Huu Nghi School Pioneers in Applying Technology in Management and Training

On July 14, 2021, Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company officially launched the project to implement a management software system for Huu Nghi School. This project promises to thoroughly address the school's internal management issues, paving the way for future development and growth.​


Event to Launch the Management Software Implementation Project for Huu Nghi School​


Dr. Tran Duc Nga, a Board Member and Vice Principal of the school, speaks at the event.
During the event, Dr. Tran Duc Nga expressed hope, saying, "With its ability to meet and solve the school's challenges, Viindoo's Management Software will become a catalyst for all staff and teachers to work together, addressing their respective challenges and contributing to the overall development achievements of Huu Nghi School."

"Appreciating the visionary and progressive mindset, along with the decisive spirit of the school's leadership, Viindoo's Consulting & Implementation team will always accompany the teachers and staff on their journey to master technology, automate management and training processes, and confidently face new development challenges," affirmed Mrs. Xinh Pham, Head of Consulting and Customer Support, and Project Manager at Viindoo.​

Additional Information:

Viindoo is a technology company with a vision to create an enterprise management ecosystem and deliver it as a service via cloud computing. The integrated software suite includes ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), e-commerce, IoT, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, among others.


Huu Nghi School is a semi-boarding educational system that ranges from preschool to high school. The school's Board of Education is dedicated, experienced, and highly professional, continuously cultivating a safe, friendly, and creative educational environment. This environment helps students recognize and develop their strengths comprehensively.​

Huu Nghi School Pioneers in Applying Technology in Management and Training
Jun Nguyen August 2, 2021