Instructions on how to create a sales management file with Excel simple

How to create a sales management file with Excel Is it simple or not? How to create a fileExcel Detailed inventory management for someone just starting a business? Let's go with Viindo to find the answer through the article right below.

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1. Detailed instructions on how to create a sales management file using Excel

Here, Viindoo will present the Instructions to create a sales management file with Excel in the simplest and easiest way to understand. Stay tuned to the next content here for more details!

1.1 Create data files

If known How to create a sales management file with Excel, the work of managing import - export goods and inventory becomes easier. First, to create an initial data file, do the following 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Perform the operation to open a fileExcel new.
  • Step 2: Create 5 new sheets for the fileExcel. Then, proceed to rename each sheet with the following titles in turn: HOME, XUAT, NHAP, BAO CAO, DANH MUC.
  • Step 3: Enter all necessary data into each sheet.

At sheet XUAT:

Please proceed to fill in the information including: Supplier, Item Code, Item Name, Quantity, Unit Price, Unit of Measurement, Enter, Into Money, Date.

Besides, the sheet may also need other content such as: Supplier code, Address, supplier phone number, voucher number, other notes (if any).

Enter product information, output products.Enter product information, output products.

In the NHAP sheet:

Let's Enter all the most basic information including: Customer, Item Code, Item Name, Quantity sold, Cost Price, Unit Price, Unit, Revenue, Date,...

In addition, the creator can also add some other important information such as: Customer code, Address, customer phone number, voucher number, other notes (if any).

Fill in the required information and data completely.Fill in the required information and data completely.

In the BAO CAO sheet:

Normally, users only need to access the Sales report sheet and import and export inventory.

Sales report needs information such as: name of goods, sales quantity, revenue. Meanwhile, the import and export report needs to have information such as: name of goods, quantity of inventory at the beginning, quantity imported, quantity exported and quantity of ending inventory.

Full report on the quantity of goods imported - exported - in stock.Full report on the quantity of goods imported - exported - in stock.

At sheet LIST OF MUCs:

The CATALOG sheet is the most important component of a sales management fileExcel. The content stored in this sheet includes: Item code, item name, unit of measure,...

During the actual import and export process, the user only needs to enter the item code, the remaining information will be displayed automatically. For example, if the user enters the code DH153, the unit price of this item will be displayed immediately without having to memorize it.

Store catalogs of goods via fileExcel.Store catalogs of goods via file Excel.

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1.2 Create a sheet to manage the list of products and goods

Construction process Goods catalog helps synchronize data, saving time searching, retrieving data or reporting. This also has the effect of implementing the calling and typing rules for an item in a uniform way to minimize confusion in the transaction.Excel. 

Some of the most basic headings that need to be included in the list include No. > Commodity code > Commodity name > Unit of measure > Current quantity of goods > Value of goods.

There are 2 ways to do it Manage sales with toolsExcel. The first way is to make a coupon code or an entry ticket to count. The second way is to create a catalog to get the beginning quantity when reporting to the inventory at input.

When managing sales by fileExcel, you can name the zone like this:

Select the Commodity Code column > Press Ctrl F3 > Select the NEW item > Name the Commodity Code > Click OK.

Manage the list of goods by sheetsExcel.Manage the list of goods by sheets Excel.

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1.3 Manage import-export products and goods sold on Excel

Product inventory management is an indispensable part of the tutorial How to create a sales management file with Excel. This item is used toreport, inventory goods weekly or monthly.

The simple operations used include:

  • Row Name column: Use the Vlookup function.
  • Row Code column: The formula from the Category column is transferred to.
  • Inventory Item: Use +/- calculation.
  • Export item: Use Sumif function.
  • Inventory Entry: Use the Sumif function with the item number and the sumif function for the code in the inventory.
Manage the store existence.Manage the store existence.

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1.4 Common functions used to manage sales on Excel

Here are 4 basic functions commonly used to Sales management by Excel file:

  • If error function: Helps with file management operations Excel more professional.
  • Countif function: This function is used to calculate the amount of inventory, import and export goods of the store.
  • Sumifs function: This function is used to calculate the total quantity, to cash, to export the condition from the item code and the ending inventory quantity.
  • Vlookup function: This is a column search function. Users only need to enter the product code when entering goods. All information about product names, prices, units, ... are easily searched.
Using functionsExcel makes store management more accurate and easier.Using functionsExcel makes store management more accurate and easier.

2. Best online sales management Excel file template

Here is a summary of 5 samples Excel Sales Manager The most standard online today. Businesses can immediately refer to create files Excel Sales Manager best suited for your company.

