Download 5+ beautiful product quotation templates in Excel and Word

Refer to and download the beautiful product and goods quotation form in this article from Viindoo.

Product quotation form in business, it is a document that helps customers understand the products, services and prices of each business. The article below Viindoo will introduce to you the most commonly used quotation templates today!

Common product quotation form

A common product quotation form a company sends to customers or partners includes product price, product name, product quantity, unit of payment,... like the sample below.

Product quotation form

Common product quotation form (Source Internet)

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Create a beautiful, simple quotation form in just a few ticks

Note: To create an automatic quote form, you first need to install the Viindoo Sales application to apply.

During the sales process, in order to save time drafting quotations for customers and help sellers create quick, beautiful, and accurate quotation forms, you can set up quotation forms by using Quotation form on Viindoo's sales software .

commodity quotation form
  • Quote template feature

When you activate the Sales app, the Quote Templates feature is also automatically enabled. You can set up a default Quote Template for your business by going to the Sales app ‣ Configuration ‣ Setup, scrolling down to Quotes & Sales Orders. 

  • Set up a quote form 

You access the Sales application, select Configuration ‣ Quote form to add or edit quote form information. 

In the details of the quote form, you need to fill in all information fields

Product quotation form

Adjust sales order and product details

product price list template

Use the beautiful and simple quote form on the Viindoo Sales app

The quote form has been completed in just a few simple steps

Quotation link - Accessible from anywhere

commodity quotation form

Quotation in many format

Viindoo allows you to create quotations in various formats such as PDF, Excel, and more, providing sales teams with flexibility in delivering quotes tailored to customer needs. This not only saves time but also enhances professionalism and makes managing and tracking quotations easier.

Quotation in many languages

Viindoo supports multiple languages simultaneously, with around 82 languages available. If a customer speaks a different language, you can send quotations in their language. Viindoo automatically translates the attached PDF. Simply activate the desired languages in the settings under the translation menu and set the customer's preferred language. Only activated languages can be used for customer communications.

Create a quotation, send it by email, and the attached PDF will be automatically translated into the customer's language.

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The All-in-one Sales Software for SMEs. Simple operations, motivating the team to exceed business targets to increase sales.

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Download 5+ beautiful product quotation templates in Excel and Word
SEODO June 10, 2024