HR policies It is an indispensable element in the operation of a business. Understanding the concept and role of personnel regulations will help businesses ensure consistency in regulations and employee management. Together Viindoo Go to the following article to learn more about this policy!
1. What is the HR policy?
HR policies is a set of established principles, rules, methods and procedures that govern the recruitment, training, management and utilization of human resources in an enterprise. This policy is intended to support and promote the achievement of the goals set by the business.
System of personnel regulations also come with provisions for individual or collective rewards, promotions, and discipline. The head of human resources is usually responsible for controlling and making decisions about personnel terms.

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2. The importance of employee policy in the enterprise
HR policies bringing many benefits to businesses such as developing comprehensive human resource management, improving labor quality and improving the recruitment process. Specifically:
- Preventing risks from human resources: Reasonable remuneration policy helps employees feel more secure. At the same time, this also shows that the business complies with the law. When income concerns are resolved, employees will focus and contribute to the business.
- Building a culture of fairness: A fair human resource management policy helps resolve issues quickly, consistently, and minimizes disciplinary incidents and lawsuits. This creates a good working environment, improves performance and retains talent.
- Create a professional image: Personnel Terms clearly help the company become professional in the eyes of partners and customers, contributing to increasing prestige and attracting talents. This also explains why leading corporations still attract quality personnel, even if the salary is not higher than the market.

3. Common types of HR policies
3.1 Personnel recruitment policy
Recruitment policies help businesses select candidates and regulate the process of introducing new employees. This policy consists of 3 main parts: recruitment, personnel training and leave policy. The content of the policy focuses on the basic activities of employees from joining the company to leaving, specifically:
- Recruitment Policy: This recruitment policy sets out the criteria and requirements for each specific vacancy. During the job posting process, personnel clearly describe the job requirements and job content, and select the appropriate profile. Then, HR analyzes and evaluates potential candidates to decide whether they will be interviewed or not
- New employee orientation policy: This is an important part of the onboarding process, including the criteria for culture, ideology and selection of suitable candidates for the company. Orienting new employees from the start helps them understand the internal culture of the business, from which employees can be more aware of their role and influence on the overall work of the organization.
- Probation policy: This is an important part of the recruitment process, helping businesses evaluate and comment on personnel during the probationary period. This also helps businesses determine the ability of employees to meet the standards and requirements of the job.
- Temporary replacement policy: In case an enterprise is facing difficulties in human resources due to various reasons and cannot find a replacement immediately, it is necessary to apply measures to resume work such as: division of work to other employees to ensure the continuation of the working process.

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3.2 Policy on personnel training
Training and developing personnel is the top responsibility of every business. Without focusing on this, businesses will face stagnation in organizational development and reduce employee performance. The following are the main contents of the personnel training and development policy:
- Training cost management policy: The financial management helps the CEO have a clear view of the amount of money needed for training and the company's ability to pay. This ensures that the business has sufficient financial resources to support the training courses. At the same time, the company needs to make a detailed plan including the location, content, form of training, as well as requirements for personnel after completing the training course.
- Training scale: Depending on the needs, the organization can organize internal training courses with different numbers of employees. The company can choose online or face-to-face training based on training objectives and content to reduce costs.
- Schedule training sessions: To get the best results, the company needs to establish a clear and specific personnel training process for training sessions. This schedule must be consistent with the time so that everyone can absorb the knowledge in the most effective way.
- Evaluating training results: The company needs to evaluate and check the quality of training to ensure employee progress or conduct retraining if the results are not as expected.

3.3 Salary compensation policy
This policy ensures the best interests and life for employees through the agreement and cooperation between employees and leaders. Enterprises need to clearly state from the beginning the frequency of salary payment, payment method, policy to convert net salary to gross and list additional benefits such as medical care, health care program, bonus. , allowance
- Compensation policy issue: Salary and bonus issues are the top priority for employees at work. A good compensation policy will ensure the life of employees and at the same time help businesses maintain financial balance. Compensation policy should focus on the following three factors:
- Paying frequency
- Employee benefits
- Payments
- Holiday and leave policy: The policy of holidays and leave is an important factor that candidates are interested in in addition to the salary and bonus regime. The number of leave days is flexible depending on the business model. However, most private and state-owned enterprises apply the same policy on holidays and leave.
- Travel and corporate vacation: With fierce competition in the market today, attracting personnel with travel and vacation programs will bring an undeniable attraction. Regularly organizing vacations and team building activities will strengthen cohesion among members and promote a strong corporate culture.
- Regarding the retirement regime: Currently, Vietnamese law recommends the retirement age to be 62 for men and 60 for women. However, current law is setting the retirement age at 60 for men and 55 for women. Therefore, each company has its own retirement support policy, including bonuses such as insurance, shares, merit certificates, certificates or a bonus to encourage employees to devote themselves to the company.

