File Excel Keep track of leave, annual leave simple, accurate

Excel file to track leave and simple annual leave makes the business leave management process easier than ever. By keeping track of the number of leave days, businesses can ensure that their employees will receive the correct number of annual leave. Refer to the file samplesExcel Leave management in the article below of Viindoo.

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1. Simple annual leave tracking sample file

Sample file to keep track of annual leave commonly used in companies and organizations to record and track the number of leave days of employees during the year. This form includes information about the employee's name, number of leave days granted, number of days of leave used, and number of leave days remaining.

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Employee's annual leave tracking formEmployee's annual leave tracking form

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2. Employee leave tracking sheet

Employee leave tracking sheet is a document used to record and track the number of leave days an employee takes in a year. The detailed tracking sheet is below:

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Employee leave tracking formEmployee leave tracking form

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3. Detailed annual leave chart with seniority

Annual leave tracking table seniority is a tool to calculate the number of annual leave that an employee has accumulated in the company based on their number of active years in the company.

Formula for calculating year by seniority: Number of days of leave = (Number of annual leave days as prescribed + Number of annual leave days increased by seniority /12) * Actual number of working months in the year.

Refer to the annual permit form below:

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Form for monitoring annual leave with seniorityForm for monitoring annual leave with seniority

>>>> Watch Now: The latest regulations on annual leave for employees

4. Information required in the leave tracking form

Information needed in annual leave tracking form include:

  • Employee code: This code number never matches. Each employee will have a different code. If the employee leaves, the code will remain the same.
  • Personal information of employees: This information will be kept confidential by the enterprise in accordance with the law, including:
    • First and last name
    • Email
    • Phone number
    • Date of birth
    • Sex
    • Address (current and permanent)
    • ID/CCCD
    • Certificate of Educational Qualification
  • Working parts
  • Position
  • Working position
  • Time to start working
  • Working form
  • Reason for leave
  • Headquarter
Leave tracking form needs to show full informationLeave tracking form needs to show full information

5. How to set up the file Excel leave tracking

Creating a leave tracking sheet in Excel is an important process and requires the creator to follow a specific process. Accordingly, the developer needs to collect and process all the necessary data accurately and efficiently to create the most detailed leave table.

Step 1: Create a sub-monitoring sheet (timesheet form) in Excel.

Timesheets are the basis for monitoring employee activities in each working session and giving general results. Generally, the types of leave will be classified into:

  • Work all day (X).
  • Half-day work and unpaid leave (X-0).
  • Work half a day and take statutory leave (X-P).
  • Full day off according to benefits (P).

Each working session, the human resources department will update the employee's attendance status and fill in the time sheet. To track leave using Excel, people annual leave management need to pay attention to the symbols X-P and P. After that, the number of holidays will be aggregated at the end of the week/month. To calculate vacation days in Excel, we can use the COUNTIF function as follows:

  • To count the number of sessions with the symbol X-P, each occurrence is equivalent to 0.5 days, we use the formula: COUNTIF(D6:AH6, “X-P”)*0.5.
  • To count the number of sessions marked P with each divisor equal to 1 day, we use the formula: COUNTIF(D6:AH6, “P”).

Step 2 Calculate the number of working months 

To calculate the number of months worked by an employee, a manager needs to make many decisions and handle many different cases. However, if the sub-formulas have been precisely defined, summing them will result in the correct results in column E.

Managers should note, however, that the results of the calculations may change at each leave tracking point. Therefore, human resource managers need to update information regularly to ensure the accuracy of calculation results. If the management does not continuously update the information, the calculation results may be inaccurate and cause errors in the leave management process.

Step 3 Calculate the number of annual leave days

Managers only need to compare the number of working months with the company's regulations to determine the total number of leave days granted to employees. By using the Excel LOOKUP function, the developer can quickly search and output a range of results as follows:

  • Lookup_value: Locate the value to be searched. In this case, the value to look up is the cells in column E, starting at cell E4.
  • Lookup_vector: A column that refers to the seniority months based on the company's policy table.
  • Result_vector: The column containing the specified number of leave days.

To calculate the results for the leave tracking table on Excel, the creator needs to keep in mind an important thing that is to fix the necessary area in the rule table. The result will be displayed in cell F4 and the resulting formula will look like this:

F4 = LOOKUP(E4, Quy_tac_tinh!$A$3:$A$13, Quy_tac_tinh!$C$3:$C$13)

Step 4: Calculate the number of days of leave used and the number of days remaining

The final step in the leave tracking sheet is to track the number of vacation days used and remaining. This is very simple because the required data has already been calculated in the previous three steps. To find out the number of leave days left, the administrator can simply use the MINUS function for the following two values:

  • Total number of vacation days in the year.
  • Number of vacation days used up to the present time.

The aggregate results will show the number of leave remaining of the employee, making it easier to manage the number of leave days and ensuring that they do not use more than the number of leave granted during the year.

Steps to build filesExcel leave managementSteps to build filesExcel leave management

6. FREE, effective timekeeping solution

Besides the advantage of being free and available, the timekeeping on Excel files has many disadvantages such as errors in calculation, data loss when the file is damaged or lost.

To solve these problems, using time  attendance software is an optimal solution. Businesses can manage employee information and calculate their working hours and compensation quickly and accurately. In addition, software also allows businesses to store employee information in the cloud, helping to secure and access data easily.

Viindoo Attendance time attendance software is a useful tool to optimize the human resource management process and save time and costs for the company. When using Viindoo Attendance, managing the time attendance of personnel will become easier than ever. With the ability to automate time and attendance, the software saves HR department time and effort by eliminating manual data entry tasks that often lead to errors. In addition, Viindoo Attendance also helps to reduce information leakage and employee fraud, and at the same time, makes the timekeeping and payroll process more efficient.

Viindoo Attendance software helps businesses manage attendance effectivelyViindoo Attendance software helps businesses manage attendance effectively


Absolutely! Excel allows extensive customization. You can add columns for specific leave types, include formulas to calculate leave balances, or incorporate conditional formatting to highlight specific information. Tailoring the file to match your organization's policies is easy.

An Excel file can easily handle multiple employees' leave information. You can create a separate row for each employee, making it a comprehensive tool for tracking leave across an entire organization

Accuracy can be maintained by employing formulas to calculate leave balances automatically. Double-checking the entered information and periodically reviewing the file for errors or discrepancies will enhance accuracy.

Absolutely. Excel offers robust reporting capabilities. You can use functions like filters, sorting, and pivot tables to generate reports summarizing leave data, such as total leaves taken by an employee or the overall utilization rate.

While Excel is a popular choice, there are alternative leave management software and online tools available that provide more advanced features, such as automated notifications, leave request approvals, and integration with other HR systems. However, Excel remains a reliable and accessible option for more precise leave tracking needs.

 Can the Excel file be shared with others for collaboration?

You can share the Excel file with others for collaboration by uploading it to cloud storage platforms like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. This allows multiple users to access and edit the file simultaneously, facilitating teamwork and real-time updates.

Excel file to track leave help businesses manage the number of annual leave of employees effectively. With this spreadsheet, the company can calculate and manage the number of annual leave for each employee based on the number of years of their seniority in the company Viindoo Hope the business has found the right forms.

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File Excel Keep track of leave, annual leave simple, accurate
Jun Nguyen May 18, 2023