Top 8 Lean Manufacturing System You should know in 2023

Lean manufacturing System has emerged as a popular approach to the improvement and optimization of manufacturing processes, by focusing on minimizing waste while maximizing productivity. In recent years, there has been an explosion of lean manufacturing software and software available on the market. This Viindoo blog will provide an overview of the top 8 lean manufacturing software solutions should know in 2023.

What is Lean Manufacturing System

Lean manufacturing is a methodology that aims to increase productivity while reducing waste within manufacturing systems. This waste is defined as anything that does not add value in the eyes of customers. The benefits of lean manufacturing include improved product quality, reduced operating costs, and shorter lead times. Many well-known companies, including Toyota, Intel, John Deere, and Nike, use lean manufacturing. The approach is based on the Toyota Production System and includes specific principles such as continuous improvement (Kaizen). 

Lean manufacturing was first introduced to the Western world in 1990 through a book called The Machine That Changed the World, which detailed Toyota's lean production system. Since then, lean principles have been adopted not only in manufacturing but also in healthcare, software development, and service industries. Companies using enterprise resource planning (ERP) can also benefit from implementing lean manufacturing.

what is lean manufacturing system

What is Lean Manufacturing? 

>>>> See more: What is Just In Time (JIT)? Conditions and principles when applying Just In Time manufacturing

The goal of lean production

Lean manufacturing, also known as lean production, is a manufacturing approach that aims to produce the same amount of products while using fewer resources, reducing costs, saving time, and minimizing labor. When implementing lean production, businesses strive to achieve specific goals, which include:

  • Arrange and transport materials quickly and efficiently, thereby improving factory layout.
  • Minimize waiting time between production stages, helping to optimize the production process.
  • Reduce resources used for quality testing.
  • Used in information exchange between customers and distributors.
  • Create closer and more trustworthy cooperative relationships with suppliers.
  • Eliminate variant products that do not bring much value to customers, rationalize the entire product.
  • Design and manufacture popular products that meet diverse customer requirements.
Lean manufacturing is often applied in industries with repetitive production processes
The goal of lean manufacturing is to produce more output with fewer resources and input costs

What are the benefits of applying the lean production model?

Many businesses adopt lean production to gain various benefits, such as optimizing costs, resources, and more. Here are some notable advantages that companies can achieve through lean production management:

  • Shorten the production and service provision process: By limiting activities that do not add value and streamlining the value creation process, eliminating waiting between stages has helped the production and service delivery process go faster.
  • Improve productivity and quality of products and services: Minimizing waste, using input resources effectively, and reducing redundant operations by employees has helped improve work productivity as well as the quality of products and services delivered to customers.
  • Increase efficiency in using premises and equipment: Some useful services such as TPM and arranging production processes according to the Cell Manufacturing model have helped improve efficiency in using premises and equipment.
  • Limit visible and invisible waste: This is due to excess inventory, including unfinished inventory between production stages and finished products.
  • Helps increase flexibility in response: When production and cycle times are improved, the ability to meet customer requirements in terms of quantity of products and services is also improved corresponding to the business's existing resources and facilities
Lean manufacturing is often applied in industries with repetitive production processes
Lean production helps shorten the production process and improve product quality

Which businesses should apply the lean production model?

The main objective of the lean production model is to eliminate waste and generate value by producing products and services that meet customer requirements. If your company is facing any of the following challenges, the lean production model can be implemented to address them:

  • Information flow and information system are not guaranteed.
  • Products that are in the production process are in inventory.
  • Revenue deviated from forecasts.
  • The production cycle is long, consuming a lot of costs and resources.
  • Waiting time between major production stages.
  • Production goals are difficult to achieve.
  • Need to move to other areas to build inventory storage.
Lean manufacturing is often applied in industries with repetitive production processes
Lean manufacturing is often applied in industries with repetitive production processes

The lean production model is frequently utilized in industries that have repetitive production lines where worker activities significantly impact product productivity. Its purpose is to enhance the system by eliminating unnecessary waste, optimizing resources, reducing costs, and increasing product value.  

Furthermore, businesses that do not have an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Material Requirements Planning (MRP) system can benefit from implementing lean production. This model is particularly suitable for companies that aim to minimize the production process and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Top 8 Lean Manufacturing System

In the world of manufacturing, there is a constant need for improvement and optimization of processes. Lean manufacturing has emerged as a popular approach to achieve this goal, by focusing on minimizing waste while maximizing productivity. In recent years, there has been an explosion of lean manufacturing software available on the market. Here are the top 9 software for lean manufacturing you should know in 2023.


FactoryLogix is a powerful lean manufacturing software designed to streamline and optimize manufacturing processes. It helps manufacturing organizations reduce lead times, improve quality, and increase productivity. FactoryLogix provides real-time visibility into the entire manufacturing process, from the shop floor to the top floor. It enables users to manage every aspect of their production processes, from planning and scheduling to inventory management and quality control. With its intuitive user interface, comprehensive reporting, and advanced analytics capabilities, FactoryLogix is an ideal solution for any manufacturing organization looking to improve its operational efficiency and profitability through lean manufacturing principles.

lean manufacturing system

Proplanner software for lean manufacturing


The Proplanner Lean Manufacturing System is a robust solution created to enhance the production process by simplifying it and enhancing workflow effectiveness. It is a cloud-based system that allows for easy collaboration between team members and provides real-time visibility into production status. Proplanner's Lean Manufacturing Software helps businesses reduce waste, increase productivity, and improve overall quality by incorporating lean principles into their manufacturing processes.

