How to manage inventory accounting with Viindoo software

Inventory accounting is an essential part of any business operation. It helps to track the products and materials that a business holds in its inventory, which is critical for managing cash flow, making purchasing decisions, and forecasting future demand. However, managing inventory accounting can be a challenging and time-consuming task. In this article, we will explore how Viindoo software can provide a solution for inventory accounting.

What is Inventory accounting?

Inventory accounting refers to the process of recording, tracking, and valuing a company's inventory or stock items. It involves managing the costs associated with acquiring, storing, and selling inventory, as well as accurately reporting the value of inventory on the company's financial statements. Inventory accounting helps businesses monitor their inventory levels, calculate the cost of goods sold, determine the value of ending inventory, and make informed decisions regarding purchasing, pricing, and production. It is an essential aspect of financial management and provides valuable insights into a company's profitability, cash flow, and overall financial health.

How to manage inventory accounting with Viindoo software
 How to manage inventory accounting with Viindoo software

Pain points in inventory accounting management

Inventory accounting management can present various pain points for businesses. Some of the common pain points include:

Stockouts and Overstocking: Balancing inventory levels to avoid stockouts (running out of stock) while also minimizing overstocking (holding excess inventory) can be challenging. Stockouts can result in lost sales and dissatisfied customers while overstocking ties up capital and increases storage costs.

Accuracy of Data: Maintaining accurate inventory data is crucial. Manual data entry and tracking can lead to errors, discrepancies, and mismatches between physical and recorded stock levels.

Costing Methods and Valuation: Deciding on the appropriate costing method (FIFO, LIFO, Average Cost) and accurately valuing inventory can impact financial statements, taxes, and profitability. Different ways can yield different results, causing confusion and complexity.

Obsolete and Slow-Moving Inventory: Businesses might struggle to identify and manage slow-moving or outdated inventory, leading to financial losses and inefficient use of resources.

Supply Chain Issues: Disruptions in the supply chain, such as delays in receiving materials or products, can affect inventory levels and production schedules.

Manual Processes: Relying on manual processes for tracking inventory, reconciling data, and generating reports can be time-consuming and error-prone.

Lack of Visibility: Inefficient inventory tracking can result in a lack of visibility into inventory levels across multiple locations or warehouses, making it difficult to manage stock effectively.

Inaccurate Forecasting: Incorrect demand forecasting can lead to mismatched inventory levels, leading to stockouts or overstocking.

Integration with Accounting: Difficulty in integrating inventory data seamlessly with accounting systems can lead to discrepancies in financial reporting.

Seasonal Demand: Businesses with seasonal or cyclical demand patterns may struggle to adjust inventory levels accordingly, leading to stockouts during high-demand periods or excess inventory during slower seasons.

High Holding Costs: Storing inventory incurs costs such as storage space, insurance, and potential obsolescence. Managing these costs can impact overall profitability.

Vendor Management: Coordinating with suppliers to ensure timely deliveries and accurate order fulfillment can be challenging, especially when dealing with multiple vendors.

Employee Training: Ensuring that employees understand inventory management processes and software tools can be a pain point, particularly in rapidly changing environments.

To address these pain points, businesses often turn to inventory management software solutions that automate and streamline processes, provide real-time insights, improve accuracy, and enhance overall inventory control. It's important to identify the specific pain points relevant to your business and seek solutions that effectively address them.

How Does Viindoo Software Manage Inventory Accounting?

Viindoo software has specific features that help businesses manage their inventory accounting efficiently. These features include:

1. Real-time inventory tracking
The Viindoo software provides real-time updates on inventory levels. You can track your inventory quantities as goods move in and out of your warehouse, allowing you to make informed decisions about restocking, purchasing, and fulfillment.

Inventory quantity tracking by Viindoo software
Inventory quantity tracking by Viindoo software

2. Costing Methods
Viindoo supports various costing methods, such as First-In-First-Out (FIFO), Last-In-First-Out (LIFO), and Average Cost, to calculate the cost of goods sold and the value of ending inventory.

>>>> See More: Accounting for Stock Valuation

Costing methods in inventory accounting by Viindoo softwareCosting methods in inventory accounting by Viindoo software

3. Real-time Stock Valuation
Viindoo provides real-time stock valuation based on the chosen costing method, allowing businesses to have up-to-date visibility into the value of their inventory.

