7 wastes in production and how to eliminate them

Let's join Viindoo to learn immediately about 7 types of production waste and the most scientific solution to eliminate them!

In a business, there are usually 7 waste in production that need to be eliminated. Eliminating these wastes will help businesses save resources, increase operational efficiency, and improve business efficiency. Let's join Viindoo to learn immediately about 7 types of production waste and the most scientific solution to eliminate them!

What do the 7 wastes in production include?

7 wastes in production include:

  • Waste in transportation
  • Waste of defective goods
  • Unreasonable process
  • Inventory
  • Redundant movements
  • Wait
7 waste in production

7 types of waste in production

Solutions to eliminate 7 wastes in production

Eliminate waste in transportation

Waste in transit is the loss, damage or disruption that occurs when moving products from the point of production to the point of consumption. This type of waste often comes from unreliable packaging, careless loading and unloading processes, inefficient supply chain management, or transportation problems,...

7 waste in production

Statistics, production are important jobs in the production management process

For example: A ceramics manufacturing company exports products to foreign markets. During transportation, due to improper packaging, many ceramic items were broken when they arrived at the destination. This causes loss and waste of the company's goods.


  • Optimize the packaging process: Use packaging materials such as bubble paper, foam boxes and reinforce the edges of the box to protect the product from impact.
  • Improve loading and unloading processes: Train employees on safe and effective loading and unloading techniques, using support tools such as forklifts to minimize collisions.
  • Use transportation tracking technology: Apply GPS and barcode tracking systems to monitor the transportation process and goods status.
  • Improve the management system: Establish a strict transportation management process, periodically check and evaluate performance to quickly fix arising problems.

Eliminate waste from defective goods

Waste due to defective goods occurs when products do not meet quality standards or have technical problems, leading to costs for repair, recycling or disposal. The cause may be due to errors in the manufacturing process, poor quality materials, or problems during the inspection process.

7 waste in production

Waste from defective goods​

For example: A phone manufacturing company discovers that some products in a newly produced batch have screen defects, causing the need to be returned or repaired. This not only reduces profits but also affects the company's image before customers.


  • Strict production quality control: Implement quality control at each stage of production to detect defects early.
  • Choose reliable suppliers: Cooperate with reputable suppliers to ensure materials meet quality.
  • Cause analysis and continuous improvement: Perform root cause analysis of errors to take corrective measures and prevent recurrence.
  • Apply smart technology: Use automation technologies to manage and monitor product quality.

Eliminate waste due to unreasonable processes

Waste due to unreasonable processes is ineffectiveness in work procedures and job execution. This leads to unnecessary waste of time, energy and effort.

7 waste in production

Waste due to unreasonable process

For example: In a production line, workers have to move working conditions many times to perform production steps, wasting unnecessary time and effort.


  • Workflow optimization: Evaluate and optimize workflows in manufacturing. Thereby reducing unnecessary steps and optimizing employee movement.
  • Apply the 5S principle: Use the 5S principle to organize and arrange the workspace effectively.
  • Create synchronization and coordination: Ensure synchronization between production stages to avoid unnecessary waiting and adjustments.
  • Training and skills development: Train employees on required skills and provide guidance to perform the job effectively.

Eliminate waste in inventory

This waste comes from storing more raw materials or finished products than necessary. Inventory buildup not only costs money but also increases the risk of damage and loss.

7 waste in production

Waste in inventory

For example: A shoe factory accumulates too much unsold product in its warehouse, leading to high storage costs and risk of damage due to environmental exposure.


  • Optimize the ordering and supply process: Evaluate and optimize the ordering process to avoid over-ordering and minimize inventory time..
  • Apply "Just-in-Time" (JIT) production method: Produce only the necessary quantity at the right time, minimizing unnecessary inventory.
  • Strengthen quality management: Ensure quality from the production stage to avoid errors and substandard products.
  • Optimize warehouse management: Use modern warehouse management software to monitor and evaluate warehouse management performance.

Eliminate waste from redundant movements

When mentioning the 7 wastes in production, we cannot ignore the redundant movements. This waste occurs when the product produced is more complex than the customer requires, including unnecessary steps or too many details that do not meet the actual needs.

Eliminate 7 wastes in production

Waste from redundant movements

For example: A shoe factory has a habit of using complex decorative attachments on each product, while the customer only requested a simple design.


  • Evaluate and optimize design: Check the design to remove unnecessary details and optimize product specifications.
  • Establish production standards: Identify and apply clear standards to the production process to ensure products meet customer requirements.
  • Apply Kaizen method: Use Kaizen method to continuously improve production processes and eliminate unnecessary activities.

Eliminate waiting waste

The last name in the list of 7 wastes in production is waiting. This waste occurs when a product or production process is delayed due to waiting for materials, equipment, information or maintenance repairs.

Eliminate 7 wastes in production

Wasted by waiting

For example: Car production was delayed due to lack of raw materials from suppliers, leading to long waiting times during assembly.


  • Supply chain management: Ensure effective supply chain management, from demand forecasting to on-time ordering and delivery of materials.
  • Monitor and adjust production processes: Use a real-time tracking system to monitor production and detect problems early. From there, adjust the production schedule to minimize waiting time.
  • Periodic maintenance and repair: Carry out periodic maintenance and repair of equipment and machinery to ensure the stability of the production process and avoid unnecessary delays.

Eliminate waste in production with Viindoo MRP software

Production management software - Viindoo MRP is the optimal solution for businesses that want to improve management efficiency, minimize waste in the production process and optimize operational processes. With comprehensive features and an intuitive interface, Viindoo MRP helps businesses easily manage production data, optimize operational performance, and automate processes. Thanks to that, businesses can effectively reduce waste in production and increase revenue.

What are the 7 eliminations in manufacturing?

Some outstanding features of the software:

Plan and monitor production activities

  • Automated production planning: Automatically create production plans based on resource activity, efficiency, and schedule.
  • Track material consumption: Record actual consumption at each stage, compare with norms and calculate actual costs.
  • Use resources effectively: Monitor uptime, evaluate resource usage efficiency to optimize processes.

Build and optimize inventory plans

  • Inventory planning: Plan and forecast demand accurately by day, week, and month.
  • PO integration: Automatically create production orders, warehouse dispatching, and purchasing to ensure planned inventory.

Implement and automate manufacturer operations

  • Connection on ERP system: Includes basic features (Procurement, Sales, Inventory, Accounting, Human Resources) and in-depth production features (MRP, Quality Management, Product Lifecycle Management , Maintenance and Warranty).
  • Automation: Automate quality inspection, maintenance planning, forecasting, and material ordering.
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Comprehensive Manufacturing software fulfills the production management needs of enterprises in the 4.0 era.

The above article by Viindoo has compiled basic information about 7 wastes in production. Administrators should master these types of waste and solutions to improve production processes at businesses. For any questions or requests for advice on corporate management solutions, please contact Viindoo via hotline (+84) 225 730 9838.

7 wastes in production and how to eliminate them
SEODO June 17, 2024