What is Event Marketing: Types, Benefit, and Examples

In this blog post, we will delve deeper into what is event marketing, the various types of event marketing out there, and how it can benefit your business. Viindoo Enterprise Management Software will also provide examples of successful event marketing campaigns to give you an idea of what you can do to make your own event marketing campaign stand out. 

What is event marketing?

Event marketing is the process of creating a themed display, exhibit, or presentation to promote a product or service. Event marketing is an effective way to build brand awareness and drive sales. It creates a local presence for customers, builds communities, and creates in-store experiential moments for consumers. The unique experience that an event can provide is a powerful way to engage potential customers and foster loyalty among existing ones.

What is Event Marketing

What is Event Marketing?

>>>> See More: What is mass marketing?

Types of event marketing

Understanding "what is Event Marketing" is not enough, you need to learn more about the Types of event marketing. The objective of event marketing is to create memorable experiences for the attendees and establish a connection between the brand and its audience. There are several types of event marketing, including conferences, trade shows, product launches, and more. 


One of the types of event marketing is conferences. Conferences are typically organized by enterprises for product offerings and educational purposes. Both B2B and B2C brands can benefit from conferences that have dynamic agendas, well-known speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities. For businesses seeking to achieve their objectives, conferences are seen as the most impactful event type for 40% of them. These large-scale events are focused on providing industry insights and include various workshops and networking sessions. When utilizing event marketing strategies, it's important to consider the type of event, identifying objectives, target audience, and content production to effectively promote and publicize the event.

Trade Shows and Expositions

Event marketing involves live and virtual events where audiences interact with a brand face-to-face, and there are several types of event marketing to consider. Trade shows and expositions are popular types of event marketing that drive brand awareness and generate new leads through quality networking opportunities.

Ceremonies and galas are another type of event marketing that builds awareness and enhances interest in a product or service among key stakeholders. Overall, event marketing is a key way for companies to establish and grow their brand, with 64% of event marketers using it for brand awareness.

Events provide immersive experiences that associate a physical identity and aesthetic with a digital brand, leading to increased awareness through word-of-mouth. Whether it's a trade show or a gala, event marketing can be a powerful tool to create meaningful connections with potential customers and drive business growth.

what is event marketing

Trade Shows and Expositions


Seminars are a type of event marketing that involves live or virtual interaction with a product or brand. Event marketing software can handle registrations for seminars and workshops. Seminars offer education and networking opportunities with a small group of attendees. They can be structured as lectures or roadshows for employees, partners, or the general public. Seminars, often hosted as webinars, can be focused on discussion, lectures or roadshows. This type of event marketing is a great way to showcase expertise and build relationships with potential customers or partners. By providing valuable information and fostering engagement, seminars can generate brand awareness and loyalty.

what is event marketing

Seminars event marketing

Pop-Up Shops

One type of event marketing that has gained popularity in recent years is pop-up shops. Pop-up shops are temporary, controlled environments for e-commerce brands to sell their products. They can increase brand awareness, build customer loyalty, and support new product launches through personalized, face-to-face interactions.

Pop-up shops, which are just one example of event marketing, offer a unique opportunity for digital brands to bring their products to life and create a physical identity for their brand. This type of marketing is an effective way to build brand awareness and provide consumers with an immersive experience. Through live or virtual promotional events where audiences interact with a product or brand face-to-face, event marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with their target audience.

what is event marketing

Pop-Up Shops

Launch Parties and Celebrations

Launch parties and celebrations are personal events held at the launch of a new business or to celebrate success. Companies use launch parties as a way to align the event with their brand and build brand awareness. These types of events are a popular form of event marketing and are used as a strategy to introduce a new product and attract potential customers.

Companies can use launch parties to provide an immersive experience for customers, establishing and growing their brand. For example, a technology company may host a launch party with live demonstrations of their latest product, giving attendees a chance to try it out for themselves. By hosting or participating in launch parties, companies can create a memorable experience for customers and generate buzz around their products or service.

what is event marketing

Launch Parties and Celebrations


When it comes to event marketing, workshops are a popular type of event that can be part of a larger conference. These events are designed to provide attendees with educational opportunities, often featuring multiple workshops or sessions with various speakers. Trade shows and exhibitions are other types of events that can be highly effective for driving brand awareness, generating new leads, and networking with industry professionals. The success of these events often depends on the quality of networking opportunities they offer, as well as the relevance of the event to attendees' specific interests.

Finally, user summits are a popular example of company-specific marketing events that focus on training or educational objectives. These events can be highly effective for building brand loyalty, improving user engagement, and generating new leads. Overall, 40% of businesses believe that conferences are the most impactful type of event for achieving their business objectives, highlighting the importance of educational and networking opportunities in successful event marketing strategies.

what is event marketing


Benefits of Event Marketing

Event marketing is a crucial tool in establishing and growing a brand. It provides an immersive experience that allows customers to interact directly with a brand's products or services. Events can be held both in-person and virtually and provide an opportunity for face-to-face interaction between consumers and brand representatives. Event marketing also helps create brand awareness and educate consumers through discussions with industry experts, media, and influencers. Overall, event marketing is a highly effective strategy for businesses and non-profits alike as it offers a range of unmissable benefits. Investing in event marketing can lead to increased brand recognition, customer engagement, and, ultimately, business success.

