Quality planning: The key to meeting standards

Quality planning is an important step in the quality management process. Is the process of planning, goals, criteria and quality assurance measures

Quality planning is one of the important steps in evaluating the performance and quality of the workflow. You already know the steps of quality planning full Is it enough according to standards? Together Vindoo See the entire article below to understand better!

What is quality planning?​

Quality planning is an activity that identifies goals and conditions, resources and measures to achieve product quality goals.

The tasks of quality planning are:

  • Market research to determine market demand for products and services, thereby determining quality requirements, technical characteristics of products and services, and developing products and services.
  • Determine quality tasks and goals.
  • Transfer planning work to the next departments.

The role of quality planning is:

  • Orient the organization toward goals.
  • Determine quality regimes and policies.
  • Design the necessary process diagram.
  • Clearly define operational goals.
  • Clearly define management and operating processes.
  • Limit business risks.
  • Pay attention to quality planning aspects.

Quality planning steps

Step 1: Develop quality goals

To plan for quality, it is first necessary to define specific quality objectives for products and services, based on customer requirements and general industry standards.

Identify customers, including customers inside and outside the company.

Create a complete quality document describing the quality requirements and standards of the goods. This document also specifies the principles, regulations, requirements and approvals related to quality.

Step 2: Identify customer needs

Understand customer needs and wants, quality requirements and other important aspects they care about, as well as evaluate the product/service's ability to meet quality needs.

Step 3: Identify customer needs

Based on identified needs, develop specific features, characteristics and requirements of products or services to satisfy specific customer requirements. This process may include reviewing industry standards, market surveys, customer interviews and working with stakeholders.

Step 4: Develop products or services

Determine the quality objectives that must be achieved to satisfy customer and supplier expectations, and to do so at minimum combined cost.

Step 5: Build a quality control process

In this step, businesses need to come up with a product and service development process that satisfies the set quality goals. Activities in the production process include:

  • Create a product development process: Identify the steps and processes necessary to produce or provide services according to quality requirements. This includes identifying quality control steps, process monitoring and quality assessment.
  • Develop a process to produce the required product or service features: Ensure that the manufacturing or service delivery process is capable of delivering the appropriate quality features and characteristics to satisfy the requirements. customer demand.
  • Division of quality control responsibilities: Identify and assign responsibilities to each relevant department and individual to perform quality control in the process.

Step 6: Detailed planning

Evaluate the feasibility of the process, demonstrating that the process can achieve quality standards under operating conditions.

Demonstrate process feasibility: Perform testing, inspection, and evaluate the performance of quality processes. Includes performing tests, testing, analyzing data, evaluating performance and benchmarking against established quality requirements.

Ensure process compliance: Implement measures to ensure that quality processes are followed and carried out according to established procedures. This may include performing quality control checks, periodic audits, performance reviews, and other measures to improve processes.

Periodic review and improvement: Perform periodic reviews of quality process effectiveness and efficiency. Based on customer feedback, testing and evaluation results, businesses will change and improve processes to ensure quality goals are effectively achieved and customer needs are satisfied.

Tools and indicators are often used in the quality planning process

Tools used

There are many tools to support you in planning and quality management. Here are a few common tools:

  • Planning support tools (Planning)
      • Cost – Benefit Analysis: This tool allows calculating long-term benefits compared to current investment costs and project maintenance costs
      • Cost of Quality: This is a tool that helps identify costs that affect improving product or service quality.
      • Brainstorming: This tool helps generate new suggestions and improvements through group discussion.
      • Force Field Analysis: This tool helps identify factors that impact and influence quality planning.
      • Nominal Group Technique: This technique helps improve the group decision-making process by improving communication and collaboration.
  • Tools for planning and control (Planing and Control):
      • Cause and Effect Diagrams: This is a tool that helps analyze the main causes related to a specific problem.
      • Flowcharts: Scatter charts help describe each work process and how they interact with each other.
      • Check sheet: This tool helps control data collection according to quality control procedures.
      • Scatter Chart, Pareto Chart, Measurement Chart, Control Chart: These tools help collect and analyze data to make quality management decisions.

Quality index

In quality management, there are a number of commonly applied indicators to evaluate and control the quality of products and services. The three most important indicators include:

  • Product Quality Index (PQI - Product Quality Index): This is an index to evaluate the comprehensive quality of a product, including criteria of accuracy, quality of materials and form.
  • Service quality index (IQ – Service Quality Index): Index used to evaluate the quality of service, through indicators of response speed, service quality, and customer satisfaction.
  • Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI - Customer Satisfaction Index): This is an index that evaluates customer satisfaction with a product or service.

Software to support intelligent quality planning - Vindoo Quality

Viindoo helps create the foundation for the quality management process in businesses, from management and administration stages to the quality of each product through Viindoo Quality smart quality management software .

Software system Vindoo provides a Quality Management application with the following features:

  • Set up quality management teams to control the quality of different items. Receive quality warnings when receiving feedback from customers, partners,...
  • Create quality control criteria with diverse types and methods such as: Measurement control, random control, periodic control,...
  • Create quality control sheets from quality control criteria.
  • Implement actions to prevent and resolve problems that arise when quality criteria are not met.
  • Integrate with Warehouse and Production modules to automatically create quality control sheets.
Viindoo Quality Management Software

Viindoo Quality


Satisfies the quality management process of an enterprise, creating consistent results to prevent errors and reduce costs.

Steps to use the application Viindoo Quality

  • Go to Application List > Quality, the Quality Management interface displays as follows:
    • News Board:
      • Displays a list of quality control teams.
      • Displays the number of quality control tickets in progress, quality warnings arising when quality control is distributed according to quality control teams. 
    • Quality control: 
      • Quality Control: Create and display all quality control requirements. 
      • Control criteria: Create and display all control criteria.
      • Quality Control: Create and display all quality control requirements.
      • Corrective actions: Create and display corrective actions following quality alerts.
      • Preventive actions: Create and display preventive actions following quality alerts.
    • Report:
      • Quality control: View reports of Quality Control Sheets created with different criteria.
      • Quality Alerts: View a report of Quality Alerts generated with different criteria.
      • Alert action analysis: View reports of corrective or preventive actions generated with different criteria.
  • Create a Quality Control Team
    • Go to Quality > Configuration > Quality Control Team core Create.
    • Enter the action type name.
    • Enter an email alias for the quality control team.
    • Enable developer mode and set up an email address that can be sent to an email alias:
      • Everyone: All emails can be sent to this address.
      • Verified partners: Only email addresses included in the contact have been authenticated on the system.
      • Followers only: Only email addresses that follow this quality control team.
  • The quality phase shows the process of handling quality alerts from start to finish. You can create or edit a quality warning period by following these steps:
    • Go to Quality > Configuration > Quality Alert Phase core Create.
    • Enter the stage name.
    • Choose the sequence of this stage, 0 is first, the following stages are the next numbers.
    • Select Close to close this phase on the Kanban interface.
    • Select Resolved Alerts to mark this phase as the end phase. When quality alerts are dragged to this phase, the current time will be recorded as the Closing Date.
    • Click Save to create this stage.

Above Viindoo compiled details quality planning and software to support you in effective planning. Hope the above knowledge is useful to you!

Quality planning: The key to meeting standards
SEODO June 18, 2024