4 simple steps to optimize conversion rates of e-commerce pages

How to optimize conversion rates is always the top concern of e-commerce businesses. If driving traffic is considered the first step in building a customer journey funnel, then a better-stepping stone to promote sustainable business growth is to optimize the conversion rates. In this article, let's learn about 4 simple steps for businesses to optimize conversion rates for e-commerce pages most effectively.

Show pricing & promotions to optimize conversion rates

Potential customers can be attracted to e-commerce sites with good product displays and real user experience reviews. But obviously, the most important issue hitting the customer's interest is the price policy and promotion.

Will it be enough to just provide promotions via channels like email or blog posts? In fact, customers do not have time to read them.

The most effective method to optimize conversion rates is to put the information in front of their eyes. One effective way is to use pop-ups or slide-ins - specially designed information frames, to attract customers' attention right on the website interface.

  • Pop-up: A message frame that is set to automatically pop up when customers visit a website.

  • Slide-in: An automatic message frame on the website which appears gradually in the corner of the screen.

On these pop-ups/slide-ins, information about pricing policy and promotions should be highlighted impressively to trigger customers.

By using the Viindoo Website app, users can set up pop-ups on their landing pages in a very convenient way. 

Customizations in terms of positions, size, background image, display page, timeout before appearing, etc can all be set up with a few simple drags and drops.

Administrators easily set up the most attractive pop-ups to direct customers' attention with Viindoo Website application

Administrators easily set up the most attractive pop-ups to direct customers' attention with Viindoo Website application.

Increase interaction with customers on e-commerce pages

Customers always want timely support and interaction from sellers during the purchase process. In order for customers to feel the presence of the brand, you should use a chatbot to increase the customer's experience.

With this approach, customers feel cared for. At the same time, businesses can communicate and consult customers immediately. Since then, customers are convinced, helping optimize conversion rates of e-commerce pages.

With Viindoo Live-chat application, you can set up and monitor an automatic chat window when customers visit your website based on research of user habits.

Use Viindoo Livechat to interact with visitors quickly

Use Viindoo Livechat to interact with visitors quickly.

As a customer starts chatting, you will get instant notifications of online chats and respond to customers right away. Besides, you can also pre-set quick answers to frequently asked questions, which helps reply faster.

Apply automated sales process to optimize conversion rates

Automated sales processes are no longer a trend, but an indispensable feature for an e-commerce business to increase its competitiveness.

To optimize conversion rates, the two simplest ways that Viindoo platform can help to close orders with automated workflows are:

  • Send automated marketing emails to different customer files;

  • Automatically schedule activities in accordance with customer needs.

Send automatic emails to different customer files

An e-commerce business can have many different sets of customers, each of which should have different promotions according to their favors. Therefore, businesses need to set up customized messages to include in automated marketing emails.

With Viindoo Email Marketing, businesses can design professional emails with just drag and drop. The application helps to build and manage content for the right target, at the right time.

Automate email campaigns with Viindoo Email Marketing application

Automate email campaigns with Viindoo Email Marketing application.

Automatically assign actions when recognizing customer needs

An e-commerce business can have hundreds or thousands of customers to take care per day. So how do customers feel that your business really cares about them, so that they can decide to purchase?

The answer still lies in the "automatic" factor, but it must be in the way businesses handle orders. 

With the Viindoo Sales application, this is completely possible.

When a customer fills out a contact form, sends a request via email, or simply adds a product to the cart, all will be recorded and automatically schedule corresponding activities in the software.

At this time, sales staff will know their next activities to easily arrange work and take care of customers. Thereby, it helps to optimize conversion rates and closing order rates.

Use customer data for Remarketing

This is a method many businesses use to remind customers of abandoned carts/products.

Remarketing is also an effective method to optimize conversion rates. According to reports by Optinmonster, by repeating products that customers are interested in, businesses can increase conversion rates to 161%. Also, sending marketing emails to loyal customers can optimize conversion rates and increase sales to 11%.

Applying this method, businesses may have to perform remarketing many times, in many different channels to be able to lead customers from potential to opportunistic and to purchase.

For example, businesses look at the empty cart rate report for each customer and send marketing emails that push customers to return to the page and proceed to checkout.

Applying this method, businesses may need to engage in remarketing repeatedly across a variety of channels. This helps to convert leads to opportunities, convincing customers to purchase.

Abandoned cart analysis to come up with a sales and remarketing strategy suitable for Viindoo's Sales software

Abandoned cart analysis to come up with a sales and remarketing strategy suitable for Viindoo's Sales software.

An attractively designed e-commerce website or logical product planning is not enough. In fact, businesses still have to put a lot of effort to optimize conversion rates on the page. The easiest and fastest way is to apply Viindoo Ecommerce with full features of configuring sales policy, automated sales process and customer care, etc. Experience 15 days using Viindoo for free now!

4 simple steps to optimize conversion rates of e-commerce pages
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Amber Nguyen June 14, 2022