BPMN - Business Process Model and Notation in the project implementation

Typically, our daily work is part of various processes. For example, when making a purchase, a buyer's process may involve placing an order, receiving an invoice, making a payment, and receiving the goods.

To manage an organization's business processes in general, it is necessary to describe and document the processes of different departments and divisions. There are many ways to accomplish this, but the easiest and simplest way is to describe them in text or diagrams.

In the past, process flow diagrams were constructed using boxes and arrows without following any specific method. As a result, it took more work for the diagram creator to explain to the diagram reader the different aspects of the process, such as task conditions, execution sequence, and responsible individuals.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a common standard for the symbols used in process descriptions.

This article will introduce the concepts and methods for modeling real-life business processes according to the BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) standard.

What is BPMN? 

BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) is a set of standardized process models and symbols designed to illustrate the steps, activities, and procedures necessary to complete one or more business processes in an easily understandable manner. Currently, BPMN has become an internationally accepted standard widely used in the field of business process management.

'Example of BPMN diagram'

History of BPMN

Initially, BPMN was developed by BPMI, an organization comprising software companies. At that time, the objective was to create a set of graphical symbols for describing processes in the Business Process Modeling Language (BPML).

In 2005, BPMI merged with OMG, a well-known object management organization for software standards, particularly UML. In 2007, BPMN version 1.0 was released and officially adopted as a standard by the OMG organization.

Through several iterations, adjustments, and improvements, in December 2010, version 2.0 was published, introducing significant changes and expansions compared to previous versions. This version is considered the most widely applied and widely used version to date.

The latest version is BPMN 2.0.2, released in February 2013, which does not differ significantly from BPMN 2.0 but includes minor text corrections. Also, in 2013, BPMN officially became the ISO/IEC 19510:2013 international standard. 

Apply BPMN to software implementation projects for businesses

Who should use BPMN?

BPMN provides a set of standardized symbols and process models that are easily understandable for all users. Therefore, all participating entities can use these diagrams (i.e., build and understand them) during the project implementation process. This includes:

  • On the software implementation team's side:
    • Business analysts consult on process improvement.
    • Technical developers are responsible for software development to support the execution of business processes.

  • On the side of the installed unit:
    • Managers are responsible for monitoring and supervising processes.
    • Employees or experts who are directly involved in carrying out tasks within the processes.

Benefits of using BPMN

In the process of designing and implementing business processes for multiple organizations, there are often communication gaps between the involved parties. This can be attributed to working in different domains, unclear language and descriptions, or incomplete communication of information.

With BPMN, building business processes in the form of visual diagrams brings several benefits, such as:

  • Simplifying Complex Business Processes
    • BPMN utilizes models and symbols to generate visual diagrams of business processes, which helps to eliminate unnecessary details and concentrate on the essential elements for process visualization. As a result, analysts can easily analyze and optimize activities, identify issues, and improve performance.
  • The shared language facilitates easier communication and collaboration.
    • BPMN can be considered a bridge that connects the entire project implementation team. Customers, analysts, and technical teams can all comprehend BPMN diagrams.
    • BPMN enables analysts to communicate their findings from process surveys to multiple people without the need for repetitive descriptions. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

  • Change Management
    • During software implementation, it is often necessary to make changes to adapt to evolving business requirements. BPMN diagrams provide a visual representation of processes in diagrammatic form. This allows project members to monitor changes in the process and understand their impact. It allows for comparing the initial process, proposed changes, and the effectiveness of those changes.

In summary, using BPMN in project implementation brings clarity, efficiency, and consistency in modeling, analyzing, and deploying business processes. It contributes to the success of the project.

Compare BPMN and UML diagrams

BPMN diagrams and UML diagrams are both standardized graphical process models developed by the Object Management Group (OMG). They use specific symbols, charts, and languages to describe task execution and as a basis for process analysis. However, these two diagrams also have several differences.





A set of process models and symbols is used to describe business processes.

A set of diagrams and symbols used to illustrate software.


Approaching from a process-oriented perspective means focusing on answering questions such as: How many steps does the customer need to take? What are those steps? How long will it take to complete the task or achieve the goal?

Approaching from an object-oriented perspective means focusing on analyzing objects from various angles to gain a better understanding of system design and development.


BPMN uses a distinct set of symbols specifically designed for process modeling, such as events, activities, gateways, and flows.

UML has a wider variety of symbols and diagrams for modeling various aspects, including: 

  • Class Diagrams
  • Use Case Diagrams
  • Sequence Diagrams
  • … 


BPMN is commonly used to illustrate high-level business processes and workflows, highlighting the overall flow and key activities. It abstracts some of the implementation details to provide a clear overview.

UML can provide a more in-depth analysis, allowing for the depiction of software components, relationships, and interactions at a more granular technical level.

How to read and draw BPMN diagrams

BPMN diagrams are diagrams that adhere to the BPMN standard. To achieve effective communication through BPMN diagrams, the diagram creator must use the appropriate symbols and adhere to the established rules.

The basic elements in BPMN








A Pool is the graphical representation of a Participant (either an individual or a role) involved in a process. It serves as a container. It can contain detailed processes or remain opaque (black box).



A Lane is a sub-partition within a Process, sometimes within a Pool.

It is used to organize or categorize activities.

Flow Objects







Events are "something that happens" within a process. These events influence the flow of the model and typically have a cause (trigger) and an effect (result).

In addition, markers can be added inside events to differentiate between different triggering or resulting elements.

Begin the Event

Between the Event

End the Event



Activities are the general term for actions performed within a process.

