Company organization chart is a visual model and is a prerequisite before putting a business into operation. Each company or business in different fields will have different organization charts. In this article, Viindoo will provide commonly used simple company organization chart templates and instructions on how to build them. Check it out now!
What is a company organization chart? The role of the organization chart
A company organization chart is a visual chart that depicts the image, functions, and internal structure of company's departments. This diagram plays an important role in operating business management models.
Every company or organization to go into operation must have an official organization chart because the diagram plays the following important roles:
- Display the hierarchy and structure of internal personnel in the company.
- Help employees know and understand their roles and responsibilities.
- Clearly outline the responsibilities of each department.
- Help employees get an overview of their development and career progression.
- Managers know the number of employees under their management.
How to create a professional and simple company organization chart
Each company will have a different operating chart depending on the model and management method of the business. Therefore, before building an organization chart, the company needs to research which model is suitable for the business. The two steps below help businesses define and build a chart for the organization.
- Determine the organizational structure of the enterprise: Enterprises need to identify functional groups and departments and teams. When these two factors are clearly identified, the relationship-building of the objects in the diagram will be clearer.
- Draw a diagram:
- Before drawing a diagram, you need to make a list of the job roles in the company.
- Next, you will draw job descriptions for each specific role and finally complete the diagram.
- For example, the job role is the head of the human resources department in charge of personnel-related issues in the company, special attention should be paid to ensuring smooth communication between organizations.
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The most commonly applied company organization models today
Currently, there are many company organization models suitable for the characteristics of different businesses and organizations. Here are some of the most commonly adopted models.
Matrix organizational structure
The matrix model is built and operated according to the authority hierarchy and multi-dimensional support. The information in this type of model is rotated both horizontally and vertically. This model is also rated as the most difficult system for the reason that resources are affected by many directions. However, if well-applied matrix model will help improve efficiency and productivity for businesses.

- Help optimize resources
- Improve the efficiency of the exchange and communication process in organizations and businesses.
- Help the departments in the company to work together smoothly.
- Optimize decision-making time and processes
- Employees are under the management of many levels.
- Time-consuming.
- Possible conflicts between functional and project management levels
- Difficulty in assessing personal performance.
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Functional organizational structure
Functional organization within a company means that each function is divided into several functional departments. For example, production, marketing, finance, sales, etc. This requires personnel to master professional skills and be proficient in the field they manage.

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The model has function-based elements in the company
- Responsibilities of employees and departments are more clearly defined.
- Enhance personal expertise.
- The instructions and regulations of each department will be clearer and more detailed.
- Companies and enterprises can use labor specialization at the management level.
- Bring efficiency to improve production output and quality.
- Easily monitor and plan activities for each department in the business in general and the entire company in particular.
- Coordination between employees and different departments is limited.
- Takes a long time to make decisions, inefficient.
- Create barriers and gaps between parts with different functions.
- There may be leadership conflicts between departments.
- There is a conflict between individual goals and the overall goals of the organization.
Flat organizational structure
The flat organizational model is a model in which all employees in the company are equal and operate according to self-management mechanisms. Therefore, this model should only be applied in businesses with a small number of employees or businesses with close cooperation between individuals.

- Save time on decision approval.
- Save cost.
- Each individual has high responsibilities.
- Simplify personnel.
- Improve communication efficiency.
- There is a possibility of losing control.
- Difficulty in monitoring and connecting personnel.
- High-pressure
- Create barriers to company growth.
- Difficult approval.
- Employees have little opportunity for promotion leading to lack of motivation to work.
- Create a power vacuum.
- There may be conflicts and power struggles between management levels.
>>>> See More: Building set of business management processes simply and effectively
Geographical organizational structure
The geographical model is suitable for companies with many branches operating in different regions and locations. This model requires regions and branches to report continuously to the head office.

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- Human resources have a clear awareness of the company's function.
- Clear company structure planning.
- Smooth and efficient working process.
- The process of updating and synchronizing information is difficult.
- The process of monitoring and management is limited due to geographical distance.
Decentralized organizational structure
The decentralized model is traditional and heavy on distinction and decentralization between levels. In an enterprise following this model, work and orders will be transmitted from top to bottom, from the top to the middle management to the employees.
- Clarity in the division of responsibility and authority.
- Transparent career path.
- Employees can focus on developing specialized skills.
- Resources are clear and shared, avoiding overlapping responsibilities.
- Making decisions often take a long time.
- Create a gap in communication between levels.
- Difficulty agreeing on common goals, especially between individuals and management levels.
- There is a tendency to compete between departments, leading to a work environment with a lot of pressure and incompatibility with each other.
The two organization charts by type of business
Organization chart of a limited company
The most common limited company organization chart will be:
- Organization of a one-member limited company is a company owned by an individual. The structure of the organization will have a company president, general manager, or director.
- Organization of a two-member limited company is a company with between 2 and 50 members. The members have familiarity with each other, so the operation and management will be easier than in a one-member limited company.