The software offers a range of features such as capacity planning, work instructions, material planning, and shop floor control. It also provides extensive reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing businesses to monitor and analyze production performance in real-time. Proplanner Lean Manufacturing Software is user-friendly and easy to implement, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes looking to improve their manufacturing operations. With its powerful features and flexible pricing plans, Proplanner Lean Manufacturing Software is a must-have for any business looking to optimize their production process.

lean manufacturing system

Proplanner lean manufacturing software


Poka is a cloud-based software designed to help businesses implement and sustain lean manufacturing principles. The software offers a range of features that support continuous improvement, such as visual work instructions, digital standard operating procedures, and real-time performance monitoring. Poka Lean Manufacturing Software allows for easy collaboration between team members, and it promotes knowledge-sharing and problem-solving within the organization. 

The platform also provides extensive reporting and analytics capabilities, enabling businesses to monitor and analyze production performance in real-time. With its user-friendly interface and flexible pricing plans, Poka is an excellent solution for businesses looking to optimize their manufacturing operations and achieve operational excellence.

Poka  lean manufacturing system

Poka lean manufacturing software

Gemba Systems

Gemba Systems Lean Manufacturing System is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses implement and sustain lean manufacturing principles. The software offers a range of features, including production scheduling, inventory management, and quality control. Gemba Systems' software also provides real-time visibility into production status, enabling businesses to monitor performance and make data-driven decisions. 

The platform promotes collaboration and communication between team members, allowing for efficient problem-solving and continuous improvement. Gemba Systems Lean Manufacturing Software is user-friendly and easy to integrate with existing systems, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. With its comprehensive features and flexible pricing plans, Gemba Systems is an excellent solution for optimizing manufacturing operations and driving productivity.

lean manufacturing system

Gemba Systems 


WorkClout is a cloud-based software designed to help businesses optimize their manufacturing operations and implement lean principles. The software offers a range of features that enable businesses to manage production, track performance, and identify areas for improvement. 

WorkClout Lean Manufacturing Software allows for easy collaboration between team members, and it provides real-time visibility into production status. The platform also includes comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities, enabling businesses to monitor performance and identify trends. With its user-friendly interface and flexible pricing plans, WorkClout is an excellent solution for businesses looking to enhance their manufacturing operations and drive continuous improvement.

WorkClout lean manufacturing system

WorkClout software


Katana is a cloud-based software designed to help small manufacturers implement lean manufacturing principles and optimize their operations. The software offers a range of features that enable businesses to manage production, inventory, and sales in one place. Katana Lean Manufacturing Software allows for easy collaboration between team members, and it provides real-time visibility into production status. 

The platform also includes comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities, enabling businesses to monitor performance and identify areas for improvement. With its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing plans, Katana is an excellent solution for small businesses looking to enhance their manufacturing operations and streamline their workflow.

lean manufacturing system

Katana lean manufacturing software


KaiNexus is a cloud-based software designed to help businesses implement and sustain lean manufacturing principles. The software offers a range of features that support continuous improvement, such as visual management, collaboration tools, and real-time performance monitoring. KaiNexus Lean Manufacturing Software enables businesses to easily identify and prioritize improvement opportunities, track progress, and measure results. 

The platform promotes communication and transparency between team members, allowing for efficient problem-solving and continuous improvement. KaiNexus is user-friendly and easy to integrate with existing systems, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. With its comprehensive features and flexible pricing plans, KaiNexus is an excellent solution for optimizing manufacturing operations and driving productivity.

KaiNexus lean manufacturing system

KaiNexus software

Viindoo All-in-one Manufacturing Software

Viindoo All-in-one Manufacturing Software is a manufacturing management system designed to meet the production management needs of businesses in the Industry 4.0 era. It streamlines all processes from planning to supplying, enabling the digital management of all manufacturing operations. The software is flexible and can be integrated with peripheral devices such as production machinery, measuring tools, sensors, etc. for manufacturing enterprises. It helps overcome key challenges such as information gaps, loss of control over product statuses, complexity in managing multi-warehouse materials, lack of data for planning and analyzing, and waste of time and effort in managing different employee types.

Viindoo MRP manages smart factories, including machinery equipment and human resources. It allows creating a manufacturing process with each action attached to a specific resource, multi-level Bills of Materials, and planning and tracking manufacturing activities. The software also provides inventory planning and management, combines with supply chain and accounting management, automates quality inspection and maintenance planning, and manages employee attendance and payroll. It offers real-time and comprehensive reports, an intuitive reporting system, and flexible integration and scalability. The software is available on the website and mobile app.

lean manufacturing system

 Viindoo All-in-one Manufacturing Software

Manufacturer organizations should consider implementing lean manufacturing system and investing in the right software to achieve their operational goals. The right software can help them reduce lead times, improve quality, and increase productivity, resulting in a more profitable and efficient manufacturing process.

Top 8 Lean Manufacturing System You should know in 2023
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Monica Nguyen April 17, 2023