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3.4 Health care policy
Personnel health and safety policy is an important part of human resource management of a business. To ensure the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of this policy, businesses need to develop specific safety regulations and periodic health care plans for employees.
In addition to legal requirements, it is also important to include emergency and safety procedures in the employee handbook. This helps employees know how to respond in the event of a workplace injury and ensures that all work-related accidents are fully reported and addressed.

3.5 Time attendance policy
Timekeeping and payment policies to ensure accurate tracking of working hours and the execution of corresponding stored procedures. At the same time, the policy also informs employees of their compensation-related details, including:
- Specify the payday in case it is a holiday.
- Payment methods.
- Salary frequency.

3.6 Privacy Policy
The privacy policy is intended to convey topics that employees must keep confidential. In addition, the policy provides examples of critical information, employee responsibilities, and consequences of privacy policy violations.

3.7 Employment classification policy
Employment classification policies can affect an employee's ability to receive certain benefits. For example, part-time employees are often not eligible for health care benefits from their employers. These categories should be specified in the employee handbook.

4. How to build HR policy
4.1 Contents required
Important factors in build company's personnel policy include:
- Company personnel regulations: The company's personnel policy includes recruitment, training, leave, salary and bonus.
- Salary, bonus, and remuneration policy: This is an important factor to help attract and retain talents for businesses. This policy motivates and increases employee dedication, while strengthening their trust and commitment.
- Personnel evaluation policy: This is a public and transparent policy, established for all personnel working in the enterprise. This policy is intended to assist enterprises in re-evaluating their employees' abilities and qualifications, and to motivate employees to make efforts to overcome weaknesses and take advantage of their own strengths.
- Other policies that should be considered to improve employee performance include:
- Policy for dealing with conflicts and contradictions.
- Reward policy for events in the company.

4.2 Deployment of communication strategy for recruitment brand
Communication is an important factor in recruiting and attracting talent. A smart and effective communication strategy helps candidates recognize the business and at the same time remember it in the hearts of customers.
A good communication strategy is when the company receives positive feedback from the groups, creating a reputation. At the same time, if it can successfully convey the highlights of the company's culture, environment and regime, businesses can attract many candidates.

4.3 Using existing talent to attract new talent
Using existing talent to attract new talent is a popular and effective strategy that helps businesses save costs. Management can ask employees to recommend or recommend suitable candidates for the position that the business is recruiting.

4.4 Develop policies with attractive remuneration
A business attracts talent and keeps them for a long time when HR policies meet candidate insights. Specifically, the salary and regime are enough to take care of personal life and correspond to capacity or not.
Or if working for a long time at the company, do employees have the opportunity to advance, how much can they learn and develop themselves from the position that the company is recruiting? On the other hand, cultural and environmental factors are also a magnet to attract talents to join the business.

Building and issuing simple HR policies with Viindoo HRM software
The development and issuance of a human resource policy is an extremely important issue in the business operation of an enterprise. Up to now, many businesses are still using traditional ways to manage and handle HR-related issues, which inadvertently creates many difficulties in the process of business operations.
To simplify the process of developing and issuing human resource policies, businesses can apply management software such as Viindoo HRM. Viindoo HRM is a comprehensive human resource management software, intelligently integrated with all the necessary features for human resource management such as Recruitment, Training, Timekeeping, Payroll,... With the connection Throughout the above, businesses can completely build, issue and apply HR policies in a simpler way than ever.
Moreover, now, businesses can use Viindoo HRM software ABSOLUTELY FREE, unlimited number of users. Check it out right here.
HR policies plays an important role in human resource management, ensuring a professional working environment for the organization. Hope through the information Viindoo shared in the above article, businesses will understand what HR policies are as well as how to build them.
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