Organization chart of a joint stock company
The main components of a joint stock company include General meeting of shareholders, board of directors, general director or director of the company, supervisory board. Each title will have a different position and role in the company.

A simple model of the joint stock company
Organization chart of a partnership company
Partnership company is a business model where at least two people contribute capital. The company's operating name is under a common name and joint and unlimited liability for all debts and obligations.
The organization chart of partnership company includes the Board of Directors and the head of the Chairman of the Members' Council, the General Director, and the Director.
Partnership company chart
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Sample of company organization chart by department
Corporation chart
Corporation is the highest management unit of all departments, each policy and decision of the corporation will affect the whole enterprise. Therefore, the organization chart of the corporation needs to be built in the most optimal way to ensure the operational efficiency, management, and supervision of the enterprise.

Organization chart of HR department
The Human Resources Department is the department responsible for recruitment, administrative work, training, and handling wages and benefits for employees. The organization and structure of human resources are divided into two main areas: personnel management and human resource management.
Personnel management is in charge of administrative tasks and implementation of labor policies. Human resource management is more of a long-term strategy such as recruiting, developing talents, and building an employee evaluation mechanism.

Organization chart of HR department
Explanation of elements appearing in the model:
- Human Resources Director: The person responsible for designing and implementing the company's human resources plan. The duties of the director of human resources are to control the data, reports related to recruitment, training, employee development, compensation policies, and regulations for employees in the company.
- Head of Human Resources Department: Is the person responsible for planning, building and coordinating human resource management activities. The duties of the head of human resources are to supervise and manage the recruitment process, evaluate employees, and contribute ideas to the HR director in important decisions in the field of human resources administration.
- HR Admin: Is the person in charge of managing and arranging employee documents and records. The task of the HR Admin is to monitor and update data and information about resources in the enterprise, and assist superiors in bringing down plans to lower-level employees.
- Recruitment specialist: Is the person in charge of human resource recruitment, including the following tasks: Identifying recruitment needs, proposing recruitment plans, and recruiting personnel in accordance with the needs of the company.
- Internal communication: The person in charge of providing internal information such as recruitment, changes in regulations, sponsorships, and policies... Effectiveness is evaluated based on the number of employees grasped. be informed.
- C&B: This is a salary and benefits specialist. The task in this position is to monitor and manage employee salary and welfare data information along with the annual performance evaluation of employees in the enterprise.
- Training and development: The person in charge of courses for employees in the enterprise. These courses are intended to add skills and knowledge to a department or an individual. Training and development specialists will understand needs, develop learning paths, receive feedback, and evaluate course effectiveness.
Sales department chart
The sales department is the department that advises the director regarding the sale of products and services of the company. The duties of the sales department also include research and development of products and markets, as well as seeking and developing relationships with customers.
Depending on the field, business product, and corporate culture, the organization chart of the sales department may be different. Basically, there are 3 most popular models of the sales department that are applied by many businesses: the island model, the chain model, and the group model.

Chain model

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Group model
Organization chart of Marketing department
Marketing Department is the bridge between the company and the market, between consumers and products and product attributes. The task of the marketing department is to research the market and customers then orient the product to suit the needs of the customer.
The organizational chart of the Marketing department is built depending on the size and business lines of each enterprise. A basic organizational structure of the Marketing department is shown below:

Organization chart of Marketing department
Explain the elements appearing in the diagram:
- Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): The person responsible for the company's marketing activities. The task of the Marketing Director is to build and develop a marketing strategy that is consistent with the business goals and vision of the business.
- Marketing Manager: This is the person who develops short-term marketing plans and leads the implementation of that task. This is also the person responsible for the success or failure of activities related to product and brand promotion.
- Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Trade Marketing, Pr - Event: These are small divisions in the Marketing department in charge of separate tasks according to the overall marketing plan.
Organization chart of the Accounting department
The accounting department has the function of advising the Board of Directors on financial management measures, directions, and regulations. At the same time, the accounting department is responsible for implementing the company's financial plans and managing the accounting work so that it is effective, economical, and in accordance with current regulations and accounting regimes.

