What is net worth? Meaning and formula for calculating net worth

Net worth is a familiar term in financial markets. However, at present, there are still many readers who still really don't know What is net worth? Therefore, let's learn about this term through the content of the article below.

1. What is net worth?

Net assets is the value of assets of an entity such as a state, country, individual, business, etc. Net assets will include all existing assets of the subject after deducting the total amount of debt.

Net worth is also considered as the most accurate indicator of an entity's financial position. This is also considered an important factor to help objectively assess the economic viability as well as the business performance of an enterprise.

1.1 What is net worth in securities?

Net assets in securities are the total value of all assets of any individual or organization after deducting outstanding debts.

What is net worth
What does net worth mean?

1.2 What is net worth?

Net asset value is the total value of assets that the subject is holding after deducting debts to be paid. In other words, net worth is the total remaining assets of an owner after deducting debts.

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2. Meaning of net worth

Here are some of the implications of net worth for businesses, individuals, and organizations:

  • Net worth will be used to measure the financial capacity of an individual, business or a country.
  • Net assets are also used to evaluate the performance of a business. In case the net asset is at a negative value, it means that the business is not really efficient. At this time, businesses need to reform their management structure to improve the current situation.
  • Investors, banks and partners will rely on net assets to assess the potential of the business.
  • For individuals, net worth is seen as an important factor in helping the subject increase their finances, not only depending on the salary.
  • The net worth of the country will be calculated as the sum of the net worth of the government, businesses and entities. If net assets are positive, the financial situation is good. Conversely, if negative, the country should find ways to reduce state budget expenditure.
What is net worthThe meaning that net assets bring to the subject, business and country

3. Types of net assets

Currently, net assets are divided into two categories: short-term assets and long-term assets.
Short-term assets: This is a type of asset with relatively low useful life, usually with a term of fewer than 12 months or within 1 business cycle of the business. Short-term asset values ​​are usually quite low and tend to change shape over the course of their use.

Long-term assets: Assets with a useful life of more than 12 months. This type of asset is often used in many of business cycles of the business. The long-term asset value will usually be quite large and less likely to change shape during the entire process of use and operation.

4. What is the formula for calculating net worth?

According to the information shared by Vindoo above, the formula for calculating net assets will be:

Net worth = Total assets owned - Total liabilities

In there:

  • Total assets owned will include personal property, investments, loans, liquid assets, etc.
  • Total liabilities include loans of the subject enterprise, credit loans, installment loans, mortgage loans, etc.
What is net worthFormula for calculating net worth

Through this article,  Viindoo helped readers understand more about the term What is net worth as well as the meaning and value that this asset line brings. Hopefully, with this information, readers have for themselves effective strategies and policies to manage corporate assets.

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What is net worth? Meaning and formula for calculating net worth
Jun Nguyen March 23, 2023