6 steps to complete customer care planning

See how to create a simple customer care plan with Viindoo CRM

customer care plan is a strategy built to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby promoting business growth. So how to create a standard customer care plan? Let's Vindoo learn about right in the following article.

Instructions on how to create a customer care plan suitable for your business 

Evaluate current customer care process

Instead of building a completely new customer care plan, readers should focus on researching how businesses are addressing customer needs. Readers are then asked to eliminate gaps in the process and improve the parts of the workflow that are working well.

In addition to studying the process, readers should consider the following issues:

  • Customer's feedback: Readers, please find out what feedback businesses are receiving from customers? If readers receive a lot of criticism for slow customer support response times, research the cause and find a way to fix the long wait.
  • Corporate culture: Readers, please consider whether there are any characteristics of the customer care process associated with the company culture? When corporate culture focuses mainly on profits and lacks real concern for customer benefits, implementing any customer care plan will face countless difficulties.
  • Connection with customers: Readers should find out if the business's products are designed with customers in mind? Some companies believe they are doing this but product features suggest otherwise.
  • Customer expectations: Readers, please judge for yourself whether the business is understanding what customers are expecting? If the reader is in the restaurant business, a reasonable assumption would be that customers are expecting good food. This is certainly true but not complete. Besides delicious food, customers also want quick service in a great space and friendly, welcoming staff.
customer care plan

Before starting planning, readers need to evaluate their current customer service process

Determine customer needs

Understanding customers is crucial for businesses to develop sustainably. But customer needs and problems keep changing over time. The customer portrait that readers built a year ago may no longer be accurate, and may even be different in just a few months. 

To maintain companionship with customers, readers need to proactively collect more information from the following sources:

  • Operating data: Check all available data such as backlog, customer complaints, satisfaction and return on investment.
  • Customer Feedback: Review complaints and feedback from customers, both current and past. Readers can also conduct surveys or organize discussion groups with customers.
  • Staff: Talk to your customer support team about their observations and experiences interacting with customers.
customer care plan

Identifying needs is an important step in planning customer care

Determine the goals of the customer care plan

Defining clear goals is an extremely important step in building an effective customer care plan. Goals act as a guideline, helping businesses understand the direction, evaluate effectiveness and have greater motivation and responsibility in implementing the plan.

Here are some notes when setting the goals of a customer care plan that readers should keep in mind: 

  • The goal must be specific, clear, not vague. 
  • Goals must be measurable with specific indicators.
  • The goal must be feasible and consistent with the capacity of the business.
  • Objectives must be related to the overall development goals of the business.
  • Avoid adjusting goals during implementation. 
customer care plan

By identifying goals, businesses will be able to build an effective customer care plan

Identify customer journeys and customer touch points

A customer journey map is a visual chart that depicts all the touchpoints a customer experiences throughout their service experience. Besides, this map also shows the customer's emotions throughout that journey.

The stages in the customer journey map will include: 

  • Awareness: How do customers know your brand, products or services?
  • Interesting: How do customers perceive your product or service to help solve their need or problem?
  • Convert: Events that lead to purchases, such as promotions, discounts, or new product launches.
  • Retention: What does a business do to support customers' needs after purchase?
  • Loyal: Details about repeat purchases, referrals, customer feedback and social listening.
customer care plan

Businesses can use customer journey maps to identify points in the customer journey where customers are dissatisfied.

Establish customer care process

The customer care process is a sequence of actions in order for a specific task, from start to completion. Creating consistent workflows and processes increases productivity and efficiency, reduces errors, provides actionable insights, and ultimately improves the customer experience. The customer care process usually includes the following steps: 

  • Initial contact: This is the first interaction related to the customer's problem or request.
  • Classify: Evaluate issues, prioritize and route requests.
  • Handle: Requests are handled by customer service staff or resolved through self-service resources.
  • Monitor: Businesses check in with customers to ensure customer satisfaction.
customer care plan

An effective customer care process plays an important role in enhancing customer experience

Train and improve the quality of staff according to new processes

Customer care staff play a key role in realizing a business's customer care plan. They are the ones who receive and directly resolve customer requests and questions, creating the first impression and directly affecting the customer experience.  

Therefore, improving the quality of customer service staff is extremely important. Businesses should develop an in-depth training plan to equip their staff with product knowledge as well as cultivate soft skills. 

customer care plan

By investing in customer service staff, businesses can improve service quality and increase customer satisfaction.

Create a simple customer care plan Vindoo CRM

Vindoo CRM is customer relationship management software trusted by many businesses in Vietnam. Vindoo CRM can help establish and track customer care plans. From there, businesses can build customer care plans suitable for each customer group, monitor the effectiveness of plan implementation and adjust when necessary. 

Track customer service tasks with an intuitive Kanban interface

Vindoo CRM provides an intuitive Kanban interface that helps businesses easily track the progress of customer care tasks. With the Kanban interface, businesses can easily grasp the status of each task and focus on the most important tasks.

customer care plan

Kanban board visually tracks above Vindoo CRM

Convert potential customers into opportunity customers

Vindoo CRM effectively supports converting potential customers into opportunity customers, helping businesses optimize the sales process and increase revenue. After gathering potential customer information, businesses need to evaluate their potential for success. Vindoo CRM provides many tools to support appraisal such as: scoring potential, classifying potential customers, tracking interaction history,... 

If you recognize any potential with a high chance of success, businesses can convert them into opportunistic customers. To do this, businesses simply need to access the lead's profile and click the "Convert to Opportunity" button on the system. 

customer care plan

Feature to convert potential customers into above opportunity customers Vindoo CRM

Create and send quotes quickly to customers

Vindoo CRM provides quick quote creation and sending features, helping to save time and provide the best customer experience. Besides, Vindoo CRM also supports sending quotes via email or printing quotes to send to customers. 

customer care plan

Vindoo CRM helps automate many operations in creating quotes, saving time and effort

Viindoo CRM 

 Free lifetime first app 

Comprehensive customer relationship management support

Customer care plan plays a key role in building sustainable relationships with customers, thereby increasing loyalty and driving revenue for businesses. Vindoo CRM is an effective support tool that helps businesses effectively deploy and implement their customer care plans. Contact +84 225 730 9838 now to get it Vindoo More detailed advice please!

6 steps to complete customer care planning
SEODO June 11, 2024