is also information about the name of the customer, the reporting staff, the management department, the date of the report, etc., so that the independent reports can easily grasp all the information clearly and accurately. bright white.

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The revenue report needs to have enough content so that the readers of the report can easily follow it
Clear and specific hotel revenue report template

1.5 Sample daily sales report

Daily sales report template including columns containing full information about product code, product name, unit price, quantity sold and actual revenue of the day. Besides, This report template also has information about the date of sale, which the seller can conveniently track and manages Compare the ability of the sales staff in the company company.

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The revenue report needs to have enough content so that the readers of the report can easily follow itDaily sales report template

1.6 Revenue report by branch

For businesses and stores with many branches, this is a sample monthly revenue report very suitable. The report will include information about the branch name, the number of orders in the month, the amount of goods, the revenue achieved. Through that, management will Have get a better overview of the development situation of each branch in each specific period to come up with a new business plan.effective.

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The revenue report needs to have enough content so that the readers of the report can easily follow it
Revenue report form by branch

2. How to make a sales report using Excel

Each business and store will have a different business scale, but the models sales report Some general rules still need to be followed. The following Viindoo will guide the readers how to make a sales report in excel exactly.

2.1 Content required

In general, in each Sales revenue summary report template The following must be ensured:

  • Sheet “Product catalog”: This is a sheet used to store general information of stores and businesses such as goods, description of goods and unit prices. This will help the information be accurate, minimizing the risk situation in the process of revenue summary.
  • Sheet “Data”: Here, the report maker will enter the data and sales in the business process. In the sheet will include some information such as date of sale, product name, product code, selling price, quantity of products sold, revenue, buyer's name and arising data.
  • Sheet “Report”: This is the sheet that most fully shows the sales revenue of the business in each specific time period.In which, two common types of reports are sales report by product and by period.
The revenue report needs to have enough content so that the readers of the report can easily follow itThe revenue report needs to have enough content so that the readers of the report can easily follow it

2.2 Notes when making reports

The revenue report plays an extremely important role for the business activities of every business. Therefore, the report must ensure accuracy and comply with some general rules. Here are some tips when doing it revenue report Readers can refer to:

  • All information in the report must be absolutely accurate and based on the actual situation of the enterprise.All information needs to be authentic, not use unclear data.
  • Sample sales report must be presented in a clear and standard form, including the national title, title, name of the report, time of making the report, full name of the person making the report, content of the report and signatures of the parties involved.
  • The contents are divided into clear and detailed categories so that the readers of the report can easily follow, understand the business situation and evaluate the most accurate results. Reporters should prepare reports in excel for each specific column and row to avoid errors and confusion.
  • Depending on the purpose and requirements of each business, the report maker should choose a template sales report appropriate, ensuring that it contains important and accurate information.
  • The report should be presented carefully, succinctly, without being wordy or rambling, focusing on only datastagnate. Besidesboard should be clearly presented, not erased.
The report should be presented clearly and with absolute accuracyThe report should be presented clearly and with absolute accuracy

3. Automate Real time Sales Report with  Viindoo Sales Software

Software Viindoo Sales - A sales management solution to increase sales can help businesses plan pricing strategies with the multi-price list feature, automatically calculating prices based on available formulas. At the same time, perform the function of quick quotation, increase sales speed, promote the realization of business targets and sales report with just a few simple steps.

In addition, Viindoo Sales software also supports visual sales analysis reports with a diverse portfolio of metrics, smart filters, and automatically updated data based on real-time and high accuracy.

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Posts on here Viindoo have collected 6 samples for readers sales report detailed sales as well as the most standard excel report. Hopefully, the above sharing will help businesses to refer to and choose a report template suitable for the company's business activities.

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6 detailed sales, daily, and monthly sales report templates Excel
Jun Nguyen July 17, 2023