Sample minutes of inventory of cash funds Circular 200,133,107 Excel

In the process of corporate financial management, the establishment of Inventory records of cash funds is very important. In order to support the units to carry out the inventory of funds more accurately and conveniently, Circular 200,133,107 has issued a form of minutes for inventory of cash funds. Refer to the article below of Viindoo Click here to learn more about these templates!

1. Sample of the cash fund inventory form VND

1.1 Form according to Circular 133

The fund inventory form is compiled according to Circular 133 /2016/TT-BTC. Download the cash fund inventory form in This.

Form according to Circular 133Form according to Circular 133

>>>> More Reference: 10+ Financial statement template according to the latest Circular 133, 200 Excel

1.2 Form according to Circular 200

The fund inventory form is compiled according to Circular 200 /2014/TT-BTC. 

Minutes of inventory of funds Excel 


Form according to Circular 200Form according to Circular 200

>>>> See More: Template money receipt most commonly used today

1.3 How to record an inventory of cash fund VND

On the upper left corner of Minutes of inventory of cash funds, the enterprise needs to clearly state the name of the unit (or stamp) and the corresponding department. Regulations on time of inventory of cash funds is performed periodically at the end of the month, at the end of the quarter, at the end of the year or when necessary for an unscheduled inspection or when handing over the fund. When conducting inventory, enterprises need to set up an inventory committee, in which, the cashier and cash accountant or payment accountant are the participating members.

To make an accurate fund inventory record, the record maker needs to specify the voucher number and the time of inventory (for example: Hour, day, month, year). Before inventorying, the treasurer needs to record in the cash book all receipts and payments and calculate the balance of the fund up to the time of inventory.

When conducting an inventory, the treasurer needs to perform an inventory of each currency in the fund separately. For each currency, the record maker needs to specify information such as the balance according to the cash book and the actual inventory book. The cash book balance is calculated by adding the cash book balance at the time of inventory in the appropriate column on the minutes.

The actual inventory is calculated by inventorying the actual amount of money in the fund and recording it in the corresponding column on the minutes. Finally, the cashier needs to calculate and record the difference between the balance according to the cash book and the actual inventory to detect errors in fund management.

The treasurer should identify and clearly state the cause of the excess or shortage of funds on the Fund Inventory Sheet. At the same time, the inventory table should also show the comments and recommendations of the Inventory Board. The fund inventory sheet needs to be signed by the treasurer, the head of the inventory committee and the chief accountant. If there is a fund difference, the treasurer must report it to the director of the enterprise for settlement.

The fund inventory table is made in 2 copies:

  • The copy is kept at the treasurer.
  • The copy is kept at the cash fund accountant or the payment accountant.
Instructions on how to record an inventory of cash funds in VNDInstructions on how to record an inventory of cash funds in VND

2. Sample sheet of inventory of foreign currency cash funds

2.1 Form according to Circular 133

The form according to Circular 133 is a sample table prescribed by the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam to manage and control foreign currency cash funds in enterprises.

Download the template now HERE

Form according to Circular 133Form according to Circular 133

2.2 Form according to Circular 200

The form of inventory of foreign currency cash fund according to Circular 200 is an important tool in managing and controlling the cash fund of enterprises. Below is a detailed, accurate sample that you can refer to.

Download now here

Form according to Circular 200Form according to Circular 200

2.3 How to record the inventory of foreign currency cash funds

To record a foreign exchange fund inventory, the treasurer should start from the top left corner of the table by recording the unit and division names. Usually, inventory of funds is done at the end of the month, at the end of the quarter, or at the end of the year.

However, if necessary, the enterprise can also conduct an unscheduled inventory or when handing over the fund. When making an inventory, the treasurer should make aban inventory with the participation of the treasurer and fund accountant to ensure the accuracy and transparency of the inventory process.

In order to have an accurate inventory of funds, the treasurer needs to specify the voucher number and the time of the inventory (in the format: Hour, day, month, year). Before starting the inventory, the treasurer needs to record in the cash book all receipts and payments and calculate the balance of the fund up to the time of inventory.

