IPSC Day - Hải Dương 06/07

USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness networking event

Registrations are closed
IPSC Day - Connection and Collaboration Event
  • IPSC Day is a Connecting and Support event aimed at providing the best updated information and practical knowledge about online/offline business and import-export activities.
  • It connects buyers and domestic and international e-commerce platforms with SGB enterprises, as well as establishes connections among SGB enterprises, allowing them to update information and expand their network, thereby increasing business opportunities.
Date & Time
July 5, 2023
9:00 PM 6:00 AM Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh

Nam Cuong Hai Duong Hotel

No 1, Vo Nguyen Giap Boulevard
Hai Duong City
Hai Duong
Hải Dương Vietnam
--Nam Cuong Hai Duong Hotel--
+84 96 759 41 11
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Improving Private Sector Competitiveness (IPSC)


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