What is the Pomodoro Technique and how to apply it?

Pomodoro technique helps significantly increase concentration on study and work, especially suitable for creative careers. If you are looking for ways to increase your productivity in study and work, consider the Pomodoro working technique and learn more about it with Viindoo through the article below.

What is the Pomodoro technique?

The origin of Pomodoro technique for time management was developed by Francesco Cirillo in 1980. At the time, Francesco felt his ability to concentrate diminished over time and he started to struggle to complete his assignments.

To improve his ability to focus, he throve on finding a solution for himself. He started to take short breaks between study sessions instead of studying continuously for a long period. Specifically, Francesco took a 5-minute break every 25 minutes of studying and working.

Thanks to the Pomodoro technique, he regained his concentration ability and achieved high performance while doing tasks. The Pomodoro time management technique also helps him dispel fatigue and enhance creativity. Francesco called a 25-minute session 1 Pomodoro, which means "Tomato" in English.

The Pomodoro working technique helps increase concentration in study and work.

The Pomodoro working technique helps increase concentration in study and work.

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Who should use the Pomodoro technique?

The use of the Pomodoro technique brings effectiveness for those who do IT like developers, software designers, or creative jobs like content creators, novel authors, game programmers, journalists, etc.

The Pomodoro is also a suitable time management principle for students who are working for examinations and need to improve their concentration. They can apply the technique to avoid the suffocated of absorbing massive knowledge. The technique will also dispel the feeling of sluggishness and minimize distractions when studying.

How to apply the Pomodoro technique

Steps to apply

Improving concentration with the Pomodoro technique is simple when following instructions.

  • Step 1: Determine the work to do.
  • Step 2: Set time for each working session, usually 25 minutes.
  • Step 3: Focus on work within 25 minutes. It is important to take a 100% concentration and minimize all distractions from phones, social networks, games, etc.
  • Step 4: Take a 5-minute break. You can take walk, drink water, look at greens to relax your eyes, and rest your brain.
  • Step 5: Repeat the above steps and consider a 15-to-30-minute break after every 4 Pomodoro session.
Steps to apply the Pomodoro technique

Steps to apply the Pomodoro technique

Here is an example of the Pomodoro technique, assuming you want to use the Pomodoro technique to learn English vocabulary:

  • Step 1: You need to determine the amounts of vocabulary you want to learn for that time.
    • Then, calculate Pomodoros needed to complete the task.
    • For example, you need 2 Pomodoros to memorize 20 specialized vocabularies, 2 more Pomodoro to practice making sentences and apply learned words, etc.
  • Step 2: It is time to turn off all distractions that can distract you in the learning process such as phones, email, etc.
  • Step 3: You can now start your timer and learn for 25 minutes. Do not pay too much attention to the countdown and just focus on studying!
  • Step 4: You finish your first Pomodoro and take a 5-minute break.
  • Step 5: Repeat the session with the second, third, and more Pomodoros.
  • After completing 3 to 4 Pomodoros, you can allow yourself to rest for a little longer, maybe about 15 to 20 minutes.

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Principles of applying the Pomodoro technique

Follow these principles to increase the effectiveness of the Pomodoro technique and obtain the best results. Here are principles to be taken note of:

  • Focus on only the planned task and forget about the others during a Pomodoro session.
  • Optimize a Pomodoro by making full use of 25 minutes of work. If you finish your work ahead of time then use the rest to check your work before taking a break.
  • Rest completely during the 5-minute break. You should better entertain and relax your mind by listening to soft music, meditating, or walking around instead of using phone.
  • Limit activities that can affect your brain such as watching movies, surfing the web, or using the Internet because it can increase fatigue.
  • Determine to repeat everything from the beginning if you have to interrupt your Pomodoro (25-minute work and 5-minute rest).
  • Do not let yourself loose and freely adjust sessions. This can mess up the schedule, resulting in little or no effect when using the technique.
You need to master the principles to optimally use the Pomodoro technique

You need to master the principles to optimally use the Pomodoro technique.

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Optimization tools for the Pomodoro technique

Here are a few tools to help you increase the success of the Pomodoro technique. You can apply these tools and get better results.

  • TomatoTimer the online timer website: You just need to press the Start button to let the system calculate your 25-minute working session. When the session is over, press Alt + S to start a 5-minute break.
  • Marinara Timer app: The app can help you set time for work and rest sessions.
  • Tomighty software: This is a cross-platform software that allows you to use it on any device, which increases the convenience.
  • Focus Timer application: This is an application for devices using iOS or iPadOS. The app allows you to adjust each time and set your preferred notification sound. You can also review the usage history and receive notification of performance evaluation.

The Pomodoro technique is great for work concentration if applied correctly and regularly. Viindoo hopes that the content of the above article helps readers understand more about this technique and achieve satisfactory results in work and study.

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What is the Pomodoro Technique and how to apply it?
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Monica Nguyen December 9, 2022