Events marketing generates business

Event marketing is a powerful tool for building brand awareness and generating new business opportunities. By providing an immersive brand experience through live or virtual promotional events, companies can connect with their audience in a unique and memorable way. In fact, 95% of marketers believe that in-person events have a major impact on achieving primary business goals.

While event marketing can be expensive and require a granular analysis of costs, the benefits can be significant. By generating new business and revenue opportunities, event marketing can provide a high return on investment for companies. Additionally, events can create a lasting impression on attendees, increasing the likelihood of brand loyalty and advocacy.

Event marketing provides one-on-one customer engagement

One of the key benefits of event marketing is the opportunity it provides for face-to-face interactions with customers. One-on-one engagement is key to building brand loyalty and upselling products and services. Hosting or participating in events is also an effective way to build brand awareness, especially as consumers are more likely to engage with in-store experiential moments.

Events provide a truly immersive experience, allowing customers to get a real feel for the brand. By actively engaging with a brand, consumers are more likely to form an emotional connection with it and become loyal customers. This makes event marketing an essential tool for businesses looking to build relationships with their audience and boost their bottom line.

what is event marketing

Event marketing provides one-on-one customer engagement

Event marketing builds brand awareness

One of the top benefits of event marketing is that it can help build brand awareness. Whether hosting or participating in an event, companies have the opportunity to showcase their brand and products in a unique way. Event marketing can include both live and virtual events that allow for interactive brand engagement.

By building brand awareness through event marketing, businesses can facilitate sales and develop a loyal customer base. Event marketing strategy can be tailored to the specific goals of the brand, incorporating effective advertising tools to make an impactful impression on potential customers.

Events can also offer immersive experiences for attendees, allowing them to learn more about a brand and its products and create networking opportunities for businesses to expand their reach. Overall, event marketing is an effective way to promote and grow a brand, with the potential for a significant return on investment.

what is event marketing

Event marketing builds brand awareness

Event marketing encourages product and industry education

One of the major benefits of event marketing is that it encourages product and industry education. Unlike traditional marketing methods, event marketing includes an educational component in which attendees can learn more about a brand and its products or services. Hosting events is a key way to establish and grow brand awareness, especially in a crowded market.

Event marketing also facilitates business sales by providing a platform for companies to showcase their products and services to a targeted audience. Whether it involves live or virtual events, event marketing provides an opportunity for audiences to interact with brands in a personal and engaging way. Overall, events are a great way to increase brand awareness, generate buzz, and educate audiences about your products and services.

what is event marketing

Event marketing encourages product and industry education

Examples of Event Marketing

In the above, you learn about what event marketing is, the benefit, and some types of event marketing. Now, let's explore some examples of successful Event Marketing!

Google I/O

One prime example of event marketing is Google I/O, an annual developer conference hosted by Google. Google I/O combines educational lectures from experts and product promotions and provides high-quality broadcasts for online and offline audiences. By reaching out to both online and offline audiences, Google is able to maximize the reach of its conference and connect with a large number of people who may be interested in its products and services.

In addition to Google I/O, there are many other successful examples of event marketing, including product launches, trade shows, and community events. These events are a valuable way for companies to establish and grow brand awareness, generate leads, and connect with customers in person. To promote these events, companies use a range of strategies, including social media, email marketing, event websites, PPC campaigns, and Google Display Network. Finally, providing access to conference materials after the event can help ensure that the event continues to have a marketing impact long after it's over.

what is event marketing

Google I/O Event marketing

Forbes Under 30 summit

One example of successful event marketing is the Forbes Under 30 Summit, which targets a young audience and offers engaging speakers, presentations, and entertainment activities. This marketing campaign incorporates user-generated content, social media integration, personalized emails, and contests to create buzz and attract attendees.

Thought leadership and networking events are also popular for event marketing as they present a brand's authority and offer business opportunities. Ultimately, marketing campaign planning needs to consider both audience interests and business goals to provide a remarkable experience that resonates with attendees. To learn more about planning a successful event marketing strategy, be sure to check out the ultimate guide, which covers strategy, types of events, promotions, and KPIs for measuring success.

what is event marketing

Forbes Under 30 summit

Fuckup nights

One prime example of event marketing is Fuckup Nights, an international event series that started in Mexico in 2012. The event involves entrepreneurs sharing their business failures and learnings with an audience in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. These events provide an opportunity to learn from others' mistakes and to network with other entrepreneurs. 

Another example of event marketing is product launches and celebrations. These can help create a buzz around a product or service and also provide a way for attendees to interact with the brand and its representatives. Additionally, events such as workshops or classes can be a great way to educate and inform people about a company and its offerings. 

Event management companies can help manage registrations for a variety of events, from small seminars to large conferences. The benefits of event marketing include establishing brand awareness and a physical identity for the company while also solidifying a connection with attendees. Whether it’s a live or virtual event, event marketing is a powerful tool for companies to engage with their prospective customers and drive business growth.

what is evnt marketing

Fuckup nights

Hopefully, the above article can help you understand more about event marketing and the different types and benefits of them. Viindoo wishes you can create a suitable and successful event marketing campaign!

What is Event Marketing: Types, Benefit, and Examples
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Monica Nguyen March 27, 2023