7 Tested Email Marketing Tips For Small Business In 2023

Which are the best email marketing tips to grow the customer database and generate revenue for our small business clients? In this blog post, Viindoo will give you 7 tried-and-tested email marketing tips exclusively for small businesses. 

Make it Easy For New Subscribers to Sign Up

You can't send any emails if you don't have anyone to send them to! Therefore, it's crucial to make it easy for visitors to sign up for your emails. Don't be afraid to get creative with your signup calls to action. Make them clear and prominent throughout your website. 

But remember, people are picky about giving out their email addresses. So, make sure to highlight how they'll benefit from connecting with you. Will you provide exclusive discounts or valuable educational content? Whatever it is, make it compelling and engaging to entice new subscribers.

Here are tips for email marketing that encourage visitors to sign up for your subscription. 

email marketing tips

Nike shows this exit intent popup to unsubscribed visitors

Nike uses an exit intent popup that asks for more than just an email address - they also ask for the visitor's date of birth and shopping preference. 

The form is designed to be quick and easy, with dropdown menus for most of the fields. By collecting this extra information, Nike can personalize their email communication and make sure their messages are hitting the right audience.

Use Email Marketing Automation

With email marketing automation, you'll have more time to focus on what really matters. And there are many best email marketing platforms that can help you.

Here are some email marketing tips you can pull off with email automation:

  • Welcome new subscribers with an awesome email that sets the tone for what's to come.
  • Reach out to those pesky abandoned carts and convince them to come back and finish their purchase.
  • Send discounts to customers that haven’t purchased in a while. Reignite their interest by offering a discount on something they bought before, or an item that complements that previous purchase.

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Take Advantage Of Dynamic Content

Using dynamic content is one of the best email marketing tips to personalize your marketing tactics and gain customer loyalty. 

But where to start with all this personalization? Let us introduce you to Viindoo Email Marketing. Our email marketing solution will automatically fill in the address/ recipient's name/ recipient's address, etc based on the contact information in the system.

viindoo email marketing tips

Send personalized emails to your customers with Viindoo Email Marketing

Mix Different Email Marketing Tips To Increase Open Rates

Try these effective email marketing tips to boost your email open rates:

  • Make your subject lines irresistible to click on
  • Avoid getting your emails landing in the spam box by only sending emails to people who want them, using reputable IP addresses, avoiding overused sales-y words, and giving recipients an easy opt-out option.
  • Send emails with the person's name instead. Because people prefer emails from real human beings over company names.

Make Your Emails Mobile-friendly

Did you know that over half of all web page views come from mobile devices? That means it's essential to ensure your email content looks good on screens of all sizes if you want to reach your audience. You can use Google Search Console to test your email's mobile-friendliness on different devices. 

With Viindoo Email Marketing, you can create responsive emails a breeze! Even beginners can use newsletter templates to craft beautiful and user-friendly emails.

viindoo email marketing tips

Viindoo Email Marketing helps you build the stunning and responsive email marketing

Test Your Emails Before Sending

Keep in mind that don't hit send emails without testing them first! It might seem like an extra step that you don't have time for, but trust us, testing your emails is key to a successful email marketing strategy.

Once you've crafted your content, be sure to send test emails to yourself and a few colleagues and check them on desktop, mobile, and tablet screens. 

Plus, run A/B tests to see which subject lines, email content, and CTA buttons perform the best with a portion of your email list for marketing to see what resonates best with your audience.

Clean Up Your Email List

You need to make sure that you have consent for every email address on your list. In addition, take a look at your list and remove any email addresses that you don't have permission to use or have unsubscribed. 

We understand that it might be tough to let go of hard-earned email addresses but it's better to have a smaller, engaged audience than a bloated list of uninterested subscribers.

Keep Your Message Concise And To The Point

The final tip on email marketing is to keep your content simple. Not only is it easier for you to craft shorter messages, but your readers will appreciate the brevity too. Stick to one topic per email, use headings to highlight important information, and make sure it's visually appealing.

Hopefully, these email marketing tips above will help you build a successful email marketing campaign for 2023. Don't forget about the importance of choosing the right email software. If you're overwhelmed by the selection of platforms out there, consider giving Viindoo Email Marketing a try. Let us empowers your marketing campaigns.

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7 Tested Email Marketing Tips For Small Business In 2023
Viindoo Technology Joint Stock Company, Tạ Thị Nguyên Hường March 30, 2023