Accounting for E-commerce Guide For Business Owners

Accounting is crucial for any business, but accounting for e-commerce businesses is even more important. E-commerce businesses face unique financial challenges, such as a high volume of transactions, complex inventory management, and tax compliance issues. In this article of Viindoo, we will explore the importance of accounting for e-commerce businesses. Whether you're a new e-commerce business or an established one, understanding accounting for e-commerce is critical for your success.

What is Accounting for e-commerce

Accounting for e-commerce business involves the application of accounting principles and practices to record and analyze financial transactions related to online sales. Some key e-commerce accounting includes:

Revenue recognition

For e-commerce businesses, revenue recognition can be complicated due to the nature of online transactions. Revenue recognition guidelines require that revenue be recognized when earned, and for e-commerce businesses, this means when the product or service is delivered to the customer.

accounting for e commerce

Accounting for e-commerce: Revenue recognition

>>>> See More: Understanding Account Receivable Definition to Manage Your Business More Effectively

Payment processing

E-commerce businesses must also consider how to account for payment processing fees charged by payment processors like PayPal or Stripe. These fees are typically deducted from the total amount of the sale, and accounting for them properly can help ensure accurate financial reporting.

Sales tax

E-commerce businesses must also consider the collection and remittance of sales tax. The rules for sales tax can vary by jurisdiction, and it's essential to understand the requirements for each state or country where sales are made.

accounting software for retail

Accounting for e-commerce: Sales tax

Inventory Management

E-commerce businesses must track inventory levels to ensure they have enough stock to fulfill orders. Proper inventory management is crucial for accurate financial reporting and can help prevent stockouts and overstocks.

>>>> See more: Why is analyzing inventories on balance sheet important?

Shipping Costs

Shipping costs are another expense that e-commerce businesses must account for. Shipping costs can vary depending on the carrier and the distance, and proper accounting can help businesses understand the true cost of shipping and identify areas for cost savings.

accounting for e commerce business

Accounting for e-commerce: Shipping costs

Differences between traditional accounting and accounting for e-commerce

Traditional accounting and accounting for e-commerce differ in several ways, including the types of transactions that are recorded, the methods used for tracking inventory and revenue, and the technology used to manage financial records.

Types of transactions

One key difference between traditional accounting and accounting for e-commerce is the volume and complexity of transactions. E-commerce businesses typically process a large volume of transactions compared to traditional businesses. E-commerce businesses may have hundreds or even thousands of transactions per day, including sales, refunds, chargebacks, and shipping fees. As a result, accounting for e-commerce requires a system that can handle a large volume of transactions and accurately track revenue and expenses.

accounting for e-commerce

Types of transactions

Revenue and inventory tracking methods

Another difference is the method used to track inventory and cost of goods sold (COGS). Traditional businesses typically use a periodic inventory system, where inventory is counted at the end of each period and the COGS is calculated based on the change in inventory levels. In contrast, e-commerce businesses often use a perpetual inventory system, where inventory levels are constantly updated and the COGS is calculated based on the cost of each item sold.


The technology used to manage financial records is also different for e-commerce businesses compared to traditional businesses. E-commerce businesses typically use accounting system software that integrates with their online store and payment processor, allowing them to automate financial record-keeping and streamline their accounting processes. Traditional businesses may use paper-based systems or basic accounting software that is not specifically designed for e-commerce.

E-commerce accounting software

Accounting software for retail is specifically designed to help businesses manage their finances and track transactions in an online environment. This type of software typically integrates with popular e-commerce platforms and payment processors, allowing businesses to automate financial record-keeping and streamline their accounting processes.

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Accounting software for retail

One such accounting software for e-commerce is Viindoo accounting, a cloud-based software solution that is designed to help businesses manage their finances more efficiently. Viindoo accounting offers a range of features and tools that are tailored specifically for e-commerce businesses, including:

  • Integration with popular e-commerce platforms and payment processors, such as Shopify, Stripe, and PayPal. This allows businesses to easily sync their financial data with their online store and payment processor, reducing the risk of errors and saving time.
  • Automated bookkeeping allows businesses to automatically categorize transactions and reconcile bank accounts. This saves time and reduces the risk of errors that can occur with manual data entry.
  • Inventory management allows businesses to track inventory levels and costs in real time. This helps businesses make informed decisions about pricing and purchasing, and ensures that they always have the right amount of inventory on hand.
  • Financial reporting provides businesses with real-time insights into their financial performance. This allows businesses to make informed decisions about growth and investment opportunities, and to identify areas for improvement.
  • Tax compliance helps businesses stay compliant with tax laws and regulations. Viindoo accounting offers features such as automatic sales tax calculation and support for multiple tax rates, which can help businesses save time and reduce the risk of errors.


E-commerce accounting software often offers inventory management features to track stock levels, sales, and cost of goods sold. Integrating inventory systems with online platforms can help automate inventory updates and provide accurate financial reporting.

Maintaining financial security in e-commerce accounting involves implementing robust data protection measures, secure payment gateways, and regular monitoring of transactions. Employing encryption, secure backups, and strong access controls helps safeguard financial data.

While accounting regulations generally apply to all businesses, e-commerce businesses may have specific requirements related to revenue recognition, sales tax, online payment systems, and digital transactions. Staying updated with accounting standards and seeking professional guidance is essential.

There are 3 three types of financial statements in ecommerce accounting: Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement

Efficient accounting for e-commerce businesses is crucial due to unique financial challenges, including high transaction volume and complex inventory management. Hopefully, through this Viindoo's article, businesses understand the importance of accounting for e-commerce to improve financial management, reduce the risk of errors, and ultimately achieve long-term success in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

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Accounting for E-commerce Guide For Business Owners
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Van Anh Nguyen March 22, 2023