Stock valuation in inventory accounting by Viindoo software
Stock valuation in inventory accounting by Viindoo software

4. Accounting for landed cost
Viindoo supports cost allocation to the warehouse through features and tools within the inventory management module. Whenever there are costs related to the warehouse (such as purchases, transportation, maintenance, etc.), Viindoo allows the allocation of these costs to the inventory value of goods received using a specified allocation method:

  • Equal: Total landed costs will be split equally to each product in receipt, without taking into consideration the quantity of each product.
  • By quantity: The landed cost of each product = Total landed costs * (Quantity of each product / Total quantity of products in the purchase order).
  • By current cost: The landed cost of each product = Total landed costs * (Total current cost of each product / Total purchasing cost).
  • By volume: The landed cost of each product = Total landed costs * (Total volume of each product / Total purchasing volume). The volume will be set at the product form - tab Inventory.
  • By weight: The landed cost of each product = Total landed costs * (Total weight of each product / Total purchasing weight). The weight will be set at the product form - tab Inventory.

These expenses will be recorded in the respective accounting accounts, helping to provide detailed and accurate expense reports.

>>>> See More: Accounting for landed cost

5. Financial Integration
Odoo's inventory accounting seamlessly integrates with its accounting module, ensuring that inventory-related transactions, such as purchases, sales, and inventory adjustments, are automatically recorded in the financial books.

Journal entries generated from the receipt of goods in inventory accounting Viindoo
Journal entries generated from the receipt of goods in inventory accounting Viindoo

Journal entries generated from export activities in inventory accounting Viindoo​
Journal entries generated from export activities in inventory accounting Viindoo​

6. Automatically accounting for inventory accounting entries in the Multi-Companies
The Viindoo software provides a multi-company integration feature, allowing you to manage and account for accounting records for multiple companies within the same system. In inventory management, it enables the automatic creation of accounting entries from activities within the inventory management. When there is a transaction involving inventory imports, exports, or adjustments, the Viindoo software automatically generates corresponding journal entries in the accounting system of each company.

>>>> See More: Configure inventory accounting for multi-companies

Configure inventory accounting for multi-companies with Viindoo software
Configure inventory accounting for multi-companies by Viindoo software

Journal entries for multi-companies by Viindoo software
Journal entries for multi-companies by Viindoo software

7. Inventory Reporting
Viindoo software generates inventory reports that allow businesses to track their inventory levels, compare them with prior periods, and identify trends in product demand. It provides valuable insights into inventory performance, enabling companies to optimize stock levels, avoid stockouts, and reduce carrying costs.

Besides, Viindoo system also supports reports in accordance with the law of Vietnam, including:

  • Product Journal (S10-DN);

  • General Inventory Journal (S11-DN);

  • Stock-In Report;

  • Stock-Out Report;

  • Stock Card (S12-DN).

>>>> See More: Stock reports according to the law of Vietnam

Quick Start Guide with Supply Chain Management in Viindoo

Viindoo Inventory Accounting​


Seamlessly connect your inventory accounting to create a resilient network and process built to outpace change.

Benefits of Using Viindoo Software for Inventory Accounting

Using Viindoo software for inventory accounting can provide numerous benefits for businesses, including:

1. Improved Accuracy and Efficiency
Viindoo software automates inventory accounting processes, reducing manual errors and increasing accuracy. By streamlining inventory management tasks, businesses can save time and focus on other critical areas of their operations.

2. Enhanced Visibility and Control
Viindoo software provides real-time updates on inventory levels, enabling businesses to make informed decisions about their inventory. The system's automation and reporting capabilities provide visibility into inventory performance, enabling companies to optimize stock levels, reduce carrying costs, and avoid stockouts.

3. Reduced Costs
By optimizing inventory levels, businesses can minimize carrying costs and reduce the risk of excess inventory. Viindoo software allows businesses to streamline inventory management tasks, saving time and reducing labor costs.


Viindoo software has specific features that help businesses manage their inventory accounting efficiently. These features include:

Yes, Viindoo software supports different costing methods such as First-In-First-Out (FIFO), Last-In-First-Out (LIFO), and Average Cost, allowing businesses to choose the method that best suits their inventory accounting needs.

Yes, Viindoo seamlessly integrates its inventory module with accounting. Inventory movements are automatically reflected in your financial records, ensuring accurate financial reporting.

Can Viindoo software handle multi-location inventory management?

Yes, Viindoo software supports multi-location inventory management, enabling businesses to track and manage inventory across different locations or warehouses.

Viindoo provides tools to record inventory adjustments and write-offs, allowing you to correct discrepancies, damaged goods, or other inventory losses.

Yes, Viindoo supports batch and serial number tracking. This is useful for industries where products need to be tracked based on unique identifiers.


Inventory accounting is a crucial part of any business operation. Using Viindoo software can help businesses manage their inventory accounting efficiently, resulting in improved accuracy and efficiency, enhanced visibility and control, and reduced costs. With features such as real-time inventory tracking, automated reorder points, batch & expiration date tracking, inventory costing, and inventory reporting, Viindoo can provide a solution for businesses looking to streamline their inventory accounting processes.

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How to manage inventory accounting with Viindoo software
Sally Hoang August 27, 2023