6 standard Excel stationery management file templates

Manage stationery with Excel is one of the effective ways to track and manage equipment and supplies at the office. Today, Viindoo will synthesize 6 most accurate and easy-to-understand stationery management Excel files. Let's continue to read the article below to soon better manage stationery at your office.

1. Excel file for simple stationery management

Samples Excel file to manage stationery Simple, easy-to-understand presentation, helping businesses effectively manage items at the company, saving a significant amount of money and creating a more professional working environment.

Download now: HERE.

Excel file for simple device management.Excel file for simple device management.

>>>> Don't Miss: 6 Models asset management file using Excel for fixed assets, machinery, equipment

2. Excel file template to manage office equipment

Sample Excel file to manage office equipment are presented clearly, helping businesses quickly grasp the status as well as forecast new purchasing needs of furniture and equipment. Enterprises can immediately create an office equipment management Excel based on the following template.

Download now: HERE.

The Excel file manages the most used office equipment.The Excel file manages the most used office equipment.

Currently, Viindoo has a free lifetime program for 1 application. Therefore, businesses can refer to device management software of Viindoo to manage and control equipment in the company effectively.

3. Stationery grant form

The stationery voucher is a page of templates Manage stationery by Excel most used. This form is used when handing over office equipment to an agency or individual employee with basic information such as type of equipment, grantor, recipient and handover time.

Download now: HERE.

Sample letter for stationery.Sample letter for stationery.

4. File to manage the status of office equipment

The Excel file to manage the condition of office equipment will include the most basic information such as equipment name, date of purchase, price, wear and tear, expected use time and actual usage time. This file helps managers easily track the condition of their equipment to make the most timely new purchasing decisions.

Download now: HERE.

File to manage the status of office supplies and equipment.File to manage the status of office supplies and equipment.

5. Stationery inventory list

The making of an inventory of stationery is to summarize the full information and status of the appliances and equipment available at the office or factory. Through the inventory process, the administrator will know the wear and tear, the time of use and make a decision to replace the equipment.

Download now: HERE.

Company stationery inventory file.Company stationery inventory file.

6. Application form for stationery

The application form for stationery is created to propose to individuals, units responsible for providing stationery for individuals, departments or companies. The form has all the contents including the time, the name of the stationery, the unit and the proposed quantity.

Download now: HERE.

Application letter for stationery supply.Application letter for stationery supply.

7. Free stationery management software

Besides advantages such as low cost, the method Manage stationery by Excel There are still quite a few limitations. These restrictions, if they occur, may have adverse consequences for the chain of operations and internal management at the agency or factory.

Here are some disadvantages of Manage stationery by Excel

  • Low manageability, an Excel file contains only 65000 lines, not suitable for resource management of equipment and supplies at agencies and large enterprises.
  • Manually entering Excel data easily leads to errors, especially not suitable for the technical industry that needs to ensure that the numbers are always accurate at an absolute level.
  • Low security, low security, internal data of the enterprise is easy to be stolen.

Viindoo understands the difficulties and potential risks when businesses use Excel files in stationery management. Therefore, we would like to introduce to you the property management software Viindoo. This software is currently considered one of the effective asset management tools, favored by many businesses.

Viindoo asset management software not only overcomes the disadvantages of Excel files, but is also equipped with outstanding advantages to help businesses manage devices more optimally and securely.

  • Digitize information about business assets on a single platform. Allows users to update, classify as well as record data very scientifically based on group, time, department ...
  • Search, retrieve and report quickly. Some data is allowed to be retrieved such as time of equipment purchase, person in charge, users, usage process.
  • Manage, monitor the status and each maintenance phase of assets through the intuitive interface of Calendar, Kanban, Pivot,...
  • Support the exchange of property information below the profile and other notes.
  • Enables depreciation management thanks to the integration with Viindoo Accounting.

More specifically, currently, Viindoo is also deploying a free program to use 1 software. Please contact Viindoo immediately for advice and receive this free package.

Viindoo asset management software is an effective solution in managing office equipment.Viindoo asset management software is an effective solution in managing office equipment.

Through the above article, I hope you have found the form Manage stationery by Excel Fit. If businesses want to learn more about the most optimal office equipment management solution, do not hesitate to contact us Viindoo for a free consultation.

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6 standard Excel stationery management file templates
Jun Nguyen May 18, 2023