2.1 File Excel Product Management

Managing products and goods of the online store helps shop owners know what products the store has, how much and how much it costs. One file Excel Product Management including the following information: Commodity code, Goods type, Commodity name, Unit of measure, Quantity of goods.

>>>> Access now: File Excel Product Management.

File Excel Simplest product management.File Excel Simplest product management.

2.2 File Excel customer management

The creation of filesExcel Customer management helps store owners take better care of their customers. From there, it will be easy to identify the group of loyal customers to soon have incentives to attract customers and increase overall revenue. A customer management file has information such as: Customer Code, Customer Name, Address, Phone Number, Email (if needed).

>>>> Pocket now: File Excel customer management.

File Excel Latest customer management.File Excel Latest customer management.

2.3 File Excel revenue management

Online shop owners can control their revenue more precisely thanks to the fileExcel revenue management. Shop owners often make a fileExcel including the following information: Time, Customer Name, Goods Code, Product Name, Quantity, Price List, Other Notes (if any).

>>>> Download now: File Excel revenue management.

File Excel The most detailed revenue managementFile Excel The most detailed revenue management

2.4 File Excel import and export management

The inventory management file is an important file that controls import and export information. FileExcel This will make tracking and managing goods simpler and more convenient with the following basic items: Transaction time, Commodity code, Goods name, Quantity, Unit price, Unit of measure, Member Money, Transaction Documents, Other Notes (if any).

>>>> Download: File Excel import and export management.

File Excel Easy to understand import and export management.File Excel Easy to understand import and export management.

2.5 File Excel Online order management

Manage online orders by fileExcel This will help to control the goods and limit the loss of orders. Below is an Excel spreadsheet to manage online orders that store owners can refer to.

>>>> Refer now: File Excel Online order management.

Manage online orders by fileExcel.Manage online orders by file Excel.

3. Sales management with softwareVindoo

Sample filesExcel Sales management has brought certain benefits to store owners and businesses. However, this tool still has some limitations as follows:

  • The use of filesExcel Sales manager is only suitable for small stores with small quantity of goods.
  • Calculation functions in fileExcel very complex, requires users to be proficient and have good memorization to be able to use it.
  • Sales management file withExcel There is data from many different streams, so it is easy to cause freezes and also very susceptible to viruses.
  • The user cannot process and control the fileExcel from far away

To overcome these limitations,Vindoo Provide shop owners and businesses with multi-channel sales management softwareVindoo Omnichannel. This software will help to perform goods management more quickly, efficiently and accurately.

Below, let's take a look at the great benefits that Viindoo Omnichannel brings to businesses:

  • Viindoo Omnichannel allows businesses to reach customers across multiple platforms in a single application.
  • Manage and compare unit prices and revenue of each sales channel.
  • Manage customer groups easily, deploy marketing campaigns with Zalo/SMS.
  • Synchronization across multiple sales channels such as Shopee, Lazada, Sendo,... Businesses can easily manage messages from customers on all channels at the same time.
  • Manage data including orders, customer information, purchase history, partner information, suppliers, ... in a single place.
  • Automated delivery cost calculation, integrating the shipping cost calculation into the final invoice.
  • Viindoo Omnichannel multi-channel sales software is an effective tool for businesses' online and offline sales channels.
Viindoo Omnichannel software is an effective assistant for many shop owners today.Viindoo Omnichannel software is an effective assistant for many shop owners today.


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A sales management file is a document or spreadsheet created in Excel to track and manage sales-related information, such as customer data, sales performance, revenue, and inventory.

Begin by defining the objectives and data you want to track, such as customer details, sales targets, product inventory, and revenue. Then, create appropriate columns and labels for each data category in an Excel worksheet.

Yes, Excel offers various formatting options to customize the layout and design of your sales management file. You can apply different fonts, colors, cell borders, and even create charts or graphs for better data visualization.

Absolutely. Excel enables you to generate reports and summaries easily. You can use pivot tables to analyze sales data, create charts or graphs to visualize trends, and filter or sort data to focus on specific criteria.

There are numerous online resources and templates available that can serve as a starting point for creating your sales management file in Excel. These resources can provide pre-designed layouts and formulas to streamline your process.

Through articles about How to create a sales management file with Excel, Viindoo Hope your business will manage the store more effectively and accurately. If your business is interested in sales management software, please contact Viindoo immediately for specific advice.

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Instructions on how to create a sales management file with Excel simple
Jun Nguyen May 24, 2023