Brand Visual: Why It Matters and How to Get It Right

Nowadays, creating a strong brand identity has become essential for businesses. One critical aspect is brand visual, which includes elements such as logo design, color palette, typography, imagery, and graphic elements. In this article by Viindoo Enterprise Management Software, we'll explore why brand visual matters and provide tips for creating an effective brand visual that resonates with your target audience.

What is Brand Visual?

Brand visual is the visual representation of a brand's identity. It includes all the visual elements that a brand uses to communicate with its audience, such as its logo, color palette, typography, imagery, and graphic elements. It is important to note that the brand visual is not just a collection of random visual elements but a cohesive system reflecting a brand development strategy.

What is Brand Visual?

What is Brand Visual?

Why Does Brand Visual Matter?

Brand visual identity plays a crucial role in shaping a brand's perception in the minds of consumers. Let's find out some reasons why brand visual matters:

  • Build Brand Recognition: A well-designed visual brand can help a brand stand out and make it easier for customers to recognize and remember. Think of Nike's "Swoosh" logo, which has become one of the most recognizable logos in the world.
  • Establish Brand Identity: Brand visual helps a brand establish its identity and communicate its personality, values, and vision to its audience. For example, Coca-Cola's red and white color palette and classic typography reflect its long-standing tradition and commitment to quality.
  • Differentiate from Competitors: Visual brand identity can also help a brand differentiate itself from its competitors. By creating a unique and memorable visual identity, a brand can position itself as distinct and attractive to its target audience.
Brand visual can help a brand differentiate itself from its competitors

Brand visual can help a brand differentiate itself from its competitors

>>>> See also:

Best Practices for Creating Effective Brand Visuals

Creating a unique brand visual requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Here are some best practices to keep in mind when creating brand visual identity:

Know Your Target Audience

Before you start designing your visual brand, it's important to clearly understand your target audience. Who are they? What are their needs, preferences, and values? What type of visual language will resonate with them? By knowing your target audience, you can design a brand visual that speaks directly to them.

Keep it Simple

Simplicity is key when it comes to brand visual. A simple, memorable design can make it easier for customers to recognize and remember your brand. Avoid cluttered designs, complex illustrations, or multiple fonts and colors that can make your visual identity confusing and hard to understand.

Brand visual: keep it simple

Brand visual: keep it simple

Be Consistent

Consistency is crucial when it comes to visual brand identity. All visual elements should be designed in a consistent style and applied across all communication channels, from your website and social media profiles to your business cards and packaging. This consistency helps to reinforce your brand's identity and increase brand recognition.

Choose Colors and Fonts that Reflect Your Brand Personality

Your color palette and typography should reflect your brand story and values. For example, if you're a luxury brand, you might choose elegant fonts and a muted color palette, while a brand targeting young, adventurous audiences might choose bold, bright colors and playful typography. This factor really affects brand visibility.

Use High-Quality Images and Graphics

Low-quality images and graphics can make your brand image unprofessional and cheap. Invest in high-quality images and graphics that are consistent with your brand identity and reinforce your message. This can include original photography, custom illustrations, or professionally designed graphics.

visual brand

Use High-Quality Images to improve brand visual

Examples of Successful Brand Visuals


Apple's brand visual is a great example of simplicity and consistency. Its logo, the iconic bitten apple, is instantly recognizable and has become synonymous with innovation and sleek design. Apple's use of minimalistic design, clean typography, and monochromatic color scheme further reinforces its brand identity as a premium, high-end tech brand.


Nike's brand visual is centered around its "Swoosh" logo, which was designed to represent the sound of speed and motion. The Swoosh is simple yet dynamic, and its use of bold, contrasting colors reinforces Nike's identity as a brand that empowers athletes and encourages them to push their limits.

Nike brand visual

Nike's brand visual


McDonald's brand visual is really recognizable and iconic. The design of the golden arches was initially inspired by the architecture of the first McDonald's restaurant in California, which had two giant yellow arches on either side of the building. The color scheme is designed to be eye-catching and evoke feelings of happiness and playfulness, in line with the company's family-friendly message.


Google's brand visual is centered around its playful, colorful logo, which changes regularly to reflect holidays, events, and special occasions. The company's use of bright, bold colors and simple typography reinforces its identity as a tech giant that is constantly innovating and pushing boundaries.

It can be seen that brand visual is a critical component of brand identity, and it includes all the visual elements that a brand uses to communicate with its audience. By creating a consistent brand visual, businesses can establish brand identity, enhance customer perception, and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Brand Visual: Why It Matters and How to Get It Right
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Van Anh Nguyen March 30, 2023