Activities can be categorized into two main types:

  • Tasks: These represent specific actions or work steps to be performed.
  • Sub-Processes: These represent subprocesses that can contain a set of activities with their flow and logic.

Additionally, activities can have additional symbols or notations to indicate the manner and nature of the action being performed.





Gateways are used to control how the process flows through sequence flows when they converge and diverge within a process.

Gateways determine the branching, forking, merging, and joining of paths. A single Gateway can have multiple incoming and outgoing sequence flows.


Connecting Objects






Sequence Flows  

Sequence Flow is used to show the order that Activities will be performed in a Process. It is used to connect objects within a single process.


Message Flows  

Message Flow represents the exchange of information between two Participants (sender and receiver). It connects objects in different processes.



Association is used to link information and create relationships with elements. The source and target MUST be an Event, Action, or Gateway. The arrow indicates the direction of the information flow.







Data Objects

Data objects represent the data (such as emails, documents, forms) that Actions require to be performed and/or that Activities generate.  


 Data Input

Data is inputted to complete a specific action. 


Data Output  

Output is the result produced by an action.



Data Store represents a storage location for multiple data.








Group is a graphical container where objects inside it belong to the same category. It is a way to visually display a category of objects on the diagram.   


Text Annotations

Text Annotation is a mechanism for the modeler to provide additional textual information for readers of the BPMN diagram.

In addition to the basic elements mentioned above, BPMN also includes several supplementary modeling elements. These elements may include additional symbols to depict specific causes, outcomes, and other aspects. Detailed information about these elements can be found in the BPMN 2.0 documentation.

Basic rules when drawing BPMN



Basic Rules



Gateways do not make decisions but only control the flow: diverging (splitting flow) or converging (merging flow).

The outcome of a decision must be determined within an activity before the Gateway.



Every process has at least one start event and one end event.

End events with different termination states should be represented by separate end events.

Flows with the same termination state should be merged and have the same end event.


Text, Color, Size

  • BPMN elements can have labels placed inside, above, or below the shapes in any direction and position.
  • Color can be used and can be white or transparent.
  • Symbols can be colored differently to highlight the attribute value of the object.
  • Throwing events must have a darker color.
  • Objects and flow markers can have any size appropriate for the purpose of the modeling tool or technique.
  • The outline of shapes can be black.
  • Symbols can use different line colors as needed.
  • The outline can use different line styles that do not conflict with the lines defined by BPMN.

Tools for drawing BPMN

Nowadays, simplygo to Google and enter the keyword "Tools for drawing BPMN" and you will receive numerous results. Here, we recommend some of the simplest and most popular tools, comparing their advantages and disadvantages so you can make an informed choice.







An online drawing tool that is stored on Drive for easy access, sharing, and collaboration.

Many symbols, easy to use.

It is a tool for drawing various types of processes, not just limited to BPMN.

The symbols provided are sufficient for basic usage, but may not meet the requirements for professional-level descriptions.



An online drawing tool that is stored on Drive for easy access, sharing, and collaboration.

A comprehensive collection of basic and extended elements, suitable for professional analysts.

Due to the excessive number of extended elements, users may sometimes feel confused and lost among the multitude of characters, unsure of which ones to use.

It takes time to represent a process in excessive detail when it is not necessary.

Microsoft Visio


Good interface.

Easy-to-use tool with a rich character system.

Similarly to diagrams.net, Microsoft Visio is also used to draw various types of processes, not just limited to BPMN.

Microsoft's application is limited to the Windows operating system and requires purchasing an Office license.

As it is an offline application installed on the computer, it can be resource-intensive.


BPMN Naming Conventions

  • For Activity, always follow the syntax: Verb + Object.
  • Do not name Converging Gateways.
  • Clarify the outgoing conditions for unclear gateways.
  • Name Sequence Flows based on the participant's name and name Lanes based on the role performing the task, not the process name.

Abusing Sub-Processes

  • Only use Sub-Processes when truly necessary and when they help increase the interactivity, clarity, and reusability of the process. Adding too many Sub-Processes to a process will make it complex and detract from the focus on the essential content that needs to be represented.

Wrong use of Connecting

  • Confusion between Sequence Flow and Message Flow:
    • Sequence Flow is used to connect tasks within the same Lane (Pool). On the other hand, Message Flow is used to connect activities across different Lanes (Pools).
    • Sequence Flow indicates the order of tasks performed by one or multiple individuals within an organization. Message Flow represents the information interaction and the direction of information transmission between different organizations.

Put the Activity in the wrong place

  • An Activity belongs to only one lane or one pool. If a task is performed by two people, it should be placed in both lanes (or both pools).

The level of detail of the BPMN diagram

  • The level of detail in sub-processes within a process should be consistent. In cases where a more detailed view of a sub-process is needed, it is possible to separate that sub-process to provide additional details.
  • The level of detail in a BPMN diagram will depend on:
    • The purpose of using the diagram.
    • The scope and objects within the diagram.
    • The required information needs.
    • The context and complexity of the process.

Overall, creating BPMN diagrams is not overly difficult. Understanding and memorizing the symbols and rules of BPMN may take some time, but it brings significant value by identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in business operations. Additionally, it can serve as a foundation for implementing processes or automating tasks in a business. Viindoo is also implementing BPMN in software deployment projects for partners to improve information communication, reduce project risks, and optimize the overall efficiency of software deployment in a business environment.

BPMN - Business Process Model and Notation in the project implementation
Công ty Cổ phần Công nghệ Viindoo, Nguyễn Trọng Dũng January 29, 2024