Internal invoice is it necessary? How to issue consumer invoices for internal businesses in the most standard way in 2023? Detailed answer will be Viindoo presentright in this article.
Is there an internal invoice for consumables?
Internal consumable goods is a term used to refer to goods that are exported from the enterprise's warehouse for the purpose of consumption for product production or business. In other words, this type of goods is only used for internal circulation such as goods for export of materials and semi-finished products; goods exported to internal warehouses;...
According to Clause 1, Article 4 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, the release of warehouses for internal consumption orders must comply with the following regulations:
- The seller is obliged to issue an invoice to the buyer when selling goods or services. Even if it's a sample; goods in the form of loans; goods and services offered or donated; promotional goods and services; goods paid for wages (unless it is goods circulated internally to continue the production process).
- Job issue internal invoice for goods that are required by the decree, the seller must write all the contents. If electronic invoices are used, they must follow the standard data format announced by the tax authorities.
- In case of issuing an internal invoice without continuing the production process, the invoice does not need to declare VAT. The content on the invoice must clearly note that the line of the sale price is the line without tax rate, VAT and slashed tax amount.
- Some cases of goods not subject to output VAT are services and goods used for circulation and internal consumption such as transportation, railways, aviation, post and telecommunications.
>>> See more: What is invoice management? Efficient invoice management process
SoIs there an invoice for internal consumables? The answer is that businesses do not need to internal invoice for goods that are consumed or circulated internally to serve production. However, if exporting for internal consumption, not continuing to produce, an invoice will be issued but no VAT declaration is required.

How to issue an internal invoice for consumption 2023
Down here, Viindoo Will introduce detailed information about How to issue invoices for internal consumption 2023? Please read the article to refer to the latest updated information.
Information required on the invoice
Currently, businesses often deploy accounting software to use e-invoices for issuing consumer invoices internally. At kClause 1, Article 4 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, e-invoices must have the format of content and data in compliance with the provisions of Articles 10 and 12 of this Decree.
Accordingly, the required content of an invoice goods for internal consumption Must include:
- Invoice name, invoice number.
- Invoice model number symbol, invoice symbol
- Full name, address, tax identification number of the seller.
- Full name, address, tax identification number of the buyer.
- Name of goods, unit price, unit of calculation, quantity.
- Name of goods, unit price, quantity, calculation unit: VAT rate, total value added tax, total value added tax per tax rate, amount excluding VAT, total payment with VAT.
- Signature: Internal consumption invoices issued by tax authorities must have the signature of the buyer (if any), signature and seal (if any) of the seller.
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Accounting method
According to Circular 200 and Circular 133, enterprises when implementingInternal consumption accounting must comply with the following contents:
- Dr. 641, 642, 241, 242, 211, 154,…: Depending on each part and purpose of use.
- Cr 156, 155,… : Cost of goods or production costs of products and services

How to issue invoices for gifts and gifts
When issuing invoices for goods and gifts, we need to note the following:
- Item “Full name of purchaser”: Name of purchaser/giftee;
- The unit section presents the name of the unit/gift recipient. If the customer does not take the invoice, fill in "Customer does not take the invoice";
- Tax code and buyer's address: Fill in the consignee's information;
- Item name of goods and services: Fill in the name of goods and gifts and enclose them with information about gifts and gifts, for example: Goods given as gifts without collecting money;
- Unit and quantity items: Enter as sales invoices, ordinary VAT invoices.
- Unit price item: Enter the selling price of goods as gifts.
- Items into money, tax rate and adding goods: Fill as sales invoice, normal VAT invoice.
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What information should be included in an internal invoice?
An internal invoice should include details such as the date of the transaction, description of goods or services provided, quantity, internal cost centers or account codes, and any other relevant information required for internal cost allocation and tracking.
Do internal invoices require payment?
Internal invoices do not involve actual payments between departments or divisions within the organization. They are used for internal accounting purposes to track the movement of costs.
Can internal invoices be used for tax purposes?
Internal invoices are generally not used for tax purposes, as they are internal transactions within the organization. Tax-related transactions are typically captured in external invoices.
What are the benefits of using internal invoices?
Using internal invoices helps organizations maintain transparency in internal transactions, track costs accurately, allocate expenses to the relevant departments, and improve financial control and decision-making.
Thus, with the above article, Viindoo have the most detailed answers about internal invoices as well as the most standard export instructions. Hopefully the article will help your business minimize errors in declaring, issuing invoices and taxes.
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