Purchase diary and how to create it automatically with Viindoo software

Below are details about the purchase diary according to Circulars 200 and 133 applicable to businesses. At the same time, you can set up an automatic purchase diary with Viindoo software

Purchase diary is a book used to record detailed purchasing activities of a business. In this article, Viindoo will provide you with purchase diary templates according to Circulars 200 and 133 that are being applied to businesses as well as instructions on how to set up an automatic purchase diary with Viindoo software. .

Purchase diary according to Circular 200

The purchase diary form according to Circular 200/2014/TT-BTC is specified in Appendix 04 issued with this Circular. This diary is applicable to all businesses, from small to large in all fields and all economic sectors.

purchase diary

Sample purchase diary according to Circular 200 (Source: tintucketoan)

Purchase diary according to Circular 133

The purchase journal according to Circular 133/2016/TT-BTC is a special accounting book used to record purchase transactions according to each type of inventory of the enterprise. This log number only applies to small and medium sized businesses.

Purchase diary template

Sample purchase diary according to Circular 133 (Source: tintucketoan)

Instructions on how to record purchases in a purchase diary

  • Column A: Write down the date of entry.
  • Columns B, C: Write down the number and date and month of preparing accounting documents used as a basis for book entries.
  • Column D: Summary of the economic operations arising from accounting documents.
  • Columns 1, 2, 3: Record the Debit amount corresponding to each type of inventory in the corresponding column. In case the unit opens a book for each type of inventory, columns 1, 2, 3 are used to record details for that type of inventory such as type of goods A, type of goods B...
  • Column 4: Record the amount to be paid to the seller corresponding to the quantity of goods purchased.
  • At the end of each page, add up the amount of each column and record it in the total box. At the top of the next notebook page, write the total number of the previous notebook page in the first cell of the corresponding columns
purchase diary

Example of how to keep a purchase diary

Viindoo Purchase - Automatically record purchase transactions according to each type of inventory

Viindoo Purchase is the perfect purchasing management solution for businesses of all sizes. With the powerful Purchase Report feature, Viindoo Purchase helps you view real-time visual data, capture detailed purchase status and purchase orders to make informed decisions and improve your business's operational efficiency. enterprise.

purchase diary

Viindoo Purchase software is a comprehensive purchasing management solution, helping businesses optimize the purchasing process, save costs and improve operational efficiency.

Thanks to the ability to automatically create reports, the software will help you save time and effort compared to manually synthesizing data. Viindoo Purchase also provides a variety of vivid visual charts and graphs, helping you easily grasp purchasing trends, effectively compare between suppliers, items, etc. Not only that, you can also You can export the report with selected criteria to Excel by clicking the Download xlsx button.

purchase diary

Viindoo's shopping app will help you track your shopping log and create detailed, automatic reports

Quick Start Guide with Viindoo Manufacturing

Purchasing Management Software


Support businesses in managing information and purchase history from suppliers

Above is a summary of purchase diary templates being applied to businesses today. If you feel that updating data into the diary takes too much time and is prone to errors, you can consider using Viindoo Purchase software. This software will help businesses automate purchase diary entries, save time and improve management efficiency. To learn more about Viindoo Purchase and sign up for a free trial, please visit the website viindoo.com !

Purchase diary and how to create it automatically with Viindoo software