8+ Free Candidate Sourcing Tool with Quality for HR​

The job market is becoming more competitive than ever. To find suitable and qualified candidates, businesses should make full use of candidate sourcing tool. This will be an extremely effective source of recruitment if the business chooses the right way and meet the business's needs. Let Viindoo enlighten these methods in this article.

8+ Free Candidate Sourcing Tool

Social networking sites

Social networking sites (like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) are one of the candidate search platforms that many businesses apply to their recruitment strategy. With a high number of social media users and popularity such as, businesses can quickly reach a large pool of candidates.


  • High reachability with low cost
  • The social network provides a platform that you can advertise your brand while building your
  • Human Resource (HR) branding.
  • The appropriate candidates who have followed the business before can be easily attract.


  • The social media is a digital platform of intense competition among recruiters
  • The job postings can be missed by the readers because of low interactions, posts intensity
  • The quality of candidates is uneven, making it difficult to target potential candidates that businesses need


With a huge number of users, Facebook is considered one of the potential and free candidate sources. Currently, recruitment groups on Facebook are built with quality according to many criteria such as:

  • Location (Internships & Jobs in HaNoi, Internships & Jobs in Danang, etc.)
  • Job types (Recruitment Media, IT, etc.)
  • General groups (Do you have a job?, Freelancer jobs in Vietnam, etc.)

As a result, employers can post job ads to proper audiences and accurate needs, thereby easily finding quality candidates. Besides, candidates can also easily filter and select recruitment groups that are suitable to their majors and desires.


  • Access to a large number of candidates
  • Find candidates easily in a short time.


  • The quality of candidates is uneven, which takes time to select. 
  • Job postings are usually skipped.
Social network is a popular application for attracting personnel

Social network is a popular application for attracting personnel


In contrast to Facebook, Linkedin is a professional social network for recruiting and branding corporate recruitment. Candidates can provide personal information, certifications, degrees, or experience and skills. Meanwhile, the business provides information about the organization, the company, the achievements that the business has achieved. It can be said that LinkedIn bonds two sides: Supporting businesses to search, screen candidates and help candidates approach businesses easier.


  • The information is clear and transparent.
  • The businesses and candidates easily find the correct job and candidate.
  • The site provides quality and free candidate sources.


  • The employers face competition when posting job description on the same system.

Internal recruitment

In addition to social media channels that provide a free candidate sources, employers can also take advantage of internal recruitment sources. Employers or businesses can consider all qualified and certified employees that are suitable for the post. From there, recruiters consider promoting and rotating employees to new positions.


  • Help businesses reduce the cost of sourcing candidates
  • Easily choose the right candidate without spending time on training
  • Pose less risks in recruitment, limiting the situation of encountering poor quality candidates
  • Create an environment for employees to develop their abilities.


  • Reduce diversity in the organization.
  • Conflicting opinions about fairness
Easy and fast internal recruitment method

Easy and fast internal recruitment method

Employees referrals

There are free candidate sources that businesses should take advantage of, for example, employee referrals. Recruiters can consider candidates introduced by company employees, thereby somewhat limiting poor-quality candidates.


  • Reducing risk in recruitment because candidates have been screened.
  • Ensuring the input quality of the candidate source.


  • Risks of untransparent recruitment.

Archived candidate sources

Archived candidate profiles are free candidate sources that many businesses often overlook. Usually, in recruitment, businesses choose only a few of the best candidates.

Businesses can archive profiles or information about potential candidates but have not yet been recruited for the next recruitment round for later evaluation of those candidates for other positions.


  • Businesses can make the use of the available candidate pool.


  • The number of applicants may not meet the demand because they have been screened.
Screening old candidates to find effective personels

Screening old candidates to find effective personals

>>>> See More: What is Recruitment Marketing? Benefits and 7 factors for success

Free Recruiment Sites

Currently, recruitment websites possess popular and free candidate sources popular and free candidate sources, as they are professional recruitment platforms. Moreover, recruitment websites can serve as the connection between businesses and candidates in all occupation fields.


  • The businesses are able of posting recruitment notices freely and discover suitable candidates themselves.
  • The recruiters possess the chance of reviewing candidates’ resumes directly.


  • Candidates are of uneven quality.
  • Candidates or businesses may encounter some fraudulent recruitment sites that affect the security of information.
  • Candidates' information searching process can take time because the business has to pay an exact amount of money for more information.

Owned recruitment website

The company’s own recruitment website is one of the effective, free candidate sources. The websites have a mission of building employer branding and communicating their recruitment information more accurately. In addition, businesses can be more proactive in the process of connecting candidates without 3rd parties.


  • The channels assist businesses in managing their recruitment channels.
  • The channels support businesses to create the best brand and recruitment strategy.


  • The channels are less well-known.
  • The channels need investing for website communication.
The companies website is the official recruitment channel

The companies website is the official recruitment channel

Colleges and universities

One of the worth-mentioning free candidate sources is colleges and universities, where businesses can find abundantly available candidates. Employers can post recruitment information at colleges and universities to search for applicants.


  • Easily attract candidates for your business.
  • Easily branding for businesses.
  • Easily create good relationships with schools, and training systems,...


  • The recruitment is potentially risky because most candidates do not have high professional qualifications.
  • Recruitment is often not suitable for seeking candidates in high positions.

Use Talent Pool

Talent Pool is a place to gather potential candidates and classify them according to different criteria. For example, criteria on job search location, job position, capacity, etc.


  • Store all potential candidate information.
  • Save time, optimize records processing.
  • Classify candidates by position and types of occupation.
  • Screen potential candidates effectively.
Talent Pool is an effective recruitment method

Talent Pool is an effective recruitment method

>>>> Learn More: What is Talent pool? How to build an effective talent pool

Viindoo Candidate Resources Management Software

Viindoo Candidate Resources Management software is a user-friendly and professionally designed tool in the Viindoo Recruitment Software suite. This software automates recruitment, saves time and costs, and attracts top talent for enterprises. It offers a customizable recruitment website, multilingual capabilities, and seamless integration with recruiting websites and social networks. 

internal training

All-In-One Recruitment Software


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With Viindoo Candidate Resources Management, businesses can easily build and manage a comprehensive candidate database, record recruitment campaigns, and update candidate information. The software streamlines candidate profile processing, enables direct communication with candidates and provides recruitment reports for measuring and improving efficiency. By choosing Viindoo Candidate Resources Management, businesses can automate their recruitment process, increase productivity, reduce candidate waiting time, and showcase professionalism.


Reputable candidate sourcing tools prioritize data security and compliance with privacy regulations. They employ encryption, secure servers, and strict access controls to protect candidate information.

Yes, many candidate sourcing tools offer automation features like email templates, automated messaging, and candidate tracking, enabling recruiters to efficiently communicate with candidates.

Consider factors like your recruitment needs, budget, integration capabilities, user-friendly interface, customer support, and reviews when selecting a candidate sourcing tool.

Above, Viindoo has revealed effective methods to attract candidate sourcing tool. Hopefully the information above will help businesses have the best recruitment strategy.

>>>> Effective Recruitment Solution:

8+ Free Candidate Sourcing Tool with Quality for HR​
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Trần Thị Lâm Anh December 9, 2022