What is SaaS Subscription?

The concept of saas subscription has become a crucial element in the digital revolution, offering opportunities for both businesses to provide software and users to access services and products flexibly and efficiently. In this article, Viindoo will provide you with information about subscriptions so that you can understand how Viindoo delivers software to customers.

What is SaaS Subscription?

Subscription is a business model where users pay a regular fee to access a specific service or product. Instead of purchasing a product or service outright, customers pay a monthly or yearly fee to continue using the product or service.

SaaS (Software as a Service) is a cloud-based software model that delivers applications to end-users via an internet browser. SaaS provides server-based services and applications to customers for on-demand access.

What is SaaS Subscription?
What is SaaS Subscription?

SaaS Subscription can be understood as the subscription model for SaaS, where software providers offer software as a service, and customers purchase subscription plans to use the software on a monthly or yearly basis.

As we journey further into the topic of SaaS subscription, let's explore its various models and the multitude of benefits it brings to both providers and valued customers.

Benefits of SaaS Subscription for Customers

The SaaS Subscription model allows users to scale their software usage based on their business needs. Here are some clear benefits for SaaS Subscription customers:

Cost-Efficiency and Accessibility

SaaS software can be instantly installed and accessed through web browsers, eliminating the need for on-premise software setup. This enables businesses to deploy software quickly to all departments immediately after a successful subscription signup.


  • Lower upfront costs: The SaaS subscription model allows users to experience products or services at a lower initial cost compared to traditional software (licenses, installations, infrastructure, etc.). Instead of a large one-time payment, users can pay on a monthly or yearly basis, spreading out the investment and reducing usage risks.
  • Predictable current costs: Using SaaS Subscription software, customers can easily calculate how much they need to budget for the software service each year. Maintenance fees and regular upgrades are not a concern as providers manage those aspects. Additionally, if expansion is desired, costs for scaling up can be easily determined without consultancy fees.

Seamless Updates and Upgrades

Just as smartphone software is updated, SaaS software is similarly maintained. Users need not worry about manual updates and bug fixes. With SaaS Subscription plans, updates are seamlessly provided by the provider and deployed automatically, eliminating the need for IT support.

Customization and Tailored Solutions

Many SaaS providers offer subscription plans at various levels to cater to different business requirements. Customers can select plans based on user numbers or resources, ensuring they only pay for features or resources they actually use.

Common SaaS Subscription Models

Subscription-based software is a rising trend in the tech industry, providing users with greater flexibility in product use. Here are some common SaaS subscription models that offer a clearer perspective.

Freemium Subscription Model

The Freemium model combines "Free" and "Premium," allowing users to access basic product features for free and pay for advanced features. Users can benefit from this model when their needs are basic. For business software, the Freemium model lets businesses experience free features before committing financially.

Freemium SaaS Subscription Models
Example of the Freemium model is Spotify

The best example of the Freemium model is Spotify, a music streaming service with more than 381 million users and about 172 million users with paid subscriptions. Spotify offers a Fremium plan that allows users to listen to music completely for free, this is considered one of the advantages of Spotify compared to other apps, whether you use the Premium plan or not, you can: Get recommendations Based on your preferences, build a music and podcast collection, and more. But you can also choose to upgrade to Spotify Premium to experience more advanced benefits.

Monthly/Annual Subscription Model

In this simple model, users pay a regular monthly or yearly fee to access the software's entire feature set. The only difference between Monthly and Yearly subscription tiers is often pricing incentives for yearly payment. This model allows businesses to choose plans based on their budget capacity.

For example, Adobe Creative Cloud is operating on a monthly or yearly subscription model. When choosing to pay, you can choose to pay a monthly plan if your initial budget doesn't allow it, but you can also choose to pay annually to enjoy a percentage discount.

Tiered Subscription Model

The tiered subscription model provides multiple subscription levels, each with different feature sets. Users can select the most suitable tier based on their needs and budget. This model is popular among SaaS providers as it offers accessible software features at various levels.

Google Workspace offers tiered subscriptions

For example, Google Workspace offers tiered subscriptions. Users can choose plans with different levels of software and services to cater to their operational needs.

Pay-as-You-Grow Subscription Model

Pay-as-you-go (pay-as-you-go) model is understood that users pay based on the amount of resources they consume. Service providers may charge based on the amount of storage used, while many phone service providers charge based on the number of minutes used.

Freemium SaaS Subscription Models
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Subscription Model

One of the most famous examples is Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS offers over 200 cloud services, each with its own pay-as-you-go pricing system.

For example, if you choose to run your application on an Amazon EC2, you will pay for computing resources by the hour or second. Or, you can use an AWS hosting solution and pay based on the size of the objects you store and how long you store them.

What’s about Viindoo SaaS Subscription?

Viindoo's software is provided through a flexible subscription format suitable for all businesses, allowing them to maximize costs with various options.

Viindoo SaaS Subscription
Viindoo SaaS Subscription model

Freemium Subscription

Viindoo offers a completely free Freemium subscription plan with systems that use one application and an unlimited number of users. This plan is designed to assist small businesses and startups without the worry of costs.

For example, using the Sales software with full customer management, sales team, orders, invoices, and customer payments can be done for free, with no user limits. Fees are only applied when expanding features, such as installing the Production app for managing production activities.

Viindoo SaaS Subscription
Viindoo Freemium Subscription

Tiered Subscription

For users seeking comprehensive access to Viindoo's features, the monthly and annual subscription options provide a cost-effective way to enjoy uninterrupted access and consistent updates.


  •  All applications

     03 hours of free training


  •  All applications

     Customization with Customizer

     05 hours of free training

     Multiple companies

     Upload of Custom applications

Understanding that different businesses have varying requirements, Viindoo offers both Standard and Luxury plans for customers of different scales to easily select from. Both plans offer unlimited feature use and are priced per user. However, the Luxury plan provides additional premium features suitable for large businesses operating across multiple companies and requiring customized applications, making it pricier than the Standard plan.

Additionally, Viindoo combines the tiered and regular monthly/yearly subscription models, allowing customers to choose options that fit their financial capability.

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What is SaaS Subscription?
Hue Nguyen August 28, 2023