Explain the elements appearing in the diagram:
- Chief Accountant: Is the leader of the accounting department, responsible for managing all activities related to accounting and finance.
- General accountant: An accountant who is responsible for recording, evaluating, and making general statistics of data and figures on accounts, books, and financial statements based on the value criteria of the enterprise.
- Payment accountant: A person who makes statistics of receipts and expenditures, monitors, manages and makes accounting transactions, and economic and financial operations related to internal and external payments.
- Debt accountant: The person who supervises, urges and settles the company's debts. The debt accountant needs to ensure that the debt only exists within the allowable level, to avoid affecting the company's finances.
Sample company organization chart by industry
Organization chart of construction business
Construction is a branch specializing in the field of consulting, construction organization, design, management, supervision, and acceptance of construction works. The organizational structure of a construction business is often very diverse but generally depends on two factors: the scale of products and services provided.
Basically, the organizational structure of an enterprise in the field of construction consists of two types: companies without construction activities and companies with construction. The organizational chart of these two types is shown below.

Company organization chart without construction

Organizational chart of the company with construction
Explain the elements appearing in the diagram:
Administration - Human Resources: Responsible for human resource management, supporting and advising the leadership on the organization of the company's operating apparatus, policies, and labor benefits.
Accountant: In charge of company finance and accounting organization, revenue, expense management, and asset depreciation
Survey - design: Responsible for geological, topographical, hydrological surveys and construction design consultancy
Consulting - supervision: In charge of consulting and supervising the construction and construction process of the works.
Sales - Marketing: In charge of finding customers and exploiting needs, consulting solutions, and supporting contract signing.
Construction: Undertake the task of executing construction based on the specifications and materials as planned by the project department.
Purchasing: Responsible for collecting materials and selecting suitable suppliers to serve the entire construction activities.
Experiment - Inspection: In charge of testing and checking the quality of the works.
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Organization chart of a manufacturing company
The organization of a manufacturing company is an enterprise that creates products and goods for sale, exchange, and to meet human consumption needs. Two common types of manufacturing companies are outsourcing and commercial production.

Basic manufacturing company organization chart
Explain the elements appearing in the diagram:
- Administration - Human Resources: Responsible for human resource management, supporting and advising the leadership on the organization of the company's operating apparatus, policies, and labor benefits.
- Accountant: In charge of company finance and accounting organization, revenue, expense management, and asset depreciation.
- Sales: Receiving orders, quotes, closing contracts, and taking care of customers.
- Production: The production process is carried out according to the plan.
- Quality control: Planning, balancing and shifting production resources with the aim of ensuring that the maximum demand for output goods is met and economically optimizing input resources.
- Purchasing: Receive and process proposals from the production department about the purchase of raw materials, and labor tools...
- Planning: Making production plans to meet the requirements and norms. Balancing and shifting production resources to meet the maximum demand of output goods and economically optimize input resources.
Organization chart of a trading company
A trading company is an enterprise that buys and sells goods and products through distribution channels. Therefore, the organization chart of this type often focuses on the strategic department and market expansion more than other types of organizations.
Organization chart of Logistics enterprise
Enterprise Logistics is a supply chain company, investment, and product distribution. With this type, businesses often focus on management systems such as personnel administration, warehouse, sales, etc.

Organization chart of Logistics enterprise
Organization chart of the transport company
A transport company is a business that provides freight transportation services. In the organizational model of this company, there are additional transportation and quality control departments to improve the efficiency of the service delivery process.

Organization chart of the company in the field of transportation
Explain the elements appearing in the diagram:
- Administration - Human Resources: Responsible for advising the Board of Directors on the organization of the company's operating apparatus, the company's policies and procedures, and human resource management.
- Accounting: Financial management, money sources, costs, etc. in the business
- Marketing: In charge of advertising for services and developing the company's brand.
- Operation: In charge of preparing import procedures, and customs documents, and monitoring the transportation process to ensure an uninterrupted process. When the goods are delivered, this department is responsible for checking the quality of the goods.
- Quality control: In charge of checking customer, driver, and order information, ensuring that parts fulfill their commitments.
- Shipping: The staff delivers the goods to customers
Organization chart of a travel agency
A travel agency is a business that provides services to customers. The organizational chart of a basic travel company consists of the following divisions: Administration, human resources, accounting, business, etc.

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The simple, commonly used company organization charts have been fully presented by Viindoo through the content of the article. Choosing an organization chart that is appropriate for the size and scope of the business is a stepping stone to the success of a business. If your business is looking to build its own operating diagram, enterprises could consult Viindoo Employees to automatically visualize your organizational structure from departments to teams, individuals.