When conducting an inventory, the treasurer needs to classify each currency in the fund, including foreign currencies, gold and other currencies. Information on the cash book balance should be recorded in columns 2 and 4, based on the cash book at the time of inventory.

For the "Actual Inventory" line, the record maker needs to record the actual amount of inventory for each currency. Finally, when entering the "Differences" line, the cashier should record the difference between the cash book balance and the actual inventory, including any excess or deficiency.

In order to ensure stricter fund management, inventory steps need to be carried out carefully. The fund inventory table should clearly state the cause of any fund difference, together with comments and recommendations from the Inventory Committee.

Treasurer, head of inventory and chief accountant need to sign (write full name) on the fund inventory sheet to confirm its accuracy. Any fund differences should be reported to the corporate director for resolution.

The fund inventory committee needs to make 02 copies of the fund inventory table:

  • 01 copy is archived at the treasurer's office.
  • 01 copy is archived at the fund accounting office.
Instructions on how to record an inventory of foreign currency cash fundsInstructions on how to record an inventory of foreign currency cash funds

3. Sample minutes of cash fund inventory according to Circular 107

Sample cash fund inventory thCircular 107 is a standard form issued by the Ministry of Finance, used to record the process of checking and determining the amount in the fund. Below is a sample of minutes according to Circular 107 that businesses can refer to:

Form S11-H: Cash book in VND - DOWNLOAD at THIS

Sample minutes of inventory of cash fund in VND according to Circular 107Sample minutes of inventory of cash fund in VND according to Circular 107

Form S13-H: Book of cash and deposits in foreign currencies - DOWNLOAD at THIS

Sample inventory of foreign currency cash fund according to Circular 107Sample inventory of foreign currency cash fund according to Circular 107

4. Sample record of cash fund inventory c34-hd

Businesses can consult and download cash fund inventory report template c34-hd HERE

Model c34-hdModel c34-hd

5. Principles when making minutes of fund inventory

To set up Inventory records of cash funds The treasurer should pay attention to the following points:

  • The upper left corner of the minutes should clearly state the name of the unit (or stamp) and the department.
  • Before conducting the inventory, the treasurer needs to set up an inventory committee with the participation of the cashier and the cash or payment accountant.
  • The inventory minutes must clearly state the number of vouchers and the time of inventory (in the format of hours, days, months and years).
  • Before making an inventory, the treasurer must record in the treasury book all receipts and payments and calculate the balance of the fund up to the time of inventory.
  • When conducting an inventory, the treasurer needs to take a separate inventory of each currency in the fund.
  • The line "Balance according to the cash book" needs to be recorded based on the cash balance on the cash book at the date and time plus the inventory number to record in column 2.
  • The line "Actual inventory number" needs to be recorded based on the actual inventory number to record by type of currency in column 1 and calculate the total amount to record in column 2.
  • The "Difference" line should include the excess or lack of difference between the cash book balance and the actual inventory.
  • On the fund inventory table, it is necessary to identify and clearly state the causes of excess or shortage of funds, comments and recommendations of the Inventory Board.
  • The fund inventory sheet must be signed by the treasurer, the head of the inventory committee and the chief accountant.
  • Any difference in funds must be reported to the director of the enterprise for consideration and settlement.
  • The fund inventory table is made by the inventory committee in 2 copies, in which 1 copy is kept at the cashier and 1 copy is kept at the cash fund accountant or the payment accountant.
Principles to know when making a fund inventory recordPrinciples to know when making a Inventory records of cash funds

Here are the samples Inventory records of cash funds according to circulars 200, 133, 107 that Viindoo would like to introduce to your business. Using the inventory minutes template not only makes the fund inventory process easy, but also ensures accuracy in financial management. In addition, the implementation of all necessary steps and information on the fund inventory minutes also helps enterprises to cope with financial risks.

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Sample minutes of inventory of cash funds Circular 200,133,107 Excel
Jun Nguyen May 1, 2023