What is customer touchpoint? How to increase touch points with customers

Customer touch point is one of the important factors in developing and increasing the customer experience. So how is this touch point defined? Together Viindoo Find out about this content right here in the article below!

1. What is the customer touchpoint?

Customer touch point are places where customers come into contact with a company's brand, products or services during the purchase process. This touchpoint can be a website, a retail store, a social networking site, an app, email, phone, online chat or any other medium.

Understanding and investing in touchpoints will help improve customer experience and enhance competitive advantages for businesses.

Customer touch pointWhat is customer touchpoint?

Example table of customer touch points:

Before buyingWhen making a purchase
After purchase
Word of mouth
Customer care
Social network
Office or shop
AdvertisementTelephone systemMonitor
ReviewWebsiteTransactional email
Reviews - RatingSales staffThank you note
Marketing Point of saleThank you

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2. Importance of customer touchpoints

Customer touch point plays a huge role in business strategies of enterprises:

  • Create new, engaging and exciting experiences for customers.
  • Improve customer satisfaction rate with business.
  • If the experience is satisfied, then a high percentage of customers will tend to decide to buy that product of the business again.
  • Touchpoints are also perfect for crafting marketing communications and brand strategies.
  • Touchpoints help build customer trust. Thereby helping businesses have more loyal customers.
  • Identifying the right touch points will help businesses reduce costs as well as increase the opportunity to interact with customers.

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3. How to build and enhance an effective customer experience

To contribute to improving customer touch point, each business needs to have different construction methods. Learn how to build and increase customer experience with Viindoo below!

3.1 Identify potential customers

In fact, businesses have clearly defined who their target audience is from the beginning. An accurate and detailed goal is the basis for the branding plan to reach customers in the most appropriate and accurate way.

In addition, businesses need to try to find out information and customer classification Be as detailed as possible like demographics, marital status, current job… Learn more about buying habits through contact history, channels reached. From there, businesses can bring solutions for customers to have the most suitable and best experience.

3.2 Determining touch points

Customer touchpoints can be defined in many ways. One of the common ways to do that is to identify through the channels, places and times that customers have been exposed to such as social media, advertising, websites, promotions,... From here the business The business will make comments and evaluate the plan accordingly.

3.3 Classification of touch points

Besides the familiar classification of Before buying - In buying - After buying, businesses can also classify touch points such as products, user manuals, advertising, installation, interaction,... The classification Touchpoints will help brands clearly identify which elements are working well and which are in need of improvement.

Customer touch pointHow to build and enhance an effective customer experience

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3.4 Create customer journeys and maps

Journey maps will help businesses understand the buying journey of a specific group of customers who are interested in buying products and services. In addition, the seller can also visualize a specific customer group portrait when he has learned the basic information of the buyer.

Customer experience maps are also an extremely important means of uncovering why customers have a poor experience using a product or service. Customer experience maps are used as a way to visualize the customer journey and identify areas that need change.

Using both types of maps can help businesses identify touchpoints at each stage of the customer journey so they can take specific actions to ensure the customer experience stays the same. the best.

3.5 Building touchpoints on digital platforms

In the current era of strong digital technology, it is essential for businesses to grasp the trend and follow the market. Change to not be outdated, change to attract a larger number of customers. Therefore, businesses also need to focus on the edge points on digital platforms to enhance their brand value.

3.6 Refer to customer feedback and reviews

Consulting, asking for feedback from customers are invaluable results for businesses. These feedbacks will clearly show where customers are satisfied in the brand's products and services. However, make sure that the feedback surveys cover all the touch points and point out the bad touch points.

3.7 Evaluate and improve continuously

Touchpoint maps are a great resource for businesses and should be constantly updated. Therefore, brands need to regularly adjust the touch point map to help customers get the best experience.

4. Effective solutions to optimize customer touch points with Viindoo

Customer relationship software  Viindoo is a comprehensive customer service and management software, managing customer information from contact, characteristics to reports. CRM always puts customers at the center, helping businesses optimize the work in the management process.

Customer touch pointCRM's Viindoo Software

CRM software with many outstanding features will certainly not disappoint users:

  • Sales Process Management

CRM manages all the sales process from the smallest stages such as outreach, quotation to closing. With an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, CRM will help businesses not miss any information.

  • Customer data management

Exchange and customer care on a single platform. There are also a variety of channels to interact with customers. In addition, CRM will record leads from a variety of sources. Thereby, customers will be divided according to many different criteria, supporting the maximum exploitation of customer information.

  • Effective customer care

Viindoo's CRM software will help businesses plan customer care with the Periodic Action system. Guaranteed not to miss a job or a customer. This can save you time by having email templates that update automatically.

  • Increase closing rate

CRM helps brands improve closing rates with Prioritization and Care Stage Hierarchy. Thereby filtering and selecting the appropriate method.

Here are the essentials about customer touch point but Viindoo have been synthesized. Hope the above information will help your business.

What is customer touchpoint? How to increase touch points with customers
Jun Nguyen March 24, 2023