How to draw a simple and effective warehouse management diagram [Sample included]

Software Viindoo Inventory will help businesses operate and control the quantity and quality of goods and improve sales efficiency. So what is a warehouse management process diagram and how to draw it? Let's Viindoo Find out details right in the article below.

>>>> See More:  Warehouse management software

1. What is a warehouse management diagram?

Warehouse management diagram is a drawn diagram designed to visualize the major activities taking place in the warehouse of a business organization. Warehouse management process diagram includes 4 basic stages: warehousing, inventory management, warehousing and inventory reporting. Each stage will have specific initialization and control steps.

Depending on the production scale of each business and the nature of the goods, the complexity of the process also varies. In particular, managers have the role of controlling and monitoring all steps in the process, coordinating with many other departments to optimize costs for businesses in operating and ensuring goods circulation. smoothest. 

Software Viindoo InventoryA warehouse management diagram is a design that visually describes the activities taking place in the business

2. Why should you create a warehouse management process diagram?

Establishment warehouse management diagram will help businesses monitor and control closely and bring many benefits. On the contrary, if the company does not build a clear warehouse management process, it will lead to a number of risks such as out of stock, excess stock, delayed processing of orders, etc., affecting reputation. of the company. Here are some of those benefits warehouse management diagram bring:

  • Avoid loss of goods: Build warehouse management diagram will help limit the occurrence of goods that are damaged, expired, worn out, or do not meet quality requirements. In particular, goods and fresh foods.
  • Cost savings: When setting up material warehouse management diagram Effectively, businesses will clearly understand the quantity of goods and materials left in stock, export and import goods at the right time, and release remaining goods quickly and promptly. Thanks to that, businesses will be able to save costs such as transportation fees, logistics, depreciation fees, storage,...
  • Improve labor capital efficiency: Goods are a very important factor to create working capital in a company. Businesses will likely freeze if they lack labor capital. Therefore, if goods circulate well, the capital turnover time of the business can be shortened.
  • Strengthen customer relationships and improve sales performance: Ask for a favor warehouse management diagram transparent and clear, managers can grasp the quantity and quality of goods and plan reasonable distribution. At the same time, the diagram also supports packaging and shipping goods to customers quickly, increasing reputation and strengthening long-term cooperation with customers.
  • Accurate report: An effective warehouse management process will help departments synthesize data and report business results more quickly and simply. Based on that, managers can adjust business plans and balance goods promptly and effectively. 
Software Viindoo InventoryWarehouse management diagrams help businesses manage and track goods effectively

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3. How to draw a warehouse management diagram

Currently, most businesses apply it warehouse management diagram to make it easier to track and monitor goods. Establishment warehouse management diagram It's not complicated either. Below are 3 steps that businesses can refer to when setting up warehouse management process diagram:

  • Step 1: Prepare the warehouse floor plan

Many people are often very subjective because they think that warehouse layout and arrangement is simple. However, if a warehouse floor plan is not prepared, the business may have to spend a lot of time finding, processing, and packaging goods later. If you are a tenant of warehouse space, please ask the owner to provide a floor plan. If not, you must conduct the most detailed and specific measurements.

  • Step 2: Choose a method to build a warehouse diagram

Currently, there are 3 popular ways to draw warehouse diagrams including using online tools, hiring an architect or drawing warehouse diagrams in Excel. Depending on the business scale and budget of the business, readers can choose appropriate methods.

    • Use online tools: The most popular tool commonly used to draw warehouse diagrams is Smart Draw. This tool is completely free, easy to use and helps draw very professional warehouse diagrams. Besides, Smart Draw also suggests some basic areas so readers can draw diagrams without fear of errors.
    • Hire an architect: If your business has a large amount of goods, equipment and machinery, and a large business scale, hire architects who can design warehouse management diagram be the best.
    • Draw a warehouse diagram in Excel: When setting up warehouse management diagram On Excel, businesses can arrange areas as well as arrange equipment according to their wishes.
  • Step 3: Arrange areas in the warehouse

To get warehouse management diagram standards, the step of arranging the warehouse area is indispensable. A typical warehouse will include 3 main areas: storage area, operational area and space.

    • Storage area: This is an area with shelves to store a business's products. Design this area to be most convenient when arranging goods as well as picking up goods when orders are placed.
    • Area of ​​operation: This is where the main activities of the warehouse take place, such as receiving orders, packing goods, and storing pallets to move flowers between locations in the warehouse.
    • Space: There should be aisles in the warehouse so that employees can move and retrieve goods more quickly and easily. 
Software Viindoo InventorySteps to draw a warehouse management diagram

4. Sample warehouse management process diagram

If your business is planning to build warehouse management diagram But if you don't know how to do it, you can refer to the samples warehouse management process diagram below of Viindoo. 

  • Inventory management diagram 
Software Viindoo InventoryInventory management process diagram
  • War​ehouse management process diagram
Software Viindoo Inventory
Warehouse management diagram
  • Warehouse import process diagram
Flow chart of goods warehousing process
Flow chart of goods warehousing process
  • Warehouse export process diagram
Flow chart of goods export processFlow chart of goods export process
  • Simple warehouse diagram
Software Viindoo InventoryWarehouse management diagram for small businesses
  • Professional warehouse diagram
Large-scale professional warehouse management diagramLarge-scale professional warehouse management diagram

5. How to optimize the warehouse management process

Like Vindoo As we have learned with readers above, the basic warehouse management process will include 54 main stages. Businesses will be able to save costs and increase the rate of successful order processing if they optimize these 4 activities. Below is how to optimize the warehouse management process at each stage that Viindoo has compiled for businesses:

  • Warehouse import stage: At this stage, businesses can optimize the process by using a number of solutions such as self-propelled vehicles, AGVs, electric forklifts, and automatic conveyors. This solution will help move and unload goods faster. Besides, combine the use of dimension measuring machines and pallets to promote this process.
  • Storage phase: Businesses can arrange and arrange goods based on 5S rules, place goods in easy-to-access locations, label products with barcodes to facilitate searching, and not be confused with other products. other products. At the same time, apply inventory management methods combined with using warehouse management systems, excel,...
  • Warehouse release stage: During this stage, companies can Optimize the process with warehouse management software capable of supporting receipt of export orders and updating order status quickly and accurately.
  • Reporting stage: Use digital system software to report inventory and sales quickly and effectively, aiming to build a warehouse management process that operates smoothly and maximizes cost savings. 
Optimizing the warehouse management process in each stage helps bring efficiency to the businessOptimizing the warehouse management process in each stage helps bring efficiency to the business

The application of warehouse management software is extremely necessary for every business. Including software Viindoo Inventory is known as an effective warehouse and goods management solution, helping to improve efficiency in inventory management and enhance the competitiveness of businesses.

Software can help businesses optimize costs and resources, increase supply chain efficiency, track inventory in real time, provide no excess or shortage, and increase capital efficiency, helping Flexible capital turnover. Besides, Viindoo Inventory is also integrated with other features such as accounting, purchasing, sales and production,... 

Software Viindoo InventorySoftware Viindoo Inventory

Article above Viindoo has provided readers with detailed information about warehouse management diagram as well as how to draw effective warehouse management process diagrams. Hopefully the above sharing will help businesses consult and plan to build the most suitable warehouse.

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How to draw a simple and effective warehouse management diagram [Sample included]
Jun Nguyen November 22, 2023