The MES in manufacturing optimizes the factory's performance, “freeing” the manufacturing team from the usual manual process. At the same time, this system contributes to improving productivity and monitoring the progress of working time between factories and workshops. Let's find out more details with Viindoo right in the article below.
What is the MES in manufacturing?
MES in manufacturing stands for Manufacturing Execution System. This is an information system that connects and controls complex manufacturing systems and data flows in factories, ensuring efficient manufacturing and improving productivity.
The MES manufacturing management system also helps to collect data on manufacturing processes, performance and manufacturing production planning. With the MES in manufacturing, businesses can trace the origin, manage product details, materials as well as other work in the factory. This is the basis for managers to understand the production status at each time, thereby optimizing the process.

What is the MES in manufacturing?
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Signs businesses need to use the MES in manufacturing
All businesses facing one of the following problems need MES manufacturing management system:
- Delayed information, unable to provide useful analysis and accurate decisions.
- Difficulty in product traceability.
- Difficulty in controlling manufacturing activities, not ensuring the timely production schedule.
- Risks and errors due to manual or paper-based manufacturing processes.
- Uncontrolled factory's information flows as there is no unified information system.

Some problems that businesses face need the support of the MES in manufacturing
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Benefits of MES in manufacturing
Currently, there are many businesses using MES in manufacturing. What are the benefits of this system? Let's find out right here.
Short-term benefits:
- Reduce costs and increase manufacturing efficiency.
- Optimize processes and reduce working time in the warehouse.
- Optimize data entry process.
- Make orders quickly.
- Reduce the time of a finished product manufacturing cycle.
- Replace manual paperwork with modern technology.
- Reduce labor costs
Long-term benefits:
- Supporting comprehensive improvement of manufacturing processes, improving customer satisfaction and experience.
- The working process of employees is improved, complying with all manufacturing requirements in the enterprise.
- Supporting businesses to quickly change, adapt, and cope with today's rapidly changing business environment.

Some problems that businesses face need the support of the MES in manufacturing
Features of MES manufacturing management system
Here we will learn about the core functions of an effective MES in manufacturing.
Production scheduling
MES is software that helps businesses manage manufacturing processes based on pre-existing plans from the ERP resource planning system. This system allows to creation production scheduling, analysis performance, and managing the entire manufacturing process effectively in real-time.

MES establishes production scheduling based on plan received from ERP
Real-time manufacturing management
MES manufacturing management system stands out for its ability to accurately collect all manufacturing data in real-time. Thanks to the connection with the latest technological advancements such as IoT or SCADA, MES software can easily collect accurate data on uptime when the machine is running, the machine is stopping as well as manufacturing output, etc.

MES collects data and manages manufacturing operations in real-time
Product traceability
MES software allows businesses to encode all product information into QR codes or barcodes. These codes will be affixed with shipments for easy traceability when needed. When retrieving, the MES in manufacturing will provide all information about the product such as manufacturer, distributor, or supplier so that users can fully grasp information about the shipment during the whole supply process.

MES encodes product information into QR Code or barcode
Quality control and management
Quality management is one of the most important features of MES. This feature supports the user to declare all the quality standards of the materials, thereby building the sampling process and recording the test results. MES manufacturing management system will carry out all actions corresponding to the results obtained.
All quality information will be stored in only data system. Quality control can be carried out at any time when receiving input materials, during manufacturing or warehousing, transferring of ownership, etc. All this information is provided by MES supporting storage, helping users to build reports quickly, accurately, and efficiently.
Overall analysis of machine performance
The overall machine performance analysis function of the MES in manufacturing is an important feature, helping businesses effectively manage the manufacturing process. This feature supports enterprises to collect, measure and check the comprehensive performance of manufacturing machinery and equipment.
This measurement test is performed based on 3 main factors A-Q-P with A being Availability, Q being Quality, and P being Performance. Thanks to this measurement and evaluation, businesses can find opportunities for improvement and growth.

The MES performance system measures overall equipment performance based on A - Q - P
Creating a maintenance plan
Creating a maintenance plan for machinery, equipment and supplies is an important function that cannot be ignored in MES manufacturing management system. This system is capable of effectively managing all elements of the manufacturing process such as machines, parts, or materials.
The status of all equipment in simple to complex manufacturing processes is closely monitored. This feature supports users to manage the manufacturing process in the easiest and most scientific way. The equipment information is captured to make the most timely and reasonable maintenance decisions.
FAQ - Frequently Questions
Currently, MES is quite popularly used. Therefore, there are still several wonders and questions about this system. Here, let's answer some frequently questions with Viindoo.
If my business has already used an ERP software, should I use MES in manufacturing?
Almost all large enterprises are equipped with ERP software. These factories are often concerned that when MES goes into manufacturing, it could cause functional overlap with the ERP system. But in reality, ERP and MES have different functions and uses. In there:
- ERP is usually oriented to building plans and planning resources for units
- MES focuses on and works with detailed physical operations in the factory.
Besides, the first reason that both ERP and MES are so important in a manufacturing business is that ERP software often does not include clear information about the process and manufacturing capabilities of individual components. Therefore, businesses will need an intermediary process to translate the plan on ERP to become specific and feasible.
That intermediate process is MES. With the MES in manufacturing, the information from the ERP software related to the requirements will be used as a basis to build the manufacturing process for each batch of products and closely monitor those processes.

MES is more concerned with physical operations than ERP
Secondly, the MES software will provide highly accurate, real-time information about factory operations back to the ERP. Thereby, it will help the ERP system to improve its planning ability in the coming times.
The last factor is that MES does not have the ability to manage other important areas such as finance, sales, and customer care like ERP. Therefore, businesses need ERP to be able to link data from manufacturing activities to office and business blocks such as sales, purchases, and customer care, etc
It can be said that ERP and MES are two systems that effectively support and complement each other.
How does the MES in manufacturing fit into the smart factory model?
In the smart factory model, the MES in manufacturing is located on the 3rd floor, responsible for connecting and supporting operations with business management systems such as PLM and ERP. By collecting data directly from machines with PLM and ERP, the MES in manufacturing will connect the factory's manufacturing activities to the level of management, quality management teams, and machine operators.
This combination helps businesses to update manufacturing status immediately and continuously at all times. Beside, the process of controlling and checking the quality of end products is also optimized, thereby helping to increase manufacturing efficiency.
For the above reasons, MES makes an important contribution to creating an optimal management process for manufacturing and is suitable for application in smart factories.

MES software vs ERP system
The above article Viindoo has provided audiences with information related to the MES in manufacturing as well as the benefits and operating principles of the system. Hopefully the above sharing will help businesses make the most reasonable decision to put MES software into the manufacturing process!
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